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Been to China 5 times to visit my wife

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There has been some conjecture recently that, in cases of a low-income petitioner, the VO may have suspected that trips might have been paid for by the benificiary. If I remember correctly, this was brought up by SmilingAsia, who has worked with a number of overcome cases in China.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
I will bite !!  Why would the VO be interested in who bought the tickets ?


Shouldn't make any difference unless your Chinese partner is financially subsidizing your trips for the purpose of a sham marriage or relationship. The US government does not look upon such activity favorably, and become quite suspicious if discovered. If your Chinese partner has been paying for your trips, or otherwise providing you cash, I would think it prudent to have a clear an concise explanation as to why.....

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On my wife's DS-156, I had her write as I will pay for her plane ticket.


You know, my first trip to china, I paid for it, 1,200 dollars. I was saving for my last trip, in Feb 06, when a deal came at me, and I was short. My wife western union'd me 800 bucks and I got a ticket for 798.00 round trip to beijing and back. If the VO cares enough to ask do you all think thats a good enough reason?

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I will bite !!  Why would the VO be interested in who bought the tickets ?


Usually in a fraud case, the beneficiary pays for everything.

If the figures on the Income Tax Returns are not so good and the petitioner has paid too many trips to China, VO tends to question the petitioner's source of finance.


In a genuine relationship, I don't think it will be a problem if the beneficiary pays for the flight ticket, especially when the beneficiary has decent education and prestigious profession.

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