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This may be "out of line" and may violate the CFL rules or practices but I wanted to ask. Please tell me if this is out of line and delete the question if it does violate CFL policies!!!

Has there ever been discussion here about the bringing in of a Chinese person into the USA Illegally??? I am not considering doing this (we have our interview next month) - so please relax - but I am very curious about whether this has been discusses and if there has been any solid information about this practice.

I am sure people have had these thoughts - but I am curious about whether it has ever been dicussed here?



Edited by m-coon (see edit history)
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It is sometimes mentioned within other threads. It would not be something people would want to discuss in an open forum, I would think. With the large Chinese population (over 500,000 Chinese in L.A. county) illegal immigration is often spoken of. K and business visas are the most often used. Refugee status for things like political opposition and multi children rarely qualify anymore but were popular methods 10 or more years ago.


Five cities near L.A. have more than 33% Chinese residents and life in these goes on much as it does in China. This includes often living next door to your old Chinese neighbors.


I hear people scared of marrying because of women who have used divorce laws to rip off the petitioner has made it difficult and much more costly. Only 4 years ago the going offer was 12,000-20,000 but now seems to run 30,000 to 50,000. This is not because immigration has stopped any but because of supply and demand. Many will join the local sex businesses and easily pay the fee in two years. (This is the source of much of the insults I have experienced regarding introducing other women for hire by "friends". Such as "Is she the first in your "massage" parlor?") It is much more costly than the Coyotes running illegals across the Mexican border for $1700-3000 or Canada for 1000. If you spend a lot of time in these communities in L.A. you hear lots.

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"It is much more costly than the Coyotes running illegals across the Mexican border for $1700-3000 or Canada for 1000."




Thanks for the info - But I was primarily interested in hearing about the "more" illegal process of bringing them over via smuggling... as you touched on in reference to the Mexicans..... I already know some about the paying money process - having a person to sponsor somebody for money to get them here with a valid visa. I just want to learn more about this - I tend to be a curious person and when I have a thought in my head - I cannot sleep well until I research it more and answer the questions in my head. Obviously there is either Canada or Mexico........ I hear it is near impossible to get a Chinese citizen into Canada for this to even be possible. I hear Mexico is the easier choice. But I wonder how many people actually do this and pull it off.

Then of course is the issue of how the US deals with this..... I hear they give citizenship even to people who have entered the US in a illegal manner like this - this just blows my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do hope more people join in here and explore this topic more - if CFL will permit the discussion?

Thanks Again,


Edited by m-coon (see edit history)
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I have heard that prior to 9/11, Mexico was a loophole for those here on a one-time visa (e.g., student) to go to with a return permit. From there, they were able to go to China and back to the US through Mexico.


But these people were legally here - it was not legal for them to go directly home and return to the US.

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Should this go to the PC ??




Here is what I heard:


It is maybe easier to get them here 'legally'.. then they overystay as an illegal status... In the end, isn't it the same; here illegally...


They get a passport on the blackmarket... the securing of the passport may be not through the proper channels, but it is travel valid and gets them out of the country...

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Guest ShaQuaNew

The current system rewards those that break the law and punishes many of those that follow legal protocol. If there is a way to circumvent the system and achieve a positive result I think it's fair game to discuss it here. Of course, if someone is plotting to do something illegal that would not be a good idea as it would make any and all involved in the plotting process accessories.... :angry:

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There is no reason to move this thread anywhere. We have nothing to hide. To my knowledge no member of this site has ever brought their loved one here illegally. Many have talked about it in frustration from a too long wait but never seriously. The scenario as Don said was to bring them to Canada or Mexico then walk across the border. In the end no one here would risk it. The consequences are too high to risk your SO being banned from entering the country if caught.

Edited by warpedbored (see edit history)
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I thought about this when we were in the black hole. But I think that the disadvantages of being illegal are not worth it. Of course if you are dirt poor and don't need to go to college and such, it is a good deal.

Have any of you read about the Shanghai 30 (I think it is 30) on the Consular Affairs web site? I bet those people are still here eventhough the govt knows where they are.

It is their fault that my in-laws cannot get visas to visit us.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
The consequences are too high to risk your SO being banned from entering the country if caught.


