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Social security will not issue a number

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Social Security really is unreal !!!

went to a local office that told me that she can not have a social security card BECUASE it was supposed to be Issued by the INS during the immigration process when she entered the USA

Amazing !!!

I am going to another office

IMS says They do not issue a social security number

called the 1-800 number for the social security

their agent told me she was not eligible - why does she need one ?

ya like she can not open a checking account

get married , etc etc

Does Anyone have any suggestions


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Ah yes the SSA--the only agency more inept than UCIS. On a K1 you have roughly 74 days of eligibility after POE for a SSN before you need an EAD. Having hassled for over 11 months and bringing in my senator and representative, i have some small expertise in the matter. they got the idea about INS issuing the SSN because in some cases-like CR1 visas, INS says the give them-i have doubts even then.


Best advice for you-simply go to a different SSA office. Others have done this and had no problems getting the SSN. Most that have done this say you need to wait about two weeks after POE so her info is in the DHS computers-as SSA needs to confirm with DHS that UCIS has authorized then SSA to issue an SSN without an EAD from the UCIS!--GOT IT?? if not you may be sOL!

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I have been thinking about this a while and it appears that this is probably the one hurdle that most consistently causes our members grief. It could be easily fixed though if the higher ups would send out a training memo instructing the field offices as to the policies of K-1 and the SSA. Perhaps a writing campaign by CFL to the SSA would get their attention.

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I have been thinking about this a while and it appears that this is probably the one hurdle that most consistently causes our members grief.  It could be easily fixed though if the higher ups would send out a training memo instructing the field offices as to the policies of K-1 and the SSA.  Perhaps a writing campaign by CFL to the SSA would get their attention.


So, CFL should write to the SSA about SSN requirments for K1 visas issued by UCIS at GZ and having an I-94 stamped at the POE by DHS for the purpose of showing the SSA that UCIS and DHS has OKed the issuance of an SSN from the SSA without an EAD to the K1 and or K3.


Have I got it right?

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Right except I don't think K-3 is eligible for some wierd reason. One of the advantages of K-1 over K-3. A K-3 has to get an EAD first. That is probably why they are so confused. Anyone know why K-1 can and K-3 can't? Maybe it has something to do with K-3 having the option of letting the I-130 run it's course. Or the fact that the I-130 is the basis of the K-3 and status can't be adjusted until the I-130 is approved.

Edited by warpedbored (see edit history)
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Ah yes the SSA--the only agency more inept than UCIS. On a K1 you have roughly 74 days of eligibility after POE  for a SSN before you need an EAD.  Having hassled for over 11 months and bringing in my senator and representative, i have some small expertise in the matter. they got the idea about INS issuing the SSN because in some cases-like CR1 visas, INS says the give them-i have doubts even then.


Best advice for you-simply go to a different SSA office. Others have done this and had no problems getting the SSN.  Most that have done this say you need to wait about two weeks after POE so her info is in the DHS computers-as SSA needs to confirm with DHS that UCIS has authorized then SSA to issue an SSN without an EAD from the UCIS!--GOT IT?? if not you may be sOL!


You are so right about the info needing to be input into DHS computer system. However, two weeks is a real reach. In our case, we went through POE on March 29. Info finally showed up in DHS computer in early August. Did that surprise me, after having gone through the Black Hole. Not one little bit! :D

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You rushed it to fast. It takes 2 weeks after entry for her to be entered in the computer by immigration. Until that happens they are right, she is not going to be issued an SSN.


Not true with my wife. Just 1 week here I took her to the SS office and she had no problem. Maybe because she got the EAD stamp from JFK POE.

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I called and this is what was explained to me.


"You have to get work permit from the DHS for your fiancee to work without being married." :blink:


The SSA webpage that Carl linked to said this:


"The "K-1" symbol on your immigration document means you are the fianc¨¦ of a U.S. citizen and SSA can issue you an SSN card to work."


The person I spoke to on the phone said that in most cases, the SSA will require further documentation before issuing a card to a K-1 visa holder. I asked "then why does the website not be re-worded"


1 minute of uncomfortable silence ensued...


Basically, from what I am guessing, if I go to the courthouse tomorrow and get our marriage license, (which is what we will do) we can apply for a SSN for my lovely wife with no difficulty just afterwards. As long as we supply the I-94, original birth record and her passport along with the marriage certificate. We will be golden!


That is my recommendation... it all revolves around the legal aspects of marriage.


Lucy wants to work at this Asian market we shop at. It has all her favorite foods. She may be thinking... "if I work here, I may get discount on food" ;)

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From the application:


"You need to provide a document from the government agency requiring your Social Security number that explains why you need a number and that you meet all the requirements for that benefit or service except for the number."


Sounds like a round-robin round of finger-pointing to me.

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Ah yes the SSA--the only agency more inept than UCIS. On a K1 you have roughly 74 days of eligibility after POE  for a SSN before you need an EAD.  Having hassled for over 11 months and bringing in my senator and representative, i have some small expertise in the matter. they got the idea about INS issuing the SSN because in some cases-like CR1 visas, INS says the give them-i have doubts even then.


Best advice for you-simply go to a different SSA office. Others have done this and had no problems getting the SSN.  Most that have done this say you need to wait about two weeks after POE so her info is in the DHS computers-as SSA needs to confirm with DHS that UCIS has authorized then SSA to issue an SSN without an EAD from the UCIS!--GOT IT?? if not you may be sOL!


You are so right about the info needing to be input into DHS computer system. However, two weeks is a real reach. In our case, we went through POE on March 29. Info finally showed up in DHS computer in early August. Did that surprise me, after having gone through the Black Hole. Not one little bit! :blink:



Thanks Carl

I printed that information and then armed with the SS's own statement went to a idfferent City and was lucky to find an intelligent Employee

NO PROBLEM - She did the So's right then

then the problem with the duaghter


well it seems that she can not get a SS number because the computer sysytem says she needs a work permit or is needy or needs welfare or is a victim or the slave trade .UGH

More Stupidity in Government

well the SS person thought it sucked too so so she punched the State and local assistance ( well the duaghter does need local assistance Right ?

she needs Mine ) and we may get their cards after the DHS enters them )

supposedly in 10 days )

What this illustrates is just what we all know - there are some really helpfull and sincere government employees and then there are the Sluggy types .

Now I should not to have to Shop offices to get a SS card but if first you don't succeed --

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It's true that a K-2 needs an EAD in order to get an "authorized to work" SS card. Here's the joke though. The SSN that she will get for her "not valid for work" SS card will be the same number that she will use for the rest of her life, even when she gets her green card and is authorized to work. Go figure. Sounds like the SS employee was bending over backwards to help out.

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