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OMG freak out.

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There are plenty of Pasport Photo shops, here and there, that will make pictures to the exact requirement (size, head size, background, which ear is showing, . . .) for very cheap.


I second this. We went to a local photo shop, they took a digital photo, sized it, printed it and trimmed it to the exact specs. The shop we went to was close to the American consulate in Shanghai and as such had done many visa photo's before so it was no problem and they knew the size requirements.

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We did not have a problem getting photos in China that exactly meet the US specification.


I printed the photo spec from the DoS (I think) website (can't seem to find it now on my laptop) and brought it to a photo studio in Chongqing that does children's photos. Lao po and I went over it with the photographer inviting attention to the "good" and "bad" examples and he didn't have a problem producing compliant photos.

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There are plenty of Pasport Photo shops, here and there, that will make pictures to the exact requirement (size, head size, background, which ear is showing, . . .) for very cheap.


Ok, guys. problem solved. I did tell you my wife is way way smarter than I am? She totally problem solved the whole thing, but not without it being a major pain in my backside. Ok, pull up your cheetoes, kick up your feet and prepare to laugh your ass off at me. =)~

Ok, she went somewhere in china, and got a passport photo, she then had it put on disc and emailed it to me. Sounds simple right? lol, ok i'm a ditz and i'm not lieing. So, I have this U-disc, its a 40 gig storage device that you can carry around with a usb plug in. It has 2 partitions, well E drive and F drive. Now, i have like 800 pics on E drive, so I thought, put the single passport photo on F drive. Now, I went to Walgreens, and they have this picture machine you can plug in and select pictures. Well. being that E drive had 800 pics, I thought i'd put the single passport pic on F drive, now the machine at walgreens, it cant select different drives, it only looks for photos in the first drive it encounters once you plug it in, so i was shot down. I had hoped to mail everything for my K-3 visa today. So , i was working all day so i had to take bits and pieces of my day for running around trying to get this fixed. Finally, i was able to use a PC and save the passport pic to disc, then i was able to plug in my U-drive and save the photo on E drive. then it took 1.5 hours for the tech at walgreens to figure it out, I actually had to show the tech how to use it. I think the moral of the story is, dont go to walgreens if your in a hurry, i mean, i was there trying to get this thing going, and the tech would stop and help every person that walked in, so what if i was there first. /grump. well its done, i got the right size pic, 2x2 but i ran out of time to get to the post office, DOH. hehe tomorrow its all going out. Hey, thanks for the support, you all make me warm and fuzzy, and feeling not alone in this. /big hugs all!

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you are right in the mainstream of "DOH"......... relax.. everything will come up roses......

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has me stressing a little...


I went the Post Office, which is where you apply for a passport and get the photos, right? (well where I applied for mine anyway). The photos are like 3" tall and 1.9" wide, which I then trimmed to 2x1.9 and the head/eye measurements are good.


Qiukui's photos from a little shop in Guangzhou are perfect. 2x2 and the head/eye measurements are perfect.


So I guess I go back to the post office and complain, ruler and guidelines in hand. I am not sure what they can do though, since the measurement is fixed, they could have the camera 100 feet away and it will just mean a tiny head and a 2x1.9 photo...


Bleh I should have just done them in Guangzhou!!!


I guess I am going to submit it anyway, and hope that since they do passports they know what they are doing. The exact same camera worked when I did my passport, which is a seemingly a more critical document than a G-325a for the U.S. Citizen is (IMHO).



Edited by mercator (see edit history)
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