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which state's senators and congressman are helpful

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I got help from my congresswoman, but you need to appeal to the one in your district.

Here is a link to find out who your rep is.



You are definately a candidate for some help!


Good Luck!


Feinstein and Boxer couldn't help. Was it your House Rep? I am in Signal Hill, CA.


I just send my "second" request for help to my House Representative (the first was over 6 months ago). I never even got a reply last time. How long must I wait for a reply from my Representative?


Thanks for the help.



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I got help from my congresswoman, but you need to appeal to the one in your district.

Here is a link to find out who your rep is.



You are definately a candidate for some help!


Good Luck!


Feinstein and Boxer couldn't help. Was it your House Rep? I am in Signal Hill, CA.


I just send my "second" request for help to my House Representative (the first was over 6 months ago). I never even got a reply last time. How long must I wait for a reply from my Representative?


Thanks for the help.




I had a problem on a different issue , I called my congresswomens office and got an Aide , I went tosee them Because I requested an Appointment and got one .

Yes it was worthwhile and she helped me solve the problem

So this Republican votes for a Democrat congress woman :D

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Feinstein and Boxer are CA senators. I doubt that they will be of any help at all. My rep is Lois Capps and I used Eton Galleghy when I lived in Thousand Oaks, but you need to contact your own rep.

They will have an e-mail in DC and one in your district. If you respond to the link I sent you, your e mail will get lost in a big pile in DC. I would not use the one in DC. Find their local office and send a letter to them with a picture of you and your SO together. Tell them that you have been waiting a year!!! Ask them nicely if they can inquire as to the status of your case.

You can call them also, or as a follow up to the e mail.

If there is any way you can swing it, go to their office in person with papers and pictures and tell them your story. It will be hard to blow you off when you are standing right there in their office!!


They need your written consent to inquire on your behalf. If they do not ask you to sign a consnt form and then tell you that they will look into your case, tell them that you know better and are tired of waiting. Try to be nice at first, of course, but if they don't even ask for the consent slip, remind them that their principle job function is to help their constituents (YOU) deal with problems that involve the federal govt, and you certainly have a problem!!!


Good luck!

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I am definitely a believer in using Congressional help. My Republican Congressman was worthless, but his Democratic counterpart consistently advocated for me. I used to vote straight party Republican, but those days are over. It's unacceptable that my partys Congressman wouldn't help.


Thank you Congressman Cuellar and staff for your assistance. Shame on you Congressman Bonilla!

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Yeah, after writing my senators and congresswoman, it was my Democratic congresswoman that helped the most, so this Republican will be voting democrat at least once... And that is hard for me, becuase she is completely looney, but she helped me (or at least tried).


I live in the Atlanta area.

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