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k1..and the number of times we have been met

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There has been a great deal of excellent and authoritative information presented here already. Let me add this little bit.


From what I have learned here during the past six months or so, and from personal experience (the most important kind, I believe), the final hurdle -- the interview, itself -- is a crap shoot. If you get a smart, regular guy as your visa officer, then you're lucky.


You get a cynical dolt, impressed by his or her authority, you may have problems.


Your only strategy is to hope for an intelligent interviewer and prepare for that.


That means: having appropriate (not everything that could have been possible, but enough of what is reasonable under the circumstances) in the way of documentation and a palpable, loving relationship.


In other words, with a good interviewer, lack of phone logs or "only" four photos of you together, will mean little if you are able to convey how meaningful your relationship is to you .


It is easy to understand why you listed "met on the Internet" as a "negative". My entire family feels the same way. As though the divorce rate of people who met at church was any lower! Everyone knows by now, or everyone should know, meeting on the Internet is just as likely to result in a meaningful relationship as meeting anywhere else. It's always "buyer beware!"


Starting now, try to document whatever you can in the way of communication and exchanges, and bring them to the interview. But when the interview finally occurs, be yourself, and realize if your relationship is precious to you, the interviewer will see that. It would take an awfullly cynical person to deny two people who are in love being together because they only had five photos of themselves, or whatever.


My wife and I had no phone logs whatever; probably less than five photos of us; and she hardly spoke a single word of English. But the other photos we had; letters she wrote me in Chinese; a huge bunch of e-mails, and her openness and candor about our relationship made her interview one of those five-minute affairs. "What kind of work does your husband do?" "How many times has he been to China?" You pass.


We were married, so that part is different. But I believe the jury is out. If the interviewer is a reasonable person and he or she sees your relationship is special to you, it will be special to him or her. You pass.

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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Well, this is a good topic, and it has been a joy to read up on this. I wish to add to my worries and perhaps I could ask a little feed back too. I met my wife, due to a 3rd party member, who is a friend to me, and my family, and the best friend of her father in china. He actually persued her father about it when he told him that his daughter was single, due to divorce. She was divorced 2 years before we made contact. My first visit to China, we were married and got loads of pictures of us and with the family, I am going there again In Feb 06. We have Email logs, Msn logs, Yahoo logs, and most recently phone logs. She is most definately not a member of the communist party. I earn way more than the poverty lines indicate one must earn to show proof of support. Anyway, if anyone can see a possible problem sure would appreciate it if someone would comment. Thanks Oh, and I LOVE THIS WOMAN.

Edited by hunter (see edit history)
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Well, this is a good topic, and it has been a joy to read up on this. I wish to add to my worries and perhaps I could ask a little feed back too. I met my wife, due to a 3rd party member, who is a friend to me, and my family, and the best friend of her father in china. He actually persued her father about it when he told him that his daughter was single, due to divorce. She was divorced 2 years before we made contact. My first visit to China, we were married and got loads of pictures of us and with the family, I am going there again In Feb 06. We have Email logs, Msn logs, Yahoo logs, and most recently phone logs. She is most definately not a member of the communist party. I earn way more than the poverty lines indicate one must earn to show proof of support. Anyway, if anyone can see a possible problem sure would appreciate it if someone would comment. Thanks Oh, and I LOVE THIS WOMAN.


I guess my main questions to you would be:


1) Did you submit any info with the petition outlining your relationship? Just wondering how much the VO will know prior to the interview.. like a family member 'set you up'... at least they will piece together that you meet and married on same trip...

2) What's her english like and how well do you communicate?

3) Can you easily locate her 'ex' and provide any info concern his whereabouts if needed ?


The concern I see:

1) marrying on the first meeting... could suggest a 'setup' marriage on a certain level to the VO. Make sure you establish the ongoing part of the relationship; The more trips the better and communication/pics, etc.

2) Divorce tends to bring forth more questions and scrutiny...


