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How many of you soon to be husband and wife will get married in Vegas?


Anyone that has already used the sin city as your place of marriage have any pointers to give or recommendations?


I dont' have any family here and neither will she. So rather then going down to some government building and just signing a piece of paper, I thought it would be somewhat more romantic to do a nice vegas wedding with photos and flowers.

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How many of you soon to be husband and wife will get married in Vegas?


Anyone that has already used the sin city as your place of marriage have any pointers to give or recommendations?


I dont' have any family here and neither will she.  So rather then going down to some government building and just signing a piece of paper, I thought it would be somewhat more romantic to do a nice vegas wedding with photos and flowers.


My congratulations to ya!


While there, you can look up Dr. Dave G.................. :cheering:

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Got married to wife number two in Vegas. We got married in the Strastoshpere(sp) Hotel. Many, many nice packages available that the different resort have if that is the way you want to go. You go into a room filled with chairs,(for possible guest), flowers and alll the fixins. You are up front with the preacher when the doors in the back open and the music starts to play the wedding march. Your soon to be wife is at the door and she walks down the aisle with a flower bouquet in her hand that the hotel provides. She meets you up front. The preacher does the ceremony. Pronounces you man and wife. You kiss her and walk back up the aisle with the music playing again. Ceremony done. They even give you a video of the whole ceremony. Including close up shots of her crying and maybe you too. These packages even include the honeymoon suite and a romantic dinner if you wish. I suggest maybe going on line and do a search for the packages you may like. Oh, prior to that, you need to go to the Clark County's Clerk Office to get your license. Maybe a 30 minute wait. Good luck!! :blink: :blink:

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Thanks chef4u......


I'll do some online searching.


Good post Todd, I have thought about this too. Could be a good idea.


When I mentioned it to Jie, she said, "Do they really have dancers like that in Las Vegas, with no tops?" I said yes, do you want to see them? She said, sure, because she cannot believe there is something like that.


I said me too, lets see one.


Then she changed her mind. I dont know why? :rolleyes:

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Thanks chef4u......


I'll do some online searching.


Good post Todd, I have thought about this too. Could be a good idea.


When I mentioned it to Jie, she said, "Do they really have dancers like that in Las Vegas, with no tops?" I said yes, do you want to see them? She said, sure, because she cannot believe there is something like that.


I said me too, lets see one.


Then she changed her mind. I dont know why? ;)


Ken that cracks me up. lol


I know my Li is very excited about going to vegas. I asked her if she wants to fly or drive. She said we drive. haha. She likes road trips it seems. :o

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Thanks chef4u......


I'll do some online searching.


Good post Todd, I have thought about this too. Could be a good idea.


When I mentioned it to Jie, she said, "Do they really have dancers like that in Las Vegas, with no tops?" I said yes, do you want to see them? She said, sure, because she cannot believe there is something like that.


I said me too, lets see one.


Then she changed her mind. I dont know why? :rolleyes:


Ken that cracks me up. lol


I know my Li is very excited about going to vegas. I asked her if she wants to fly or drive. She said we drive. haha. She likes road trips it seems. :rolleyes:


I talked about the road trip too Todd, but when she heard the speeds I like to drive, she changed her mind and wants to fly.


I dont get it. Airplanes go 500 to 600 mph.


I only go 110.


Whats the deal?

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Thanks chef4u......


I'll do some online searching.


Good post Todd, I have thought about this too. Could be a good idea.


When I mentioned it to Jie, she said, "Do they really have dancers like that in Las Vegas, with no tops?" I said yes, do you want to see them? She said, sure, because she cannot believe there is something like that.


I said me too, lets see one.


Then she changed her mind. I dont know why? :)


Ken that cracks me up. lol


I know my Li is very excited about going to vegas. I asked her if she wants to fly or drive. She said we drive. haha. She likes road trips it seems. :o


I talked about the road trip too Todd, but when she heard the speeds I like to drive, she changed her mind and wants to fly.


I dont get it. Airplanes go 500 to 600 mph.


I only go 110.


Whats the deal?



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Thanks chef4u......


I'll do some online searching.


Good post Todd, I have thought about this too. Could be a good idea.


When I mentioned it to Jie, she said, "Do they really have dancers like that in Las Vegas, with no tops?" I said yes, do you want to see them? She said, sure, because she cannot believe there is something like that.


I said me too, lets see one.


Then she changed her mind. I dont know why? :lol:


Ken that cracks me up. lol


I know my Li is very excited about going to vegas. I asked her if she wants to fly or drive. She said we drive. haha. She likes road trips it seems. :huh:


I talked about the road trip too Todd, but when she heard the speeds I like to drive, she changed her mind and wants to fly.


I dont get it. Airplanes go 500 to 600 mph.


I only go 110.


Whats the deal?




Qingqing and I got married in Sin City last November...Picked up the licence around 2am with no wait at all..Note: It took 5 weeks to recieve a certified copy of the marriage certificate.. we sent for it as soon as we got back to Dallas.. they told us that the chapels have up to 10 days to file the marriages and that it could take 4 weeks to recieve a copy... They were right...delayed are AOS filing by another month... :rolleyes:

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We were married in Vegas and I thought it was a nice experience. The courthouse was open on Sun. We got the licence and walked across the street to another building. Two very nice ladies were there and one married us while the other acted as witness. They use a large office with some flowers and other decorations and I bet it is just as meaniful as a chapel wedding. I think it cost $50 but not sure.

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We were married in Vegas over Thanksgiving. It was a great time, some of my family members were able to attend. Vegas is usually a cheap/ easy destination from most places. We picked a hotel chapel, it was really painless and stressfree.


This is good place to look for chapels

LVCA weddings


Here is place for license information

Clark County License


We downloaded the license applications, one for me and one for her, filled in the PDF's, printed and took with us. Force of habit I guess :D


It was a great time. We got the certified copy of certificate in 3 weeks. It was filed on Dec 6th, sent to us on December 7

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Thanks chef4u......


I'll do some online searching.


Good post Todd, I have thought about this too. Could be a good idea.


When I mentioned it to Jie, she said, "Do they really have dancers like that in Las Vegas, with no tops?" I said yes, do you want to see them? She said, sure, because she cannot believe there is something like that.


I said me too, lets see one.


Then she changed her mind. I dont know why? :Dah:


Ameriken, you silly man! You could have played dumb and said that you don't really think they dance topless and then acted suprized when the show started!!!!! :D :D

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