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Sending letters to congressmen

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My senator is from Texas, John Coryne. Who else are from Texas? we may exchange experience deeling with the senator. I know the other Senator from my state is NOT willing to help immigration cases.

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Guest Snowbeast

The other senator is Hutchison. I got the run around when I called the Washington office. I then called Dallas and eventually Austin. They say they have "case workers" who look into these kinds of things. But my congressman said the same thing. I provided his office with a nice letter describing my situation, also faxed a release form that allowed them to check with DOS. I then kept calling and calling and calling back to see if something had been accomplished. They kept insisting that the "case worker" would respond whenever some info was obtained. I'm still waiting.


I have to admit that I have stopped trying to inquire about it since our clearance was reportedly cabled to GZ on 2/4. However, I think it may soon be time to start calling again if something doesn't happen soon.

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Hutchison did absolutely NOTHING to help me - NOTHING. Her office did not even acknowledge receipt of my correspondence. However, she was VERY helpful when Dallas Mavericks billionaire owner Mark Cuban requested her assistance in obtaining visas for a couple of European basketball players he wanted to import. Senator Hutchison thought it was more important to reunite billionaire Cuban with his millionaire basketball players than it was to reunite her constituents with their loved ones. Those players are now enjoying their new lives in the US, while we continue to wait.

Cornyn's office was much more helpful. For any Texans who are interested, please PM me and I will let you know who to contact in Cornyn's Dallas ofice (that is where his imigration liaison offices).

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Hutchison did absolutely NOTHING to help me - NOTHING.  Her office did not even acknowledge receipt of my correspondence.  However, she was VERY helpful when Dallas Mavericks billionaire owner Mark Cuban requested her assistance in obtaining visas for a couple of European basketball players he wanted to import.  Senator Hutchison thought it was more important to reunite billionaire Cuban with his millionaire basketball players than it was to reunite her constituents with their loved ones.  Those players are now enjoying their new lives in the US, while we continue to wait.

Cornyn's office was much more helpful.  For any Texans who are interested, please PM me and I will let you know who to contact in Cornyn's Dallas ofice (that is where his imigration liaison offices).

Both offices of Hutchison and Cornyn have been ignored me. My congressman office seems to try to help by sending email to GZ and DOS. I was told that DOS has to reply legally within 30 days for a congressman's inquire. I hope that it could be sooner.

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So you mean to tell me that all I need is a billion dollars and to act like a horse's a** on the basketball court, and I can buy a visa? Why didn't anyone tell me this before? The horse's a** part is easy, can anyone out there loan me a billion dollars???

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Maybe our system works a lot like China and we don't know it! Of course in China we could probably buy one for a few grand!

:( :D :D

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i would be very dissapointed by any american who allowed himself to be IGNORED by his own government representatives.


if you have already sent info to the "case workers", then call the DC office and tell them that the case worker has taken NO action. simply put, be a prick about it. tell them flat-out, they are obligated to assist you in this matter, and they should be ashamed for ignoring the situation that effects thousands of americans.


before they even start, be sure to explain that you have followed the rules, and that your security clearance was LOST eight months ago. tell them how you ahve been fighting your battle for 17, 18, 20, 21 months, while others with less than half that time invested are already here.


be SURE they understand that they must not accept "form letters" from the various government entities - and that you sure as hell won't. make it perfectly clear that you are willing to use some vacation time just to badger the shit out of them until they generate results.


"you need to DO this - and i am NOT going away."


it's worked for me - and helped our cause overall. republicans tend to listen more, as they appreciate folks who follow the rules, and have no negative discriminations against asian immigrants (as democrats do). but don't let any of them off the hook.

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