Certainly, both of you should read up on the "Interview FAQ" and you'll get an idea of the most common questions and issues that arise...



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Well, this is a good topic, and it has been a joy to read up on this. I wish to add to my worries and perhaps I could ask a little feed back too. I met my wife, due to a 3rd party member, who is a friend to me, and my family, and the best friend of her father in china. He actually persued her father about it when he told him that his daughter was single, due to divorce. She was divorced 2 years before we made contact. My first visit to China, we were married and got loads of pictures of us and with the family, I am going there again In Feb 06. We have Email logs, Msn logs, Yahoo logs, and most recently phone logs. She is most definately not a member of the communist party. I earn way more than the poverty lines indicate one must earn to show proof of support. Anyway, if anyone can see a possible problem sure would appreciate it if someone would comment. Thanks Oh, and I LOVE THIS WOMAN.


I guess my main questions to you would be:


1) Did you submit any info with the petition outlining your relationship? Just wondering how much the VO will know prior to the interview.. like a family member 'set you up'... at least they will piece together that you meet and married on same trip...

2) What's her english like and how well do you communicate?

3) Can you easily locate her 'ex' and provide any info concern his whereabouts if needed ?


The concern I see:

1) marrying on the first meeting... could suggest a 'setup' marriage on a certain level to the VO. Make sure you establish the ongoing part of the relationship; The more trips the better and communication/pics, etc.

2) Divorce tends to bring forth more questions and scrutiny...


Certainly, both of you should read up on the "Interview FAQ" and you'll get an idea of the most common questions and issues that arise...




Yes, good questions. Hmm, well my friend who is the 3rd party, wrote a letter for the VO, with a notorized proof of employment in my city. I think that should show proof of how we met. Her and I used web video to chat a year before we married , I like to think we got to know each other very well. As far as her english, it was pretty good when we started talking, she is a very educated woman. Recently she has been taking english courses and we talk a lot on the phone, I think she doe's great.

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Well, this is a good topic, and it has been a joy to read up on this. I wish to add to my worries and perhaps I could ask a little feed back too. I met my wife, due to a 3rd party member, who is a friend to me, and my family, and the best friend of her father in china. He actually persued her father about it when he told him that his daughter was single, due to divorce. She was divorced 2 years before we made contact. My first visit to China, we were married and got loads of pictures of us and with the family, I am going there again In Feb 06. We have Email logs, Msn logs, Yahoo logs, and most recently phone logs. She is most definately not a member of the communist party. I earn way more than the poverty lines indicate one must earn to show proof of support. Anyway, if anyone can see a possible problem sure would appreciate it if someone would comment. Thanks Oh, and I LOVE THIS WOMAN.


I guess my main questions to you would be:


1) Did you submit any info with the petition outlining your relationship? Just wondering how much the VO will know prior to the interview.. like a family member 'set you up'... at least they will piece together that you meet and married on same trip...

2) What's her english like and how well do you communicate?

3) Can you easily locate her 'ex' and provide any info concern his whereabouts if needed ?


The concern I see:

1) marrying on the first meeting... could suggest a 'setup' marriage on a certain level to the VO. Make sure you establish the ongoing part of the relationship; The more trips the better and communication/pics, etc.

2) Divorce tends to bring forth more questions and scrutiny...


Certainly, both of you should read up on the "Interview FAQ" and you'll get an idea of the most common questions and issues that arise...




Yes, good questions. Hmm, well my friend who is the 3rd party, wrote a letter for the VO, with a notorized proof of employment in my city. I think that should show proof of how we met. Her and I used web video to chat a year before we married , I like to think we got to know each other very well. As far as her english, it was pretty good when we started talking, she is a very educated woman. Recently she has been taking english courses and we talk a lot on the phone, I think she doe's great.


Was the letter provided as part of any petition, or you're holding onto it in case you need it later ?


Where I'm coming from is: The VO will form some impression based on the submitted paperwork up till the interview. And have you already given him any impressions about 'how you meet' or no?


