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Excerpt from Owen and Mick's m

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Here is an excerpt from Owen's very long post of what he learned from his meeting yesterday with Richard Adams:


"He stated that there were about 600 K-1 cases caught in the July-September interview delay. Of those, about 300 have received their visas. He said that the only reason that the K-1 cases are being concentrated on right now is because they have been complaining the loudest and most consistently to the point that DOS ordered him to give them priority over all other cases."


This is good news. First, there are only 300 of us remaining in the July-September delay group. Second, GZ is being ordered by the DOS to give K-1 cases priority over all other visa cases - because we are complaining the loudest and most consistently.


What this means is that we must keep on being the ones who complain the loudest and most consistently. All of us must keep calling, writing, faxing, emailing, etc. While we appreciate the effort being put forth by DOS and GZ, we still want more than mere progress - WE WANT OUR VISAS!! :blink:

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I called DOS yesterday for the first time to see if my namecheck had been submitted yet. The lady (very nice and polite) asked for the case number and I gave it to her as "2003xxx..."


"I'm sorry sir, you have to give me the letters in front of the number."


"Oh. I don't seem to have that here."


"Never mind, it's GUZ. Everyone who calls is GUZ. You guys are something else."


"Do you mean that in a good way?" I asked, laughing.


"Let's just say I will be as happy as the rest of you when we finally get all your clearances done!"


I guess the pressure does have an effect!

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i agree with this completely. when i apologized to my DOS contact for "pestering", he simply said "well, let's just get this backlog cleaned up, and then no one will have a reason to call."


he also said though, that visas for spouses and family members (like charlott's daughter) are being processed along with all the rest. there is no distinction while doing the namecheck mambo.

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A universal maxim - "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."  I have a feeling this group is going to start getting REAL squeaky again, REAL soon, if we don't start seeing EMS letters by the end of this week, or the beginning of next.

Yes, REAL SQUEAKY Texan! In fact, I am already at work composing letters to send just in case nothing happens in a couple weeks. I am saving these letters on my computer, ready to send at my command - by fax, email, contact form, whatever means I can muster. I have February 26 circled on my calendar. If no action by then, the pressure gets turned up a few notches as my barrage begins.


Since the DOS info line people seem to know nothing or say nothing of relevance, might I suggest that we keep calling them to check on our case. At the very least, it pressures them to let their superiors know that although we wait relatively quietly while we allow GZ, CA, DOS, to make good on their promises - we have not gone away. We are a force just waiting to unleash the power of our ever-more coordinated group. BTW, I notice that we are getting new members to Candle each day. . . welcome!

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