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I started to prepare the documents for my financee visa in May and submitted in those documents at the begining of July. USCIS received my application on Aug. 31 and approved it on Sept. 26. I backed France at the end of Oct. and wish to receive my package 3, unfortunately I received it 3 weeks late than I thought because I changed my mail address. I sent back P3 at the mid of Nov. and then received my package 4 on Nov.24 that showed my interview would be on 13pm sharp of January 5. And Within a month, I should get vaccination test and get shots if needed.


I arrived in Paris on 4th for my physical examination which costs 150euro , around 1500 RMB. My insurrance covers any other medical expense except for this one. The next day, I got to US embassy located very close to Place De La Concorde at 11:30am. Because it was still early, I visited Madeleine church. I regathered my interview documents and prayed there hoping to get my visa today, then it was time for going to the embassy. I did not take the long line outside and went into directly, but I met the security problem. They did not allow me to bring my laptop in and refused to take care of it. Fortunately, I found the place to store my laptop and other stuff. I was worried that I was going to be late, but the fact is that time is not so important. There were so many people in the hall including write french people, black and asian. One hour later, I was called. It seems she is familiar with me , which might because she seldom meet my case. She is serious, but friendly. She asked for all my documents, then told me to wait . Twenty minutes later, I was called again, but by a black american woman in the window 8. She only asked two simple questions: where did we meet and when did we get engaged. When she became slient, I asked her whether she wanted to see some pics and mails. She did, and then told me with nice smile that she would issue my visa. I could't help to laugh and said to her: " thank for you very much". Till now, my visa process almost ended, and the last thing is to buy an envelop which can contain 2kg stuff. I was so excited and ignored how much the envelop costs- 27 euro, around 270RMB-hehe...


My flight to NY is on January 15 and I am preparing for leaving.


Good luck to everyone! Bonne chance!

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Wonderful news, Tres bien! Bon Voyage!!!


Welcome to America

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