I would do whatever it takes to be together with my SO. If "my" country (tongue in cheek) won't allow me to bring her here, then I will surely examine any alternative. I could give a flip if it's illegal or not. Right now I'm getting damned discouraged and pissed at the system. Everyday I'm seeing others get their approvals while I cannot even get anyone in gov offices to give me the time of day.... :)

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I would do whatever it takes to be together with my SO. If "my" country (tongue in cheek) won't allow me to bring her here, then I will surely examine any alternative. I could give a flip if it's illegal or not. Right now I'm getting damned discouraged and pissed at the system. Everyday I'm seeing others get their approvals while I cannot even get anyone in gov offices to give me the time of day.... :)


Check your PM.

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I thought about this when we were in the black hole. But I think that the disadvantages of being illegal are not worth it. Of course if you are dirt poor and don't need to go to college and such, it is a good deal.

Illegal (mostly Mexican) immigrants can:

-Be licensed to drive

-Go to college, and get financial aid to go to college

-Open bank accounts (Banks in California accept a Matricula Consular as valid ID)

-Sue for damages

-Get home loans/ buy houses

-Open businesses

-Not supposed to vote, but you know how much ID is asked for at the polling places



Please Mr. USCIS man, remind us why we have to jump through all these hoops so our spouses can be here legally?

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Guest ShaQuaNew

There is no previous life experience that can express the aggravation I'm now having with this system. The mexicans and cubans have an olive branch extended and an invitation to break immigration law. There are many of us that have spent day in and day out watching the calendar move at a snails pace. Then there are the reminders that someone elses petition moved through the system as if it had racing legs and grease. I could scream and beat my chest right now, but the trouble is that our country doesn't give a $*it about marriage based visas.


They do however pay attention to this as quoted from the FBI website:


I want to emphasize to you that the FBI is sensitive to the impact that delays in visa processing of students and scholars may have on business, education, foreign relations, and worldwide perceptions of the United States. With these considerations in mind, the FBI is working diligently with the Department of State toward the common goal of improving the expediency and efficiency of the visa clearance process.


So, if you just some old fart with a Chinese wife or finacee, well you'll just have to wait. Well, I've got something they can kiss too!

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There is no previous life experience that can express the aggravation I'm now having with this system. The mexicans and cubans have an olive branch extended and an invitation to break immigration law. There are many of us that have spent day in and day out watching the calendar move at a snails pace. Then there are the reminders that someone elses petition moved through the system as if it had racing legs and grease. I could scream and beat my chest right now, but the trouble is that our country doesn't give a $*it about marriage based visas.


They do however pay attention to this as quoted from the FBI website:


I want to emphasize to you that the FBI is sensitive to the impact that delays in visa processing of students and scholars may have on business, education, foreign relations, and worldwide perceptions of the United States. With these considerations in mind, the FBI is working diligently with the Department of State toward the common goal of improving the expediency and efficiency of the visa clearance process.


So, if you just some old fart with a Chinese wife or finacee, well you'll just have to wait. Well, I've got something they can kiss too!


We all have to endure the wait. I myself hated having to wait 186 days for NOA-2 and a year for my wife to get her visa. Those in the black hole gang before me had it much worse. Try 17 months to 2 years. I suggest you get a bag of cheetos and one of these.



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Guest ShaQuaNew
We all have to endure the wait.  I myself hated having to wait 186 days for NOA-2 and a year for my wife to get her visa.  Those in the black hole gang before me had it much worse.  Try 17 months to 2 years.  I suggest you get a bag of cheetos and one of these.




Ha.... :P I do think there are times when one of those would be just right. No cheetos for me though, I hate picking that cheese crap out of my teeth.... :baby:


Yes, the black hole is tough, but then a few years ago the entire visa process just took longer for everyone. Things are moving faster, but when someone in the ivory tower decides to move your petition to the back burner the current system will not allow you to do anything. Being in the midst of this reminds me how quickly we all forget difficulty after there is victory. Those of you that endured the difficulty of having a clerk decide your fate know what I mean. While it's important to remember the victory NEVER forget the road that got you there.....

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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