Whether or not a VO has 'made up his mind' about the visa prior to an interview, he has some internal inclination and will question based on that.


I'm just trying to ascertain what you have already provided or not... Certainly the VO will see you meet and married in the same meeting.. Usually they DON'T want to know the details of that during the interview.. if they suspect something, they'll just give the blue slip and let overcome evidence be reviewed...

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Well, this is a good topic, and it has been a joy to read up on this. I wish to add to my worries and perhaps I could ask a little feed back too. I met my wife, due to a 3rd party member, who is a friend to me, and my family, and the best friend of her father in china. He actually persued her father about it when he told him that his daughter was single, due to divorce. She was divorced 2 years before we made contact. My first visit to China, we were married and got loads of pictures of us and with the family, I am going there again In Feb 06. We have Email logs, Msn logs, Yahoo logs, and most recently phone logs. She is most definately not a member of the communist party. I earn way more than the poverty lines indicate one must earn to show proof of support. Anyway, if anyone can see a possible problem sure would appreciate it if someone would comment. Thanks Oh, and I LOVE THIS WOMAN.


I guess my main questions to you would be:


1) Did you submit any info with the petition outlining your relationship? Just wondering how much the VO will know prior to the interview.. like a family member 'set you up'... at least they will piece together that you meet and married on same trip...

2) What's her english like and how well do you communicate?

3) Can you easily locate her 'ex' and provide any info concern his whereabouts if needed ?


The concern I see:

1) marrying on the first meeting... could suggest a 'setup' marriage on a certain level to the VO. Make sure you establish the ongoing part of the relationship; The more trips the better and communication/pics, etc.

2) Divorce tends to bring forth more questions and scrutiny...


Certainly, both of you should read up on the "Interview FAQ" and you'll get an idea of the most common questions and issues that arise...




Yes, good questions. Hmm, well my friend who is the 3rd party, wrote a letter for the VO, with a notorized proof of employment in my city. I think that should show proof of how we met. Her and I used web video to chat a year before we married , I like to think we got to know each other very well. As far as her english, it was pretty good when we started talking, she is a very educated woman. Recently she has been taking english courses and we talk a lot on the phone, I think she doe's great.


Was the letter provided as part of any petition, or you're holding onto it in case you need it later ?


Where I'm coming from is: The VO will form some impression based on the submitted paperwork up till the interview. And have you already given him any impressions about 'how you meet' or no?


Whether or not a VO has 'made up his mind' about the visa prior to an interview, he has some internal inclination and will question based on that.


I'm just trying to ascertain what you have already provided or not... Certainly the VO will see you meet and married in the same meeting.. Usually they DON'T want to know the details of that during the interview.. if they suspect something, they'll just give the blue slip and let overcome evidence be reviewed...


Ok, I am following you now. Hmmm, well sir, I sent a letter written in english and also copied in chinese, with pictures of him and my father working out in his workshop, also with a letter of his employment, I sent all that with the I-130 application. When I sent out the I-129F I didnt have an additional copy. I have already asked him if he would make another letter so that I can give it to my wife for the interview. I wonder if the VO will have access to any of the I-130 information? I should add then when I sent the cover letter for I-129F I listed our contact person and gave his cell phone number in case anyone wishes to contact him to verify anything.

Edited by hunter (see edit history)
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Well, this is a good topic, and it has been a joy to read up on this. I wish to add to my worries and perhaps I could ask a little feed back too. I met my wife, due to a 3rd party member, who is a friend to me, and my family, and the best friend of her father in china. He actually persued her father about it when he told him that his daughter was single, due to divorce. She was divorced 2 years before we made contact. My first visit to China, we were married and got loads of pictures of us and with the family, I am going there again In Feb 06. We have Email logs, Msn logs, Yahoo logs, and most recently phone logs. She is most definately not a member of the communist party. I earn way more than the poverty lines indicate one must earn to show proof of support. Anyway, if anyone can see a possible problem sure would appreciate it if someone would comment. Thanks Oh, and I LOVE THIS WOMAN.


