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New Immigration Legislation

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I have no doubt we will soon see some form of law seeking to change the status of the illegal aliens in the US, but why not give your input to see if we can protect our loved ones from the process that is the US Congress.


If you don't like my wording change the words, but don't sit on the sideline and complain, get involved.

Write Your Representative

Write your Senator


Here is the letter I sent by email:

I am acutely aware of the immigration requirements and hurtles that are involved with legal immigration, as my wife is from the Peoples Republic of China. Recent news stories concerning illegal immigrants, which appears to be the politically correct identification of illegal aliens raises significant issues that you may or may not have considered.


While I realize it may be in the best interest of the US to come to terms with the status of the current illegal aliens, I also ask that you actively pursue some very specific language with any bill proposed for a vote in the <Senate/House of Representatives>


1) Illegal immigrant vs. Illegal Alien

The wording of such legislation should remove any doubt that the person is an illegal alien, they should under no circumstances be referred to as an illegal immigrant because they did not immigrate to the United States, they illegally entered and they should not be afforded the courtesy title of immigrant for the sake of political correctness. Referring to these individuals as if they were an immigrant who for one reason or another is out of status demeans those who endured and are currently enduring the struggle of entering the United States legally.


2) Naturalization

Any illegal alien receiving a status change due to an amnesty program would be permanently banned from naturalization. Entering the US as an illegal alien immediately disqualifies the individual under the grounds of Good Moral Character. (A person also cannot be found to be a person of good moral character if during the last five years he or she is or has been involved in smuggling illegal aliens into the United States)  Naturalization is a privilege not a right and we should not try to appease the special interest groups by frivolously granting what others have worked so hard to achieve, it would only cheapen citizenship.


3) Financial Responsibility

Legal immigrants are required to have submitted on their behalf an Affidavit of Support which was designed to prevent new immigrants from becoming a public charge. This is a binding legal document to protect the taxpayers of the US and a sponsor's obligation continues until the sponsored immigrant becomes a U.S. citizen, can be credited with 40 qualifying quarters of work, departs the United States permanently, or dies.


There needs to be some method of protecting taxpayers in the US from those who would ask us to take on an additional financial burden for these illegal aliens.


4) Fee for Change of Status

The fee structure for adjusting the status of these illegal aliens must meet or exceed the fees paid by those who entered the US as a legal immigrant. This should include fess for visa processing, Employment Authorization, Adjustment of status and cost of Biometrics. Their entry into legal status should not be a free ride on the backs of hard working taxpayers, all immigrant applications have a fee structure associated to help cover the cost of processing and there should not be an exception given for those would began their life in the US by violating US law.


5) Background Security Check

The process for a background security check is important for the security of the United States, legal immigrants are examined quite well prior to and after arrival in the US. This should be performed on all illegal aliens seeking to adjust status under any amnesty program.


6) Priority of Processing

The processing of these cases by the USCIS and security checks performed should be placed at a lower priority than those who legally entered the US. The current processing time for legal immigrants is extremely long in some areas and advancing those who entered the US illegally to a priority status that delays others is just plain wrong and would only cause more anger and bitterness for those who are patiently awaiting the current process.


Any additional staffing required to process the illegal aliens need to first be task with removing the large backlog of immigration cases that currently wait for processing. This includes those agencies that perform the various security checks for immigration. Currently many people involved in the process get lost in the system for an extended period of time, a friend of mine waited for almost 2 years for their name check to be completed after being approved for Legal Permanent Resident status.


I ask that you consider these items and do you best to protect those who came to the US legally as this issue is before you.

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This is an incredible, well-thought-out work of art. I want to use it (properly cited, of course) to help me get my point across to friends who just don't get it.


I'm sick of being made to feel that I am racist or hateful just because I feel that all guests should enter through the front door, with an invitation, rather than sneak-in through the back, and loot the place dry.

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The bill in question is in the Senate and is HR4437. This is the one the demostraters are protesting so it must be good!! I am afraid the Senate will move this one aside so that one of their own amnesty bills can be considered. Please use this bill number in your letters.


I have writen both Senators and the hispanic one twice.


I think it helped the cause by having some of the demostrators waving the Mexican flag.


Lee, I liked your points about not allowing citizenship.


Sen. Spector's bill is an amnesty bill but it seems like Sen. Frist is coming around and does not want amnesty. It may be a good idea to write him also as he is the majority leader in the Senate and wants to run for Pres.


Everyone - - -please write. You can find an e-mail form on their home page.

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I have no doubt we will soon see some form of law seeking to change the status of the illegal aliens in the US, but why not give your input to see if we can protect our loved ones from the process that is the US Congress.


If you don't like my wording change the words, but don't sit on the sideline and complain, get involved.

