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CR1s waiting for GUZ

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It has now been about 4 months since NVC sent to case completed notice. Of course no one in GUZ can even tell me if my paperwork is there or not.

Sent the emial, they respsond saying, if I pay, they will tell me if the paperwork arrived. No problem, I pay. Then they tell me the very same stuff I was told from the (202) #.

There is lots of empathy for everyone else waiting! Lots!

Called my Senators office, they said in a week or so, they'll start investigating. I wouldn't mind waiting as much, if there was that "wonder if they'll blue-slip" us?


best wishes to everyone else! Maybe they'll get going here shortly.



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103 days from NVC letter to P3 on a K-3. Obviously there is something big happening there. Either the process of sending paperwork through customs, beijing, and the old consulate is slower than usual, or they are so backlogged that stuff just isn't getting into the computer quickly.


We're at about a month since overnighting the P3 and it isnt in the computer yet either.

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For my case, from case completion at NVC to receiving P4, it took 7 months.  You did it right by calling your senator.  I got P4 in two weeks after I contacted my senator.  Good luck.


Contacting my Senator was a complete waste of time. They emailed GUZ checking on the status of our name check delay and received a canned response. They didn't even email the correct people! GUZ has nothing to do with name check delays. Piss me OFF! :) :redmad:

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For CR1... NVC - P4 average is about 7.5 months, for CFL data this year.


Yes, it seems it takes longer than before.


My case has been sent to GUZ in Dec. last year, and the case just entered into GUZ computer last month, and who knows how long it will take for them to complete the name check, mine is IR1. And about when we are going to get a interview date? It is really frustrating.


Well, just hang in there. Another thing is so many people have waited for this long, but who knows what is wait ahead for them, red slip or blue?

God knows.



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