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Places to see near Beijing or Shanghai

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As we start our long range plan for Jen's return to China and my venture into cheezy bordom, :unsure: we are also planning the part I am most waiting for, my return to meet her there. :blink: While Jen is goint to be traveling around catching up with family and friends, the idea is that I will meet her either in Beijing or Shanghai. We would like to venture off after a few days to take in more of the country but are at a loss. Soooo, I put it to all of you. I'm looking for suggestions of places about a day's train ride or less from the big city. Expence is a factor,(Jen doesn't want to spend too much) as would be climate and scenery. Althoug Jen will leave this summer, I won't follow until around mid October so the seasonal weather also is in play.

Any pictures, suggestions, or prices would be most helpful.

So, what say you?????????????????????? B)

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Hangzhou and Suzhou are both very close to Shanghai.

Suzhou is kind of quiet, but there are some really cool parks there.


Then again, Hangzhou has some cool history and scenery, as well, and you can go buy some of the best tea in the world at Longjing, then walk along the "9 streams, 10 gullies" and down to the waterfall. We walked it in about an hour, and it's very restful and beautiful.

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Thanks, that is exactly what I'm looking for, and I hope more is coming. :cheering:

My first time in China I stayed in Kunshan, about mid way between Suzhou and Shanghai and yes, Suzhou is very peaceful and a wonderful place to buy silk. I do like the idea of Hangzhou.

mama bear, thanks for the link to papa bear's photos. I really like the idea of seeing the Great Wall. It is possible that we might start in on city and move to the other. That being said, what type of weather could be expected in Beijing in late October?

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I am looking for suggestions about areas outside of Beijing, too. I did some rudimentary searching, and came up with Xi'an as a possibility. Anyone have any input on that as a "day trip" location?


I would love to go to Shanghai, too. Is there a train from Beijing to Shanghai?  How long does it take?


I just asked Jen, and she thinks that Xi'an is a little far for a day trip from Beijing. Believe me, I want to see Xi'an too. :cheering:

I found this website for train schedules, CN trains, and it showed about an 15 hour train ride to Xi'an. It was a similar time to go to Shanghai.

Perhaps the trip could be broken up if there is good spots in between. Especially if it can satisfy Jen's want for shopping. :cheering:

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mama bear, thanks for the link to papa bear's photos. I really like the idea of seeing the Great Wall. It is possible that we might start in on city and move to the other. That being said, what type of weather could be expected in Beijing in late October?


You are welcome.

Fall is the best season in Beijing, it usually cool, sunny and clear. Late oct already start a little cold, but I guess wearing a sweater will be enough.

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mama bear, thanks for the link to papa bear's photos. I really like the idea of seeing the Great Wall. It is possible that we might start in on city and move to the other. That being said, what type of weather could be expected in Beijing in late October?


You are welcome.

Fall is the best season in Beijing, it usually cool, sunny and clear. Late oct already start a little cold, but I guess wearing a sweater will be enough.


Since here in sunny California it will probably be a little warm, that might be nice change. It's looking more and more like this will be a Beijing trip. :)

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I am looking for suggestions about areas outside of Beijing, too. I did some rudimentary searching, and came up with Xi'an as a possibility. Anyone have any input on that as a "day trip" location?


I would love to go to Shanghai, too. Is there a train from Beijing to Shanghai??How long does it take?


I lost what I typed about train from Beijing to Shanghai, have to type again.

There are a lot of night trains from Beijing to Shanghai and Xi'An. So you sleep on the train and arrive in the morning start travel. It is about 12 hours trip either to Shanghai or Xi'An. And a lot flights too.

There are more than 1 railway stations in big cities. In Beijing there are 5,i.e.:Beijing station, Beijing west, Beijing north, Beijing east, Beijing south. If you go to wrong station it will waste a lot time transfer one to the other. Usually we depart from Beijing station or Beijing west station.

The train number depart from Beijing are all odd numbers, arrive to Beijing are even numbers

Here are the night trains I searched as following:


a. From Beijing to Xi'AN: Beijing west to Xi'AN station

Hard sleeper (6 beds in a room without door) 272 Yuan / person

Soft sleeper (4 beds in a room with door) 429 Yuan/ person

Train No., BJ depart time, X'AN arrive time, Total time

1/ Z19... 20:28... 7:58 ... 11h30m

2/ T43/T46... 21:03 ... 8:39 ... 11h36m

3/ T41... 18:27... 6:50... 12h23m

4/ T7... 16:35... 5:08... 12h33m

5/ T69... 19:24... 8:15... 12h51m

6/ T75... 18:53... 7:50... 12h57m


b. From Xi'An to Beijing : Beijing west to Xi'An station, same price

Train No., X'AN depart time, BJ arrive time, Total time

1/ Z20... 19:23... 6:53... 11h30m

2/ T44/T45... 21:05... 8:41... 11h36m

3/ T42... 18:02... 6:28 ... 12h26m

4/ T8... 23:24... 11:50... 12h26m

5/ T70 ... 22:28... 11:14... 12h46m



a. From Beijing to Shanghai: Beijing station to shanghai station.

