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Guest DragonFlower

HI,sorry to hear about your problem,I recently sweated out our turn.

I do think there is a quota,just like cops writing tickets.

So many people a day get blue slips.

You are the unfortunate"short Straw".

The VO even talked about this in a Meeting I went to.

No admissions,but plenty of inuendo.

Just gather everything they ask for.

present it in a timely matter.

I think you will be a winner.

If you suspect your wife will need some moral support(and a pack animal)this would probably be a good time to be buying some tickets.

One undeniable sign of your relationship is you being there when she goes back in.



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Give me a call.

This may be shades of the IRS who "randomly" go after an in-detail audit. I agree with everyone. Keep Lucy, Lulu and Jack all tight lipped and just pour on the evidence.

Yunyun will console her as best she can upon her return to NanNing. If you need a "voucher" letter; I am ready. I am probably one of the few people who have met both you and Lucy-Lulu-Jack and can attest to the sincerity of all involved.


You will prevail over this short setback,



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We are all saddened by this turn of events for you, but you have your new mission now, to overcome!!! And I'm betting you will....

good luck and best wishes.......

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I read your post last night. Sorry to hear about the bad break. But you can get it cleared up, I'm sure of it. Get whatever it is that they want and go in with both barrels blasting!! (figuratively speaking of course!)...... :lol:


~Best of luck, Eric!....


It is very appropriate I respond to your post because my S.O. and I have been getting screwed for 19 months as a result of third party correspondence. My fiancee had to provide a photo of her ex holding a current newspaper...luckily, he agreed to it...probably in his daughters interest.


As a veteran victim of the bureacratic follies, I have suggest, as thye others have, to give them reams of evidence, and tell you SO not to seek help from one of many fraudulent "consultative agencies" in Guangzhou. Get a lawyer (maybe King?), to help you navigate through this.


Perhaps your local Congressman can help you as well..mine kept my case from being revoked! Find a tateside bureaucrat who will DO, and not just talk.


It's hard to keep a clear head when you're madder than hell, but this is a time you need to be at your best. Just get to the task and anticipate delays. None of this crap should stop you from planning a life with the one you love..you only have to be the knight in shining armor ...you can do it my friend, and this CFL family will see you through the storm!

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Eric: Sorry to hear about he extra BS you have to put up with, but I do believe you can make it through this! It will probably take some time, a lot of effort and a trip to China, but I do believe you can prevail.


But on the other hand, with hearing only one side of the story and playing the devils advocate, I could see why the red flag could have been raised in your case. Just looking at the quotes that Frank dug up, your own posts hint at and could easily be misinterpreted as the background for the parameters for a visa scam! The possible unknown third party, common travel service, 001 e-mails and references to laogong and laopo could all be misconstrued.


Advice and lesson to be learned to anyone else reading this: Keep your private matters to your self and your lawyer if you have one!


Good luck Eric!

Edited by cosmiclobster (see edit history)
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I can only imagine how hard this is on you right now. The both of you can easily overcome this since you have all the evidence and more. You can do this yourself or get help from an attorney (King). Regroup and bring everything with you, but according to King you now have to setup an appointment. King states:


This is a heads up for all of you that might have to deal with the possibility of have your SO's visa application refused and having to provide additional evidence, known as the "overcome" process.


As of September 15, 2005, a new "overcome" procedure will be in effect. To submit "overcome" documents the applicant will need to make a telephone appointment, at a cost, to get a time and date to submit the additional evidence.


At this time, there has been no more info from the IV unit on this that I am aware of. I do not know yet how far forward the appointments will be set.


I will update this thread as the situation develops.

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Eric & Lucy:


Time to start the assault!

I have had the priviledge of seeing the denial document and will give my take on your situation; hoping that you can dig in and overcome this situation and secondly, give future applicants a little insight into the "what can go wrong" scenario.


First, there is a running discussion here on if the decision is preemptive or decided on the spot as the beneficiary is interviewed. Only Lucy can confirm what went down. Did she get nervous and revert to chinese after months of english school and practicing the responses? My take is that a couple of red flags were raised and Lucy's interview was predestined. Why? On the front page was a hand written comment; not just a prefunctory box checked. The statement was in english and Chinese..."who wrote the emails which are supposedly from the petitioner?" I know (but they do not) that you were trying to facilitate communication by equipping your computer with a translating program and sending these emails in chinese. I think this lit up the first flag. As Frank has pointed out; scams do exist and this just might indicate that you are being prompted to initiate a fraudulent immigration. Secondly, being freshly divorced and expressing the amiable situation with your ex-wife only lights up another flag. They do not take into effect that you have children with her and therefore, taking the high road is not a sign of trying to pull off a financial gain with your ex-wives complicity. The third light comes on if there is a question of getting the airline tickets. I am certain that Lucy was assisting you to get the best deal...let's face it, these gals are sharp, frugal and only trying to help you; not buy you an airline ticket to initiate the interface which will start the K-1 process (meeting in person).


