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no, i can't visit SB so easy, i get stomach infections left and right. last trip i got 4 in 2 monhts time. lost half of my hair from all the high fevers. US gov might have a dead american on there hands one day from severe illness if they dont help us. how long do they expect me to be apart from my wife?

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I have been apart from my fiancée physically for over a year. . . planning to visit again in couple months if still no visa. It has been hard, yes, but our love has survived our government's heartless test.


If love prevails, you will conquer. Just keep in mind the lifetime of joy you can have together after this wait is finally over. Is your love not worth whatever wait you must endure?


I know it is hard to be apart, but keep in contact with her by all means at your disposal. . . email, chat, install a web cam, plug a headset (less than $20) into your pc so you can talk to her. Install free Yahoo IM and you can see and hear each other at the click of a mouse. Of course, if your finances permit, you can phone her daily.


I guess you could always take non-perishable food with you to China and drink bottled water. Or are the infections due to the airborne bacteria and viruses? It might be better to make 3 trips with 2-week stays, than one trip with a 2-month stay.

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We are doing whatever we can through internet. we use webcam, we send vidoe to each other. we talk with headset. we talk in phone.

but now it can;t make us excited anymore...i can;t really enjoy the limited moment we have through internet because this visa problem really effect us too me.

i want to be sweet to my husband. and make him happy. but when i see him in webcam it just makes me missing him more. i hope i can just touch his hair and give him a kiss. god i really don't know why god wants to test us like this. i am really too tired of being surfer this pain in my heart.

we love each other, we love art. we love music. we love children. we love people.we love our contries...i really don;t know why people put this endless clearance on me and let us endure this pain like this.

I believe love is something that most beatuful in this world. but now this suffering from love is really killing us. how long? how long this nightmare can be ended?


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You are the same as all of us who still wait. All of us are couples in love. It is pain for all of us who wait. This may not help to know, but we all feel the same. . . how can we wait another day.


The wait is hard, but the joy after the wait is over is something to think about while you are waiting. Those thoughts and the belief in love have helped me through this. I never thought I could wait this long, but I love her enough to wait as long as it takes. Try to think about the happy times when you were together and dream of the happy times when you will be reunited.


Hopefully you will get your visa sooner. You cannot believe everything DOS people tell you. Don't give up. Keep contacting your officials. You are not sure that the hold will be 6 more months. Try not to worry about something that has not happened yet. Do you and your husband have the CONTACT LIST ?

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The wait is hard, but the joy after the wait is over is something to think about while you are waiting.

Thinking back, I certainly can vouch for that... Those past 2 days alone since Yuhui arrived just completely erased 7 months of bad memories, started 8/1/02 ... B)

Ouch! :wacko: Our 7-month interview anniversary is today :wacko: . I still remember how excited I was knowing that she was at the consulate and thinking she would be walking out with a visa in hand. B)

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The wait is hard, but the joy after the wait is over is something to think about while you are waiting.

Thinking back, I certainly can vouch for that... Those past 2 days alone since Yuhui arrived just completely erased 7 months of bad memories, started 8/1/02 ... B)

Ouch! :( Our 7-month interview anniversary is today :( . I still remember how excited I was knowing that she was at the consulate and thinking she would be walking out with a visa in hand. B)

we can only wait for magic happens now :wacko: :wacko: B)

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Here is a great news from 001. there is one girl who was told that her case is put on hold by Lisa two weeks ago. but then today got information from DOs that her case was cleared B)

really like people said we should not beileve Lisa too much :wacko:

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