Write Your Representative

Write your Senator


Here is the letter I sent by email:

I am acutely aware of the immigration requirements and hurtles that are involved with legal immigration, as my wife is from the Peoples Republic of China. Recent news stories concerning illegal immigrants, which appears to be the politically correct identification of illegal aliens raises significant issues that you may or may not have considered.


While I realize it may be in the best interest of the US to come to terms with the status of the current illegal aliens, I also ask that you actively pursue some very specific language with any bill proposed for a vote in the <Senate/House of Representatives>


1) Illegal immigrant vs. Illegal Alien

The wording of such legislation should remove any doubt that the person is an illegal alien, they should under no circumstances be referred to as an illegal immigrant because they did not immigrate to the United States, they illegally entered and they should not be afforded the courtesy title of immigrant for the sake of political correctness. Referring to these individuals as if they were an immigrant who for one reason or another is out of status demeans those who endured and are currently enduring the struggle of entering the United States legally.


2) Naturalization

Any illegal alien receiving a status change due to an amnesty program would be permanently banned from naturalization. Entering the US as an illegal alien immediately disqualifies the individual under the grounds of Good Moral Character. (A person also cannot be found to be a person of good moral character if during the last five years he or she is or has been involved in smuggling illegal aliens into the United States)  Naturalization is a privilege not a right and we should not try to appease the special interest groups by frivolously granting what others have worked so hard to achieve, it would only cheapen citizenship.


3) Financial Responsibility

Legal immigrants are required to have submitted on their behalf an Affidavit of Support which was designed to prevent new immigrants from becoming a public charge. This is a binding legal document to protect the taxpayers of the US and a sponsor's obligation continues until the sponsored immigrant becomes a U.S. citizen, can be credited with 40 qualifying quarters of work, departs the United States permanently, or dies.


There needs to be some method of protecting taxpayers in the US from those who would ask us to take on an additional financial burden for these illegal aliens.


4) Fee for Change of Status

The fee structure for adjusting the status of these illegal aliens must meet or exceed the fees paid by those who entered the US as a legal immigrant. This should include fess for visa processing, Employment Authorization, Adjustment of status and cost of Biometrics. Their entry into legal status should not be a free ride on the backs of hard working taxpayers, all immigrant applications have a fee structure associated to help cover the cost of processing and there should not be an exception given for those would began their life in the US by violating US law.


5) Background Security Check

The process for a background security check is important for the security of the United States, legal immigrants are examined quite well prior to and after arrival in the US. This should be performed on all illegal aliens seeking to adjust status under any amnesty program.


6) Priority of Processing

The processing of these cases by the USCIS and security checks performed should be placed at a lower priority than those who legally entered the US. The current processing time for legal immigrants is extremely long in some areas and advancing those who entered the US illegally to a priority status that delays others is just plain wrong and would only cause more anger and bitterness for those who are patiently awaiting the current process.


Any additional staffing required to process the illegal aliens need to first be task with removing the large backlog of immigration cases that currently wait for processing. This includes those agencies that perform the various security checks for immigration. Currently many people involved in the process get lost in the system for an extended period of time, a friend of mine waited for almost 2 years for their name check to be completed after being approved for Legal Permanent Resident status.


I ask that you consider these items and do you best to protect those who came to the US legally as this issue is before you.


Excellent letter Lee. Is it okay to use it (the main body of the letter) so that I can send it to my senators? I could think for days and never come up with something that hits all the main points the way your letter does. Permission to use please. Ron

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Excellent letter Lee.  Is it okay to use it (the main body of the letter) so that I can send it to my senators?  I could think for days and never come up with something that hits all the main points the way your letter does.  Permission to use please.  Ron


Feel free to use as you desire, who knows maybe even a few of the more vocal senators would even take some of it to heart....


nawwww, that would be asking too much. :unsure:

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Excellent letter Lee.  Is it okay to use it (the main body of the letter) so that I can send it to my senators?  I could think for days and never come up with something that hits all the main points the way your letter does.  Permission to use please.  Ron


Feel free to use as you desire, who knows maybe even a few of the more vocal senators would even take some of it to heart....


nawwww, that would be asking too much. :unsure:


They have to have a heart first......

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Excellent letter Lee.  Is it okay to use it (the main body of the letter) so that I can send it to my senators?  I could think for days and never come up with something that hits all the main points the way your letter does.  Permission to use please.  Ron


Feel free to use as you desire, who knows maybe even a few of the more vocal senators would even take some of it to heart....


nawwww, that would be asking too much. :unsure:


I will send by "snail" mail once I find the addresses. I don't think they read email that much.

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I will send by "snail" mail once I find the addresses.  I don't think they read email that much.


You would be amazed at how they read email, ever since the issues with white powder in letters it can take 2 months to get a piece of paper to a DC office.


Good point. Okay, I got the addresses and I've emailed Senator Boxer, Feinstein, and Rep. Jerry Lewis.

