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Out with the old wok

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I thought I had everything taken care of. The kitchen was already setup for Chinese cooking and I use most of the important ingredients. Oops I missed something. How many of you have trouble getting your wife to use the pot holder?


My wok has a long metal handle. I have used this for most of my cooking for the past 5 years. Last weekend my wife grabbed the handle and got burnt. I tried to explain about the pot holder hanging on the stove. Nope, that is not the problem. I bought the wrong wok :unsure: :blink: :rolleyes: . Ok so this weekend I will look for one with a nice wooden handle.


This is a hint to those in waiting. ;)

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Ahhhh Danny, you shoulda asked one of us---we'de a been happy to tell you that you were once again screwing up. however, in your defense, if you'd a bought the wooden handled one then one of here friends would have told her about the metal handled one and a pot holder--then you'd a still been wrong.


Might I suggest that you get accustomed to being wrong--it ain't as bad as all that!!

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I avoided your fate on this one, I insisted we buy our kitchen stuff in China and I carried it and the dishes back. Didn't matter that I had to buy an extra suitcase, she got to pick out everything and the price was right because she negotiated it.  :rolleyes:


Fish ... sounds pretty whooped up on to me boy! Paul

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