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I can not believe this, I called twice.

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Hello Gang

I called DOS this morning,

I ask if there is any status on my SO's case, the lady told me the P4 was mailed on the 10th and her interview is on May 11th. This is fast, I mean really fast. i was expecting 11 months atleast. So I called again and got the same story. Looks like my girl will be riding with me in Rolling Thunder on Memorial Day weekend... hahahaha :blink: :unsure:


Carl & Haixia

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Five months. Holy crap. I am happy for you, but feel great pain at the same time. We are now approaching 11-months.....


What makes me feel bad is, there are people who have been doing this journey for so long, how is it that one file gets through in 5 or 6 months and others take 7 months to get out of the service center?????That is so wrong. Why can't USCIS just allocate some of that money they are sitting on and hire more people, increase the budget??


Carl & Haixia

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Guest ShaQuaNew


Five months. Holy crap. I am happy for you, but feel great pain at the same time. We are now approaching 11-months.....


What makes me feel bad is, there are people who have been doing this journey for so long, how is it that one file gets through in 5 or 6 months and others take 7 months to get out of the service center?????That is so wrong. Why can't USCIS just allocate some of that money they are sitting on and hire more people, increase the budget??


Carl & Haixia


You've asked the the question that those involved in the legal immigration process keep asking themselves over, and over again. Is there anything at all fair about it? The evidence doesn't bear it out, that's for sure. Don't get me wrong, I love America, but the system used to allow one person in and another not is painful and unfair.


I am honestly happy for those that win victory and are able to see the light at the end of tunnel, or already have their loved on with them.


For now, enjoy your victory. You did it the right way, the legal way, and for that you've much to be proud! :lol:

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Guest ShaQuaNew


I ask myself the same question DAILY, as I now enter my 15th month of waiting.  I call DOS and there is no end in sight =  no interview date set.






Phil, I really think that you're very close now. Most of those that received and returned their P3s in your timeframe are also waiting for their P4. Somethings gotta break soon at GUZ. This seems like a longer than usual lull, which is usually followed by a flurry of activity....

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I'm happy for you.

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