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October 20 Interview

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My SO went for her interview this morning. She stayed at the Star Hotel. Unfortunately my company doesn't allow us to take any vacation at this period of time. I couldn't be with her so the least I could do was give her a wake up call this morning. She was already awake when I called and said that she didn't sleep very well. Someone kept knocking at her door after one in the morning and when she looked through the peep hole each time no one was there.


She start walking toward the Visa Center before 7 am and saw around 200 people already there. Her appointment was for 7:15. They issue a tag for her to enter the building after looking at the appointment letter and passport. On the fifth floor they took the interview letter and told her to open the medical packet. Papers were separated and signed the three forms (which your SO has to sign there). Then they were sworn in.


In the waiting area everyone waited for there names to be called. This is when they will issue you a number (hers was 1021). When she was called she was about the 10th person to have her fingerprints done. The interviews started at around 9:40. The interview windows that were used was from 17 to 29. In the beginning there were only 4 windows open. Later on 3 more opened up. She saw one person at window 25 for close to a half an hour, that person received a blue slip . She saw about 4 to 5 blues given out while waiting for her turn. Even though she was near the beginning of the line for the fingerprints it didn't turn out that way for the interview. Since I have read that people were getting done at or before 10 am you can imagine what was going on in my mind when I didn't receive a call from her. She was the 37th person to be interviewed and many more behind her. It was now 11:00 am.


The VO first started to speak to her in English. She told him to please speak in Chinese. The VO asked her:


How did you to meet?

How many times did he come to China?

Give me the dates when he came to China.

What does he do for a living?

What company does he work for?

Can I see his I-134?

You pass.


She asked him if he wanted to see my notarized passport and does he want to look at the pictures? He replied no to both. The second date which she came him on which I visited her, he smiled and laugh. She doesn't know why. After he said you passed my SO said "Thank you very much" in English and the VO stsarted laughing.

She said it took all of 2 minutes for the entire interview. The paper is red. She concludes that the immigrant papers are red and the non immigrant papers are white.


It was around 11:10 when she was at the Post Office to pay 20RMB for the visa pickup. It will be ready on Saturday the 22.


My SO plans to get her vacinations at the Shamian tomorrow while she waits for the pickup date of the visa.


We both wish that she could come over to the states immediately but she needs to sell her apartment first. The bank was very slow in doing their paperwork. Now that the bank is done and over with the mortgage. The buyer is dragging her butt. First she wanted to pay in cash then she changed her mind and wants to finance it. The real estate company is saying that if the buyer borrows through the bank the money has to go through the real estate company first before my SO gets the money. The bank she deals with says the same thing. The real estate company will only allow that one and only bank to handle loans. We don't know exactly how to speed this up. We definitely don't want to deal with renting the apartment out. Sorry about the long post but any ideas out of this jam is appreciated. It's also late and I have to sleep and wake up in 1 1/2 hours (or maybe not), so I apoligize for my grammer or spelling mistakes. Just can't think anymore!

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WOW, great news.... congratulations.....

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