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Off to see the wise men!!!!

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Damn!! Blind American "justice" tries and convicts another victim!!

Sorry to hear about the administrative review! That can be a real pain, BUT, the battle isn't over and it still can be won! Stay in contact with your congressperson and your senators. Go to their office if you can for a personal appearance and bring pictures of the three of you together. Your congressperson is the best bet to get this resolved expediciously and for them to see that you are a real sincere family as opposed to just an e-mail should go a long way in their effort to get something done on your case. Call them on the phone every week at least to follow up.

They should ask you to sign something allowing them to inquire on your case in your behalf. If they don't ask you for your signed permission, you are getting stroked and it's time to go to another congressperson, like one where you have a relative who lives in their juristriction. DONT GIVE UP! They have to do something and they will most likely do it when they have more than one person (you) asking them what they have decided.


Good luck!

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Any other suggestions will be much apprecieated!!!

Rick and Yanlan



I would like to suggest some others to write in your search for someone to help you and Yanlan.


I have had good results from contacting my congressman. They have a smaller number of constituents than the senators and I have found them to be more inclined to help. It is their aides that will do the work, so if you contact their office, get the aides attention, they are more powerful than most people think, especially in something like this.


The only response I have ever gotten from a senator is a polite note that accomplished nothing. But in today's environment you might find a democrat that would enjoy stirring the republican pot.


It seems to me that your whole case is now totally in the hands of the State Department and I would spend most of my postage on letters there. I would start with the guy in charge of the visa section at the Consulate, then the Consul General, then the Ambassador in Beijing, and right on up the line to Condi. I believe you can find many other names here in the forums.


Take your time with each letter, never more than one page. You can attach supporting documents but only if you think it is absolutely essential.


Make sure you tell them what you want them to do for you, don't just give them history. You are an American pursuing treatment you deserve, a wrong that needs to be righted; not asking for special favors.


I have a personal rule in a situation like this: I will never mail this kind of letter until I have slept on it and read it again the next day.


I'm sure you know that we are all behind you and wish you both well and a speedy resolution of this case.


Hang tough,


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i am keeping this thread alive because i think people should know what, and how people can feel going through this process, that are in my spot also.

Currently i am in Nanning and the internet is not working at the house so i haven't been able to update the story. I found an internet cafe close to the house today.

I was able to contact DOS last night, and they told me that our case is under administration investigation. The lady could not tell me what that means. BUT she did say in broken english, that she did not see any problems with the case as it is a 221g status. It currently is not a denial.

now anyone can take this for what it is worth. It means nothing to me because I am leaving Nanning without yanlan and lulu. the time factor is what I am concerned about. I would like to know how long this investigation will take. The blue paper stated, If we do not hear from them in 3 months to contact them.

I also have contacted my Senator for Missouri and Governor, and just for fun, I emailed good ole Bush boy and his underling Cheany.(or is it the other way?) Like they will even know I exsist!!! But I did it for fun!!!!

I will need to wait to see if any of them will even take notice aobut this.

I hope even just an inquiey will just speed it up a little.

Any other suggestions will be much apprecieated!!!

Rick and Yanlan


You are wasting your time and your emails, since you are emailing the wrong people. Good luck.....


Do you have a better suggestion? You can tell me what i am doing wrong, but you do not give advise about what you think is correct.

NOt sure how long you have been a member here dude but help is what we do here.


I second that... rlheim.


Your story has been for the lack of better words, heart wrenching!!!


Maybe you can tell your story to anyone that will listen... even local/national media when you get back to the states.


Keep fighting.

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Any other suggestions will be much apprecieated!!!

Rick and Yanlan



I would like to suggest some others to write in your search for someone to help you and Yanlan.


I have had good results from contacting my congressman. They have a smaller number of constituents than the senators and I have found them to be more inclined to help. It is their aides that will do the work, so if you contact their office, get the aides attention, they are more powerful than most people think, especially in something like this.


The only response I have ever gotten from a senator is a polite note that accomplished nothing. But in today's environment you might find a democrat that would enjoy stirring the republican pot.


It seems to me that your whole case is now totally in the hands of the State Department and I would spend most of my postage on letters there. I would start with the guy in charge of the visa section at the Consulate, then the Consul General, then the Ambassador in Beijing, and right on up the line to Condi. I believe you can find many other names here in the forums.


Take your time with each letter, never more than one page. You can attach supporting documents but only if you think it is absolutely essential.


Make sure you tell them what you want them to do for you, don't just give them history. You are an American pursuing treatment you deserve, a wrong that needs to be righted; not asking for special favors.


