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Any News On Rick and Yanlan?

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Dear Immigrant Visa applicant:

The consulate is unalble to issue you an immigrant visa because according to the section of the Immigration And Nationality act listed below, you are currently ineligible>



Your case needs additional processing. We will advise you when you should return.

I go home to St Louis, and Yanlan goes back to Nanning!

These guys can F!@#$$%$off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am really sorry to hear about the protracted delays. I know this may be little consolation with the tears and financial situation, but at least it does not appear the application was denied and returned to USCIS. And any platitudes about "patience" are just that (I know this is your LIFE we are talking about here!), but it appears that once you can determine what GUZ wants, the visas can finally be issued. Good luck!

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I think their problem is 2 fold. They asked for the SS# from my x-wives. they want to check on them. Number 2 Is Lulus birthday mistake, that the Consulate themselves made. I almost feel that it was done on purpose. I still can't see how you can get Feburary out of December. I have checked all Yanlans papers and re-checked mine. We both spelled out the months of our birthdays and Lulus. Not numbers, we seem to had the same idea to spell it. It is clearly their mistake. King says the check will take place anyway.

I think now is the time to contact my Congressman and Senator, and start to bring in the big guns, I as a one person army have failed. The only problem I see doing that is, Guz has all the pertainent information.

After clearly seeing a couple of truly sham marriages get passed right in front of me, there is a real problem with this system. I know a 20 yr old CAN"T truly love her 68 year old husband, but get passed right off the bat.

Oh well. I haven't given up, but I am truly beaten down hard. Maybe I can figure out something on the way back to the states.


Yanlan has cried so much she has I think broken a blood vessel in her left eye. there is a huge red spot there now, and getting bigger.

It's sad to see her like this, and I have nothing to do except hold her and say I don't know how to fix it.


Packing to go home

:vava: :vava: :vava: :) :alldone: :alldone: :alldone: :alldone: :alldone:

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Guest pushbrk
I think their problem is 2 fold. They asked for the SS# from my x-wives. they want to check on them. Number 2 Is Lulus birthday mistake, that the Consulate themselves made. I almost feel that it was done on purpose. I still can't see how you can get Feburary out of December. I have checked all Yanlans papers and re-checked mine. We both spelled out the months of our birthdays and Lulus. Not numbers, we seem to had the same idea to spell it. It is clearly their mistake. King says the check will take place anyway.

I think now is the time to contact my Congressman and Senator, and start to bring in the big guns, I as a one person army have failed. The only problem I see doing that is, Guz has all the pertainent information.

After clearly seeing a couple of truly sham marriages get passed right in front of me, there is a real problem with this system. I know a 20 yr old CAN"T truly love her 68 year old husband, but get passed right off the bat.

Oh well. I haven't given up, but I am truly beaten down hard. Maybe I can figure out something on the way back to the states.


Yanlan has cried so much she has I think broken a blood vessel in her left eye. there is a huge red spot there now, and getting bigger.

It's sad to see her like this, and I have nothing to do except hold her and say I don't know how to fix it.


Packing to go home

:vava:  :vava:  :vava:  :)  :alldone:  :alldone:  :alldone:  :alldone:  :alldone:


This is sure a tough situation and I feel for you. I'm hoping the only remaining issue is Lulu's name check being completed.

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I'm so sorry to hear this, it is really frightening. Do we need our ex-wife's information? I can get that and a letter from her but God knows it will cost me.


Get your Congressman's aides on it. This is the reason those boys and girls are there. As everyone else has said "This is not over."

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I think their problem is 2 fold. They asked for the SS# from my x-wives. they want to check on them. Number 2 Is Lulus birthday mistake, that the Consulate themselves made. I almost feel that it was done on purpose. I still can't see how you can get Feburary out of December. I have checked all Yanlans papers and re-checked mine. We both spelled out the months of our birthdays and Lulus. Not numbers, we seem to had the same idea to spell it. It is clearly their mistake. King says the check will take place anyway.

I think now is the time to contact my Congressman and Senator, and start to bring in the big guns, I as a one person army have failed. The only problem I see doing that is, Guz has all the pertainent information.

After clearly seeing a couple of truly sham marriages get passed right in front of me, there is a real problem with this system. I know a 20 yr old CAN"T truly love her 68 year old husband, but get passed right off the bat.

Oh well. I haven't given up, but I am truly beaten down hard. Maybe I can figure out something on the way back to the states.


Yanlan has cried so much she has I think broken a blood vessel in her left eye. there is a huge red spot there now, and getting bigger.

It's sad to see her like this, and I have nothing to do except hold her and say I don't know how to fix it.


Packing to go home

:vava:  :vava:  :vava:  :)  :alldone:  :alldone:  :alldone:  :alldone:  :alldone:


Rick...The sadness on both of your parts are unbearable and simply unbelivable. But, I am happy to read you are thingking of Plan Z+, ( I presume you have gone through the entire alphabet at this point, I'm sure). So, as we say in the chef business, "throw the kitchen sink at em". Meaning, what ever it takes to get them to give you and Yanlan that visa. If it means RELENTLESS contacting of your congressman and senators and even if you need to get the local dog catcher involved, so be it!!! Be like a fly on a piece of S#@t. Everyday 24/7. If they tell you they do not have an answer...tell them, very clearly, "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!" Remember....who works for whom

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