Hard sleeper (6 beds in a room without door) 317 Yuan / person

Soft sleeper (4 beds in a room with door) 499 Yuan/ person

Train No., BJ depart time, SH arrive time, Total time

1/ Z13... 19:07... 7:05... 11h58m

2/ Z21... 19:00... 6:58... 11h58m

3/ Z5... 19:14... 7:12... 11h58m

4/ Z7... 19:21... 7:19... 11h58m

5/ Z1... 19:35... 7:47... 12h12m


b. From Shanghai to Beijing: shanghai station to Beijing station, same price

Train No., SH depart time, BJ arrive time, Total time

1/ Z14... 19:00... 6:58... 11h58m

2/ Z22... 19:07... 7:05... 11h58m

3/ Z6... 19:14... 7:12... 11h58m

4/ Z8... 19:28... 7:26... 11h58m

5/ Z2... 18:47... 6:51... 12h04m

Edited by mama bear (see edit history)
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:P You know.....I'd recommend spending a day scouting out the valley of the Ming Tombs. :roller:


There are 13 tomb sights located in the valley.....and really, only 2 or 3 are on the tour bus route. MamaBear and I drove around the valley and visited 10 of the tombs not open for tours....and had a great time.


Each tomb sight has a small village located next to it....and the character of each village was different and amazing at each village. We had lunch in one of them and the food was delicious and fresh as can be. Fresh green peppers with pork and black ear....ummm ummm good.


In previous visits we did the tour of the tombs open to the public, but where you have a ticketed tour....there you also have the tour bus and guided groups with the lead person holding a megaphone and flag screaming...."Please gather around and take a few pictures".....everybody at once! I try to avoid places riddled with tour guides/groups.....they really should be outlawed.


But back to subject, the Valley of the Ming Tombs would really make a nice day trip. Walk around the tombs. Walk down the Sacred Way. Feel the presence of past emperors speaking their wisdom of an old and past China. You won't regret it! If you listen closely you will find the past still alive and well! :roller:


:roller: Just my two jiao's worth! :roller:


PapaBear :D The Original B)

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:P Oh yea :roller: The Forbidden City is being readied to undergo it's biggest face-lift in 300 years. I heard this last month when I was in Beijing. My guess is, around October 2006 it'll be under alot of scaffling and tarps. Maybe it would be best to look around the Summer Palace or Xiang Shen Gong Yuan (Fragarant Hills Park) and the Great Wall rather than try and spend a day in a place which is basically under construction. You know, it's the face-lift thing in preparation for the 2008 Olympics. :roller:


PapaBear :D The Original B)

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We were in Beijing late last October, weather was ok but the air was terrible. Summer Palance was a nice place to visit and the air was clean there.


Don't book the Great Wall tour that has a small booth located near the gates to Forbidden City. The fee was reasonable but there were added on fees once you got onto the bus. Left the hotel at 6:30am in the cargo area of a Jeep Cherokee, dropped off at the bus, went for the flag raising at Tiannamen Square, stopped to eat,went to the Great Wall for all of one hour, went to a Government Jade shop, went to a dried fruit shop, went to the Ming Tombs (very interesting), went to a traditional medicine clinic/factory where they took great interest in the only big nose and tried to sell me $250 worth of herbs to cure my every problem. Once back in Beijing (6pm)we were dumped off at a subway stop to make our own way back to the hotel.


I wish we had gone to Hangzhou instead!

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The Badaling Great Wall is a good day trip from Beijing. The thing to watch out for is the elevation. Even if it is sunny and pleasant in Beijing (I was there last October for Golden Week) it will be cold and windy at the great wall. Take a coat and a sweater, dress in layers.



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PapaBear  :rolleyes: The Original  B)


PapaBear is the original, he has to write that to claim it hehe.

Yea I am an other mama bear and my hubby is papa bear, we registed later than PapaBear and MamaBear. There is only a little diffrence between our IDs. I hadn't known that untill I got a PM from PapaBear. both of our family from BJ.

PapaBear,I got your 2nd pm in april, will reply it in details after papa bear return to US. Congrats for your new home in BJ!

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