I have a personal rule in a situation like this: I will never mail this kind of letter until I have slept on it and read it again the next day.


I'm sure you know that we are all behind you and wish you both well and a speedy resolution of this case.


Hang tough,



I agree with Travelers, who wrote, " I have a personal rule in a situation like this: I will never mail this kind of letter until I have slept on it and read it again the next day."


Choose your words carefully. Keep the emotion and the drama out of the correspondence. I think it should read like a business letter, clear and to the point. Don't ramble, and use a spell-checker. Believe me, a good letter can speak volumes with the right verbage. I do them as part of my job, so I speak from experience.



I also agree with change2marrow..."Maybe you can tell your story to anyone that will listen... even local/national media when you get back to the states. Keep fighting."


My gut is full to capacity of the media frenzy regarding illegals. I am so sick of their demands. We are supposed to be grateful for the fact that they came to this country ILLEGALLY, that they use up our resources ILLEGALLY, that greedy employers hire them ILLEGALLY, that we should change our laws to suit them? And then there are honest folks like us, doing our best to abide by the same laws, trying to LEGALLY bring our loved one(s) into this country, and receiving absolutely no sympathy.


Rick, I am not being facetious when I say that you have become a focal point for our cause. As Travelers wrote, "You are an American pursuing treatment you deserve, a wrong that needs to be righted; not asking for special favors."


Don't be afraid to ask for help either. I am sure that other CFLers, as well as myself, stand ready. Yours is a just cause.



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thanks so much everyone. I have just got the internet back and now it's time to sleep. Yanlan and I spent the day together at Lonhushan Park. We fed the monkeys all day!!! Great to get away and laugh, forget about the immigration for a while!! We spent the whole day on the mountain. Anyone that goes to Nanning for a while should go there, if your not afraid of animals.

I leave on the 3rd to go home. I guess since I have better luck back there in the states I will get started on a draft and see.

I hope these guys are willing to help. It's not re-election year!!! :P :P

Going to bed big day with the family tomorrow again, then pack :(

Rick and Yanlan

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Thanks for that great info David. I have been looking for a GOOD explaination of the Admin review!!!

Rick and Yanlan

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YOu know..........I do have a place in Mexico close to the border,  :whistling:  :whistling:

Rick and Yanaln


I get your drift. :eyebrow:

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YOu know..........I do have a place in Mexico close to the border,  :whistling:  :whistling:

Rick and Yanaln


I get your drift. :eyebrow:


Hey! 10 million Mexicans can't be wrong, meet her in Mexico and walk across. What's good for them should be good for Chinese too, Right?

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Elf and I had our interview at the same time Rick and Yanlan were scheduled for their overcome. We stayed in the same hotel and hung out, enjoying the nice weather and bitching about the whole immigration process. Yanlan was given YET ANOTHER blue slip with only one checkmark - "This case requires further consideration" or something to that extent. Under the comments section (i.e. WHY THE F*** ARE YOU DENYING MY VISA!?) there was nothing. NOTHING. Not a sentence, not a word. NO-THING. This is shameful. These guys are such a cute couple and I could practically see Yanlan's heart break in front of me. Lulus grades have suffered (try missing a couple weeks of school and see what that does to your GPA) and Rick has just about broke the bank trying to resolve this. Not only that, but the bank FROZE his assets while he was over here trying to sort it all out. I said he's lucky he is a kind and patient man ... otherwise he might be sitting in a jail cell and some unnamed goverment officials might be recouperating from broken kneecaps.


I am so sorry you are going through this brother. You and your new family deserve nothing but the best from here on out. We'll pray for you. Hope to see you soon, stateside.



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If there is nothing other than go home and wait, it might very well be just that. I haven't seen those for a while, but on occasion the interview would be done before all of the documentation was in the file. Usually something like a background check. It could have been something that came up during the intervew that they need to verify before issuing the visa.


It doesn't sound as bad as it feels. Unforunately, the only thing that can be done is to wait some more.



sorry about the mexican thing, but you know what burns my azz????????????????????????????a flame about that high! :rolleyes:


I am getting ready to get on the plane in 2 hours here in Nanning. I am leaving with out my love. All do to something I have no idea about. I hope this gets resolved soon. I got the typical ,wait for 3 months and call me in the morning, story....?????

as I said before, the internet here in the house is crap, I can't get on half the sites i need to to get things done, so I will wait until I get home and try somemore. Oh yea ,and wait somemore.

If you look at my signature you will see I said the well is dry. It's true. GuZ put the real hurt on me. But I know I am not alone. There were many, many, many, blue slips this month.

Rick and Yanlan

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