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I called dos and was told that that my P3 was input into GZ computer early this month, I do not need a second name check and that I am eligible for the interview now.


So my question is: when approximately do you guys think I can receive my P4 and when could be my interview date? I guess in Dec and next Jan respectively, right?


Thanks for your comments.

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Up till two months ago, the wait for P3 to P4 used to be about four months... 


Here is the latest trend:



So, seems that 2.5-3 months should be expected for P4. Then about 4-5 weeks after that for interview.


Thanks for the link. Well, I hope my P4 can come in Jan since I observe quite a few of 001 K1 sisters got their P4 just one or two months after P3, not mentioning the "abnormal" ' P3-P4 intervals of 20 days.


Well, well...

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I have also noticed that ocassionally GZ will send out a P-4 with a very short lead time. Sometimes as little as 2 weeks. I speculate that perhaps these are interview slots that have been canceled and they don't want to waste the time. Be prepared for very short notice just in case.

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Thanks for the advice, guys.

And for the first time in my life, I hope I am or my case is ABNORMAL, hehe... :greenblob:  :greenblob:


Zhenshu and I were in the same boat (the slow boat to China?) just three weeks ago. The Dept. of State told us Zhenshu was "eligible", and that we could expect an interview in "about nine months".


I vented my dismay and frustration here, and a number of members were kind enough to bring me back to earth, some even predicting an interview date in November.


And so it was! Just a few days ago we got a date in early December.


So, hang in there!

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Zhenshu and I were in the same boat (the slow boat to China?) just three weeks ago.  The Dept. of State told us Zhenshu was "eligible", and that we could expect an interview in "about nine months".


I vented my dismay and frustration here, and a number of members were kind enough to bring me back to earth, some even predicting an interview date in November.


And so it was!  Just a few days ago we got a date in early December.


So, hang in there!




In Rodeo terminology:


"You're in the Chute"


The gate is about to open and you will be on your way.


Very positive support! Thanks...I am counting on these last days before what is called? Yeah,INTERVIEW! :(
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