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Heading out to Shanghai

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Well, after a little bit over a year here in Hong Kong and travelling into China to work on deals, I have finally decided to make the big dive, to work and live in Mainland China - Shanghai, for a property fund. With a two year contract and knowing that in two years the Fund will be fully invested leaving little work for me to do with the Fund, it is scary in a sense. Gone will be the security offered by one of the largest law firms in the world. Well, I can live very, very comfortably in Shanghai, at least for a short while.

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Big moves are often exciting and anxiety provoking at the same time. I lived in Mainland China for over five years and not in such a progressive area as Shanghai. Still, I loved it for the most part.


Hope you have a great time there and look forward to hearing about your experiences.

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Well, after a little bit over a year here in Hong Kong and travelling into China to work on deals, I have finally decided to make the big dive, to work and live in Mainland China - Shanghai, for a property fund. With a two year contract and knowing that in two years the Fund will be fully invested leaving little work for me to do with the Fund, it is scary in a sense.  Gone will be the security offered by one of the largest law firms in the world.  Well, I can live very, very comfortably in Shanghai, at least for a short while.


Exciting! I wish I was in a life position where I could work for a western firm (at western wages) and live in GZ with my wife. It would be an absolutely amazing experience.


I need to be here for my kids, or I would look for such a job. My wife and I have talked about retiring in China, but that is still 30-35 years away, and things will be so different then, I am sure.


You are going at a great time, and a great city. Enjoy!

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