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I have no doubt we will soon see some form of law seeking to change the status of the illegal aliens in the US, but why not give your input to see if we can protect our loved ones from the process that is the US Congress.


If you don't like my wording change the words, but don't sit on the sideline and complain, get involved.

Write Your Representative

Write your Senator


Here is the letter I sent by email:

I am acutely aware of the immigration requirements and hurtles that are involved with legal immigration, as my wife is from the Peoples Republic of China. Recent news stories concerning illegal immigrants, which appears to be the politically correct identification of illegal aliens raises significant issues that you may or may not have considered.


While I realize it may be in the best interest of the US to come to terms with the status of the current illegal aliens, I also ask that you actively pursue some very specific language with any bill proposed for a vote in the <Senate/House of Representatives>


1) Illegal immigrant vs. Illegal Alien

The wording of such legislation should remove any doubt that the person is an illegal alien, they should under no circumstances be referred to as an illegal immigrant because they did not immigrate to the United States, they illegally entered and they should not be afforded the courtesy title of immigrant for the sake of political correctness. Referring to these individuals as if they were an immigrant who for one reason or another is out of status demeans those who endured and are currently enduring the struggle of entering the United States legally.


2) Naturalization

Any illegal alien receiving a status change due to an amnesty program would be permanently banned from naturalization. Entering the US as an illegal alien immediately disqualifies the individual under the grounds of Good Moral Character. (A person also cannot be found to be a person of good moral character if during the last five years he or she is or has been involved in smuggling illegal aliens into the United States)  Naturalization is a privilege not a right and we should not try to appease the special interest groups by frivolously granting what others have worked so hard to achieve, it would only cheapen citizenship.


3) Financial Responsibility

Legal immigrants are required to have submitted on their behalf an Affidavit of Support which was designed to prevent new immigrants from becoming a public charge. This is a binding legal document to protect the taxpayers of the US and a sponsor's obligation continues until the sponsored immigrant becomes a U.S. citizen, can be credited with 40 qualifying quarters of work, departs the United States permanently, or dies.


There needs to be some method of protecting taxpayers in the US from those who would ask us to take on an additional financial burden for these illegal aliens.


4) Fee for Change of Status

The fee structure for adjusting the status of these illegal aliens must meet or exceed the fees paid by those who entered the US as a legal immigrant. This should include fess for visa processing, Employment Authorization, Adjustment of status and cost of Biometrics. Their entry into legal status should not be a free ride on the backs of hard working taxpayers, all immigrant applications have a fee structure associated to help cover the cost of processing and there should not be an exception given for those would began their life in the US by violating US law.


5) Background Security Check

The process for a background security check is important for the security of the United States, legal immigrants are examined quite well prior to and after arrival in the US. This should be performed on all illegal aliens seeking to adjust status under any amnesty program.


6) Priority of Processing

The processing of these cases by the USCIS and security checks performed should be placed at a lower priority than those who legally entered the US. The current processing time for legal immigrants is extremely long in some areas and advancing those who entered the US illegally to a priority status that delays others is just plain wrong and would only cause more anger and bitterness for those who are patiently awaiting the current process.


Any additional staffing required to process the illegal aliens need to first be task with removing the large backlog of immigration cases that currently wait for processing. This includes those agencies that perform the various security checks for immigration. Currently many people involved in the process get lost in the system for an extended period of time, a friend of mine waited for almost 2 years for their name check to be completed after being approved for Legal Permanent Resident status.


I ask that you consider these items and do you best to protect those who came to the US legally as this issue is before you.


Hello Lee

I think is s great. I do feel the same way and would love to use this. Great talking points when having conversations with friends.

Good Job



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Guest ShaQuaNew

Unfortunately many of our lawmakers are afraid to take a stand on this as the illegal aliens, and let's get this straight, they are "ALIENS" and not "immigrants;" are verbal and well organized. Also, the vast majority of these illegals are of latin persuasion. Anything less than immediate deportation of any illegal is a slap in the face to those that have obeyed immigration law.

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wow wow wow!!! Lee, excellent!! I have already sent to my two Senators and Congressman. It would be most interesting to me to see how our Florida Senators would vote. Especially, having a current Senator who is hispanic and Florida has a huge hispanic populous. As well as California and other Soutwestern states. Anybody want to take bets on how they will vote?

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Guest ShaQuaNew
wow wow wow!!!  Lee, excellent!!  I have already sent to my two Senators and Congressman.  It would be most interesting to me to see how our Florida Senators would vote.  Especially, having a current Senator who is hispanic and Florida has a huge hispanic populous.  As well as California and other Soutwestern states.  Anybody want to take bets on how they will vote?


The bill has already been approved in the House, today, it went to the Senate. I think it VERY likely that the bill will pass. The major hangup is the funky guest worker program, which just gives all the illegals another way to get right back in.....

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