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BlackHole people....

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It seems like a lot of us black-holers got good news lately, but unfortunately, some did not yet.... :lol:

How many are out there? Too many of my friends out there.. ONE too many...

I'll help in any way I can..If I can.

In a way, this is ridiculous..... I mean, I'm thrilled obviously by Yuhui's visa... Yet i think... WTF?? We deserved that one months ago ! I guess we are all numbed by this fiasco, and take every bit of a small victory or factual news as a "victory" This should have never happened...But it did.

I say.. FRY this damn Moahamed guy they nabbed in Pakistan few days ago... Period.

Sorry, I'm rambling again... :lol:


Back to the TEETH avatar...

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How many are out there? Too many of my friends out there.. ONE too many...

ttlee_99's list in the Links and resources forum tracks this nicely. And it's now color-coded for easier viewing.


I personally would like to see it pinned here in the main forum as a constant reminder that GZ still has work to do.

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How many are out there? Too many of my friends out there.. ONE too many...

ttlee_99's list in the Links and resources forum tracks this nicely. And it's now color-<span style='color:red'>coded</span> for easier viewing.


I personally would like to see it pinned here in the main forum as a constant reminder that GZ still has work to do.

I do feel guitly guys :lol:

Although some of you said I shouldn't and deserve it..As an "old" timer visa-wise

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Eric, all the jokes and ribbing aside, you have done more than your part in this whole effort. You have absolutely no reason to feel guilty at all. I am sure that you will continue to drop in and give advice and support to all the new people that are always arriving.


Life isn't fair, Eric. Make the most of what you are delt. Your job now is to start your new life together off right.

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Like I told you yesterday Eric. You have no reason to feel guilt. You have been a help, a support, and dare I say it, an inspiration to all of us throughout this long ordeal. Enjoy your blessings for they are well-deserved.


Now that I have said all those nice things, don't getting a swelled-head, Ok. :D

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My friends, I am so happy for you guys. My wife is cleared but we are still waiting for the pickup letter. Her interview was at the end of the infamous black hole period, on 09/09. It seems the earlier August people are getting their visas. Now could this mean that some degree of logic is actually creeping into the process?

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I believe all of us who petitioned prior to April 2002 are blackhole people because they submitted our clearances also in July. They just held up our interviews. We were suppose to be interview in Sept. but they began cancelling any interviews unless you insisted. I insisted in Sept. and got an interview Oct. 30th. So I believe many in Sept., Oct, Nov. and some in Dec. got left behind. But it is great if they are now following up on all of us forgotten one in a logical order based on interview date or petition date.


Lets hope we all get cleared out this month. I am praying so.

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"could this mean that some degree of logic is actually creeping into the process?"


now you're talkin' CRAZY!



i am happy for all the good news, but it's important for those of you with none to keep posting. let us know where you are in the process, and we can help apply a little presure here and there.

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(Sigh...) :P

Hang in there AZ, your day is on the horizon. I think this will be a special week for many.

I feel :( some degree of sense in your optimism, though it's a wait and see, especially after Tex's post - God, that poor man AND his girl.


Today, March 3 is National Day of Prayer. At 3:33 (3303 date) I'll be offering it up for us ALL, waiters and visa holders - We've been through alot together - God WILL do His will, in due time :D :(

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We were told 3+ weeks ago that we had cleared inter-departmental name/ security checking system but still have to wait a few weeks for dos to send to to GZ. Now my congressman's office seems to not answer me.

I ask for a response last week and no response. So we are still in the black hole since August 13th.

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