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Interesting Conversation

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I haven't read of this situation on these forums, so I thought I'd pass it on...........

When my wife and I were obtaining my certificate of marriageability in Guangzhou last month, a man from Houston walked up to us on our way out and asked if we'd gotten a blue slip.

I explained why we were there, and he told me that his fiance (from Beijing) just received a blue slip at her interview.

At the time, he told me it was because they didn't have photos, and that they had lived together in Beijing for some time, and that he had brought proof of that (I didn't ask him what type of proof) and that he thought that would suffice.

We exchanged email addresses and phone numbers and I wished him good luck.

This morning he and his fiance called me from Houston and relayed this story: It seems the VO had also asked the fiance for her ex-husband's identity or birth certificate papers.

They had the divorce papers, of course, but nothing else from the ex-husband. After parting company with me, they had stopped at Peter Paget's office on the first floor and laid out their situation.

He was able to help them without them having to stay in GZ. The Houston man said they were able to return to Beijing, obtain the necessary papers, and also the photos they lacked, and send them to King, who was then able to obtain their Visa.

Of course this story has a happy ending because they're together in USA now, but I had never heard of this situation..............

so just thought I'd throw it out there FYI and/or discussion.


PS..........when I met the couple they were being hounded by other lawyers wanting 2000 usd to help them...............Luckily they found Peter Paget, according to the Houston man. They are not CFL members, and by coincindence, I think he said, they just happened to walk into his office

Edited by hankster (see edit history)
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Glad that one had a happy ending.


I've heard of instances where the consulate inquires as to the whereabouts of the Chinese ex, but I've never heard about having to document who the ex is. Interesting and strange. I certainly hope that this was something unique to this couple's situation and not another "crazy Ivan" by the consulate.

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you gotta be kidding!! :blink:

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Who the hell has their ex-spouse's birth certificate!?!


I saw a woman whose husband has the same surname as her ex and she also has the same maiden surname. (In some villages of China, it can happen one fourth of the population have the same surname!) She was asked for the birth certifates of her husband, herself, her ex.

VO suspected her husband is a relative of her ex.

Two motives of a scam marriage:

1. Help a friend or relative to immigrate

2. Money

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Geeze ... who has anything when the unemployed, laying around his mother's apartment, 3 times married, ex spouse demands 200,000 RMB to allow his birth daughter to go to America.


Bu Hao!




RMB200,000 for allowing his birth daughter to go to America!

Let the daughter stay in China. The crazy father will give up in one or two years. Just be patient, when the mother is naturalized, she can still file petition for her unmarried daughter.

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