I guess my main questions to you would be:


1) Did you submit any info with the petition outlining your relationship? Just wondering how much the VO will know prior to the interview.. like a family member 'set you up'... at least they will piece together that you meet and married on same trip...

2) What's her english like and how well do you communicate?

3) Can you easily locate her 'ex' and provide any info concern his whereabouts if needed ?


The concern I see:

1) marrying on the first meeting... could suggest a 'setup' marriage on a certain level to the VO. Make sure you establish the ongoing part of the relationship; The more trips the better and communication/pics, etc.

2) Divorce tends to bring forth more questions and scrutiny...


Certainly, both of you should read up on the "Interview FAQ" and you'll get an idea of the most common questions and issues that arise...




Yes, good questions. Hmm, well my friend who is the 3rd party, wrote a letter for the VO, with a notorized proof of employment in my city. I think that should show proof of how we met. Her and I used web video to chat a year before we married , I like to think we got to know each other very well. As far as her english, it was pretty good when we started talking, she is a very educated woman. Recently she has been taking english courses and we talk a lot on the phone, I think she doe's great.


Was the letter provided as part of any petition, or you're holding onto it in case you need it later ?


Where I'm coming from is: The VO will form some impression based on the submitted paperwork up till the interview. And have you already given him any impressions about 'how you meet' or no?


Whether or not a VO has 'made up his mind' about the visa prior to an interview, he has some internal inclination and will question based on that.


I'm just trying to ascertain what you have already provided or not... Certainly the VO will see you meet and married in the same meeting.. Usually they DON'T want to know the details of that during the interview.. if they suspect something, they'll just give the blue slip and let overcome evidence be reviewed...


Ok, I am following you now. Hmmm, well sir, I sent a letter written in english and also copied in chinese, with pictures of him and my father working out in his workshop, also with a letter of his employment, I sent all that with the I-130 application. When I sent out the I-129F I didnt have an additional copy. I have already asked him if he would make another letter so that I can give it to my wife for the interview. I wonder if the VO will have access to any of the I-130 information? I should add then when I sent the cover letter for I-129F I listed our contact person and gave his cell phone number in case anyone wishes to contact him to verify anything.




I will start by apologizing to you. I used the name of LOU in my posting! I was talking about you. Again, asleep at the wheel, on my part!


I read what you have posted. The same advice applies to Suseig as you. It also sounds like you have nothing to worry about, IMHO. The letters you have already begun with. The third party, in-laws and immediate family are involved. That is exactly what I was referring to in my posting. IMHO, a VO will look at this, and when he sees it will pass by it it, IF it is present. Not present? That is a different colored horse!


An additional piece of information. Yin (my wife) mentioned that during the interview, prior to asking a question, he (VO) was looking at the computer screen in front of him. I suspect that he has probably already reviewed the documents that are submitted to him and not the 130! I further suspect the documents (that he has suspicions about) are presented on the screen before him. I saw this system at my accountant's office. I asked him about it and he stated that he was able to save the screen image for record or recall. I suspect that GUZ may have a similar system. Just my opinion. However, if I was reviewing papers for an interview, I would want to have this type of system.


I do not believe that the VO's have access to the 130. The only way the VO knew about about Yin's was whenb she stated it to him, and since it had to be filed first did he want to see the NOA's for it. He stated tht he didn't want to see them. (Possible electronic submission, since all of us know that 130, MUST be submitted before 129? I don't know. This is for inquiring minds to know!)


I hope that you take my K3 processing record from me. I have read your postings. I think that you and suseig have little to worry about. (I can tll you this much though. I hit his dates within 2 to 3 weeks either way! Old expression, "The proof is in the puddin!"


One additional small advice. Ignore the naysayers! If you have your "ducts in a row" there should be a minimum of problems. You want proof? Look at your own time-line! You are processing a K3 Visa faster than most fiancee visa's. So did Suseig and myself.


The very best of luck. The record is 5 months and 6 days!

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