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How do they make a Chinese person return to China

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The only way to stop the in-and-out of the illegals (aka criminals) would be to hurt them in the pocket book. That is jailing them (yeah, would cost us a lot more too). I'm not saying we should do it or that it's a good idea. But if you knew that capture for overstaying your visa or being an 'undocumented worker' would mean 2 years in prison before being deported, the benefit of sneaking in would be deterred.


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They (INS) are likely to put the illegals in detention for a few weeks, take them to court for a hearing and then release them on their own cognizance. This is what they do with South and Central American illegals who cross Texas border. Most of them don't appear at the appointed court date.


I have known some people who are illegals, even a few from England (Britain). The Brits are not considered as illegals - you know why. Likewise with the Germans, Italians, and other western Europeans.


Now, the smart ones or the more entrepreneurs, they establish business in US. By employing a minimum of two Americans, their visa can be extended many times, and even become permanent residents. Since they contribute to the US economy, they can become permanent residents after a few years and show their businesses are successful and tax paying member of the society. Another means is to get sponsorship from their employers.

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Woman living in Oregon for 29 years faces deportation


PORTLAND, Ore. - After 29 years of living in Oregon, a Canadian-born woman is being deported to her native country this weekend.

This, after Rose-Marie Barbeau Quinn lost a last-minute challenge to her deportation.


Federal law allows immigrants married to U.S. citizens to live here legally only if the marriages last longer than two years.


But after a 25-year relationship, Barbeau Quinn and her husband married only hours before he died 14 years ago.


Now, she has exhausted her deportation appeals. But Barbeau Quinn says her lawyers have not given up hope.


She's hoping that an immigration bill pending in the U.S. Senate might allow her to return to Portland later.


In the meantime, she'll be living in northern Ontario.

Jim: This would be really funny if it wasn't our govt. doing it.


How in the hell can they justify a policy of years of catch and release probably millions of illegals, and then spend the time and money to prosecute and deport one lady on a technicality who has been here 29 years already and had a common law husband.


One of the best examples of HUTAS I have ever seen.


(Head Up The Ass Syndrome)

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The only way to stop the in-and-out of the illegals (aka criminals) would be to hurt them in the pocket book.  That is jailing them (yeah, would cost us a lot more too).  I'm not saying we should do it or that it's a good idea.  But if you knew that capture for overstaying your visa or being an 'undocumented worker' would mean 2 years in prison before being deported, the benefit of sneaking in would be deterred.


What you think?




Those illegals are one tough bunch. American companies and small busineses love them. That's why there are so many illegals in US. One of the best paying jobs for illegals is in the construction industry. That's why there are so many of them in Las Vegas area.


I once came across a contractor who specialized in site and ground work, such as sidewalks and sprinkler systems. After chatting for 10 - 15 minutes, he admitted that most of his best and preferred workers are the illegals because they work harder, take little breaks, and don't get benefits.


One time I stopped by a house being constructed in Las Vegas. No need to say who were the workers.


An acquaintance has several apartment buildings and his favorite tenants are the illegals because they always pay on time, and there are 3 to 6 singles living in one apartment. No need to advertise any vacancy because the illegals have friends who want to be live in the same apartment complex.


I also saw a television program on illegals. A farmer was interviewed and admitted that he would be bankrupt if it were not for the low salaried illegal workers.


If it were not for the number of illegals in US, our economy would have experienced an enormous price inflation with subsequent recession. That's why the politicians are only making lip service on controlling the illegals. For all I know, they (politicians) probably have partnerships with companies that have significant benefits from the illegal workers.


For all I know, most of our ancestors were illegals by today's standard. At that time, they were called pilgrims, pioneers, or immigrants.

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