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  1. Just my guess, but I would bet 100 RMB that you are gonna get a RFE because the instructions ask specifically for the latest and greatest tax returns.
  2. Congrats Jon! Wedding photos are definitely the way to go in China. I know my sister spend in excess of $4,000.00 USD for her wedding photos and video at her wedding and reception. My wife has been clamoring to go back and get some wedding photos done in China as well. Seems like the big difference in photos is that in China they are more "studio" type as in, there is make-up constantly, change in costumes, and most importantly, change in scenary. For US style photos, for the wedding, they just shoot the place of the party. If you want to go to various locations, be prepared to pay big bucks. I think my sister signed a contract for $300/Hr for the photographer alone.
  3. Both myself and ckhang passed our respective inteviews. K1 and K3. Just got back after a nice celebratory dinner. Good luck to those comming up. Oh for the record, they asked my SO: 1. How did you meet. 2. How long you know each other. 3. What does your SO do. 4. Can I see pictures. 5. Can I see tax returns. Thats it. Approved.
  4. Jesse, Just my thoughts. You are correct that Shenzhen's primary language is Mandarin even though it is in the Guangdong province. However, the reason for its dominance by Mandarin is for a few reasons. 1. It is a special Economic Center, one of I think 12 cites, that the govern is dumping tons of money into to modernize. 2. Due to reason 1, it is a favorite city for transiants to come to SZ to obtain work. Thus a lot of people try to migrate to SZ for work opportunities. Guangzhou,, the capital of Guangdong province, which is only about 45 minutes away from SZ is undiputedly the capital of the Cantonese language(also known as Guangdong hua). Although, most educated people in GZ can speak Mandarin, cantonese is the language for their friends and family, and the locals. Outside of the hotels, and nice restaurants, the locals speak Cantonese. HK's primary language has always been Cantonese, English, and Mandarin in that order. The increase in Mandarin speaking in HK is driven purely by necessity as more people come to HK from the mainland, and more business opportunites arise between the mainland and HK
  5. I agree with the posts above, but really there are tons of small buses to the Great Wall every hour on the hour. We took one and cost us all of 80 RMB to the Great Wall and Ming Tombs. My mandarin is poor, but I can understand better than I can speak. The tour is pretty hard core Mandarin. But that is what your SO is for, she/he can translate. Quanjude is the restaurant which prepares Peking Duck by which all other are measured. Be sure to go to the Qianmen Quanjude, that is the headquarters, the largest Quanjude, and also the oldest. You are a stone's throw away from the Forbidden city and Tianamen Square. This is my favorite restaurant when I visit my SO. I get an official "certificate" for each duck we eat. Let's just say I'm well past 20 such certificates
  6. I'll be there. If you want to meet up, send me a PM. I'll give you my china mobile number
  7. Adding time to your visa at the police station is pretty easy. Or you could take a quick train ride to Hong Kong from Shenzhen (maybe 20 min max) and turn right around, and come back in China with your 2nd entry. Either way, you shouldn't have much problem.
  8. I must have missed the complaint. But from what I have seen King's posts have been informative and very professional. There has been no solicitation by him for any business whatsoever. Seems, like a bunch of members even suggest those with serious problems seek him out. Love lawyer or hate lawyers. Thats your choice. However, from King's defense, if you dont hire him, and he had the courtesy to answer your questions for "free." Why complain? As Benjamin Franklin once said " A Lawyer's time is his stock and trade."
  9. Just gonna miss ya Ken. I will be flying to Guangzhou on the 12th of Feb. My gals interview date is on the 23, but I have a little business of my own to do before then Was hoping to meet a few CFLers, if they in Guangzhou. I know the city very well, and can show ya around the "hot spots."
  10. Dannie is absolutely correct. There are HUGE cultural differences regarding the issue of dowry between the north and the south (particularly Guangdong province). The dowry is used to pay for the wedding and 95% of the time, the money will be RETURNED with the bride/fiancee for her to take back to her new "family." Also it is important to note how elaborate the wedding party will be. I spent over $12,000 on my engagement ceremony in Beijing. Granted this was at the Pennisula Hotel, Included 2 lion dances, 20 dancers/band for parade, photographer, videographer, make-up artists, hair stylists, and sumptious food that included abalone and shark fin. But hey, its what my gal wanted, and I didn't want her parents to lose "face." The "gifts" from the local wedding guests didn't come close to how much I paid, and I insisted that my fiancee's family keep the wedding gifts. Oh, and I also paid for an engagement ring for my fiancee in the 5 figure mark. I did this because I respected the wishes of my new family. It is also a showing of trust. Remember guys, that in many cases, the only son/daughter is going so far away to marry someone. They are giving up their life etc. In a way maybe its a test, to see how you will "treat their daughter in the future." IE are you generous, will you take care of her. But my showing of faith, inspires the same faith toward me. As an engagement present, my father-in-law gave me a deed to our new "winter home" in Zhuhai. The deed was in both my name and my wife's name. Talk about shocked! Ok, I spent a little money on my wife, thats my job. In return, I received a free standing villa on the beach worth over $150,000. My future in laws are not poor. They just want the best for their daughter as do I. Remember, in many cases, this all boils down to trust.
  11. I was under the impression that the AoS package was filed according to nygatl15's time line. He made some mention that she didn't include the "checks" etc. But that is her statement to you, which I would take with a hardy dose of skepticism. As to the annulment situation, I don't know the laws in your state. But fraud is always a basis of anullment. If you allege fraud, on information and belief, then it is up to the other party to dispute it. Sounds like that you don't even have her address, so you are going to have to execute "service" by publication most likely. Doesn't really change anything. It has been stated before, consult a family law attorney to discuss your options.
  12. I dont think the 90 days has anyting to do with it now that she is married. The 90 is is only to marry. You can adjust anytime after that for the green card. I dont think she is out of status at all. Really, I hate to be blunt but, either stop it, or stop thinking about it. I know a lot of people told you that you should inform the BCIS about your situation. If you don't want to, thats your perogative. But then, why waste your time wondering "what if this, what if that." Seems that she has made her decision. Now you have to make yours. If my honesty is too brutal, I apologize for my lack of finesse.
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