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3 Hours taxi cab ???

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Guest pushbrk
I was talking to my SO about visiting the great wall of China while in Beijing. She said it is 3 hours away and we can take a taxi cab, a friend of her is driving a taxi cab.


But 3H away ?!?!? aren't taxi cab expensive in beijing ?


I don't know about Beijing specifically, but you can generally hire a car a driver fairly cheaply in Chinese cities. (Think in terms of less than renting a car for a day in a US city.) Forty bucks is 320RMB for instance. Lots of these questions are better asked of and answered by your SO who is on the ground locally and can provide accurate answers.

Edited by pushbrk (see edit history)
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During our trip to Beijing we visited The Great Wall. From the Holiday Inn Downtown Beijing we talked to the travel agency in the lobby. The lady said, "from the agency to hire a driver it will cost 800 RMB, but I have a friend who will take you for 700 RMB." Go Figure? We chose the 700 RMB price. The driver takes you to The Wall, and waits for you until you have your fill. The car was very nice, Oldsmobile, so much better than the traditional VW Choo-zoo cher. I swear those things must run on rubber bands. It was about an hour trip to the Badaling section of The Wall, although we did a pit stop at a Temple. The Temple was nice, which for 300 RMB you can buy insence for the monk to burn, then another 90 RMB for more insence to burn for wealth, then if the monks are talking to people. Well this is on donation terms........Asking 1800 RMB. Lao po said, " xiao qi lao gong must give 50 RMB." anyway........

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Guest pushbrk
During our trip to Beijing we visited The Great Wall. From the Holiday Inn Downtown Beijing we talked to the travel agency in the lobby. The lady said, "from the agency to hire a driver it will cost 800 RMB, but I have a friend who will take you for 700 RMB." Go Figure? We chose the 700 RMB price. The driver takes you to The Wall, and waits for you until you have your fill. The car was very nice, Oldsmobile, so much better than the traditional VW Choo-zoo cher. I swear those things must run on rubber bands. It was about an hour trip to the Badaling section of The Wall, although we did a pit stop at a Temple. The Temple was nice, which for 300 RMB you can buy insence for the monk to burn, then another 90 RMB for more insence to burn for wealth, then if the monks are talking to people. Well this is on donation terms........Asking 1800 RMB. Lao po said, " xiao qi lao gong must give 50 RMB." anyway........


For excursions, you are much better off to hire a car and driver. Just check with any major hotel concierge, if you don't already have a contact.

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I visited the Badaling Great Wall while there also. Consider getting the 'Great Wall Hero Certificate' for memories and as part of the relationship / visit evidence. It will have a date and a photo of both of you on the Great Wall.


BE SURE to take a warm coat, even if it is warm and sunny in Beijing. It won't be in Badaling, which is up in the mountains. Also the tram tickets are worth it. There is a free bus to the tram, then the cable takes you up to the wall itself. Get a lot of photos!


Loving Candle's family had a friend with a car. I gave her 100 RMB which was pushed back with many smiles several times. She finally accepted it when we explained it was not fair for her to pay for the gas. I also paid her tram and Great Wall tickets, and lunch for everybody.


Even if you don't think you like duck, you should go to one of the better duck restaurants in Beijing. Wonderful!!!



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Ah, Yes.


Beijing Quanjude Hepingmen Roast Duck Resturant!


The driver told us that this was the only place in Beijing, back in December. At the time the poultry in Beijing was put on hold, so to speak.


Oh, they close down during the afternoon, but re-open for dinner.



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I agree with the posts above, but really there are tons of small buses to the Great Wall every hour on the hour. We took one and cost us all of 80 RMB to the Great Wall and Ming Tombs. My mandarin is poor, but I can understand better than I can speak. The tour is pretty hard core Mandarin. But that is what your SO is for, she/he can translate.


Quanjude is the restaurant which prepares Peking Duck by which all other are measured. Be sure to go to the Qianmen Quanjude, that is the headquarters, the largest Quanjude, and also the oldest. You are a stone's throw away from the Forbidden city and Tianamen Square. This is my favorite restaurant when I visit my SO. I get an official "certificate" for each duck we eat. Let's just say I'm well past 20 such certificates ;)

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I agree with the posts above, but really there are tons of small buses to the Great Wall every hour on the hour.  We took one and cost us all of 80 RMB to the Great Wall and Ming Tombs. My mandarin is poor, but I can understand better than I can speak.  The tour is pretty hard core Mandarin.  But that is what your SO is for, she/he can translate.


Quanjude is the restaurant which prepares Peking Duck by which all other are measured.  Be sure to go to the Qianmen Quanjude, that is the headquarters, the largest Quanjude, and also the oldest.  You are a stone's throw away from the Forbidden city and Tianamen Square.  This is my favorite restaurant when I visit my SO.  I get an official "certificate" for each duck we eat.  Let's just say I'm well past 20 such certificates  ;)




Many of the hotels will have these "small bus" tours for very cheap (my SO paid, so I don't know how cheap). They usually will try to sell you something (Jade factory and/or Chinese herbal medicine), but there is no pressure.


Check at your front desk.

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In Beijing you should be able to hire a taxi for most of the day for 300-400 RMB.  The Mutainyu section ot the wall is farther away than Badaling, but much less crowded, more scenic




Yes - at Badaling, we had to get off the wall, and hike alongside to the next tower just to get past a massive traffic (people) jam in July.

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