Secondly, you indicated problems with Lucy's ex-husband, just out-and-out trying to extort money from the "rich American" when Lucy let it be known that she was taking the children to America. I would ask Lucy if she was displaying the blue slip in view as she exited the consulate. To be accosted immediately by a tout trying also to extort money could be a situation similar to Alex's where 3rd party intervention has screwed up the entire situation.


OK...enough what went wrongs (possibly), and on to how to fix it:


1) I have already passed on to Lucy and children to become (severely) tight-lipped. She should return to NanNing and await help and direction from you only. Do not discuss with "friends" , teachers...etc.

2) Respond point by point in as much detail that you can dig up:

#8-Provide all records of telephone contact made...hopefully a service like Onesuite.com was used and you can print out all records. You might need Lucy to provide evidence that the telephone # you called belongs to her.

#9 - Provide a detailed statement about the entire relationship's evolution. This one is easy and should allow you a forum to overwhelmingly present a bona fide relationship.

#11 - Provide history of trips to Nanning. Again, this should be easy to document. The most important part is to show how Eric planned and paid for these trips. Charge card payments, airline tickets and details of your travels...maybe including pictures will give you an opportunity to show that you were actually courting her; not just meeting her for some scam. Be sure to include statements about Lucy's children accompanying trips.

#13 - Provide notorized copy of Eric's passport. While this specifically calls out to be notorized; it probably wouldn't hurt to get all documents notorized.

#14 - Provide evidence of WHO purchased petitioner's plane ticket. HAVE THEY RUNG A BELL HERE? Eric must provide a complete money trail from bank statements paying credit card to credit card charges to ticket issuance. This looks like a real hot button.

#15 - Provide residency history of petioner's ex-spouse and beneficiary's ex-spouse. This one is a little tougher on Lucy's end. Eric should be able to come up with sufficient evidence from his ex. Lucy may have to offer a "cooperation fee" to her ex to get sufficient documentation of his residency. Here is where King may come in as an invaluable aide. If Lucy has been divorced for a sufficient period of time and her husband has resided outside of her domicile of NanNing (I think he is in GuangZhou); maybe the divorce decree will suffice. If all of the preceding documentation is extremely strong then this issue may fade away.

While Lucy received the denial; it was clearly left open to consideration upon presentation of the above materials. Load up the dump truck; heed that you may have to call and make an appointment to return to GuangZhou and plug away at getting over this blockade. At least you clearly understand what they are requiring; what their impression is of the application and YOU WILL PREVAIL.


It will come to pass...



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Eric, this will all end favorably despite the fact that GZ is making you jump through more hoops.  Keep a level head.


As to "what went wrong", let me play a scenario.  Before I do, I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not suggesting or insinuating anything.  In reading your past posts, it is clear that a valid relationship exists, but GZ has been known to tag a case every now an then for an in-depth review.


Let's say GZ suspects a scam.  What could have caused this?


Sometimes, it's third party gossip.  Remember some of your previous posts?

am a bit leary of 001 because of one of those incident email's I received from a person who had a 001 account address. The email basically stated my SO was scamming and I needed to be aware
Not that I have had a person try to contact the Guangzhou consulate but I have received emails and a telephone call from an 'ex-friend' of my SO. This person and my SO were extremely tight the last time I visited Nanning. They spent quite a bit of time together and even discussed with me the possibility of going into business upon arriving in the USA. The woman has since married a man from San Diego which is an hour drive from me down I-15. She arrived to the USA in April and from the opinion of my SO, is extremely jealous of my SO and her feelings towards me.
Here is a funny thing that happened to me... I received an un-specified email ending with 001.com.cn not to long ago. The email pretty much encouraged me to re-think my decisions but did not get into specifics about my SO or myself... It was pretty generic and not degrading.


Maybe, the service Lucy used is less than reputable:

The person who has helped my fiancee and many other Nanning ladies
My fiancee has been told to know my parents names, my siblings names and my childrens names.  My SO knows much about me... my job, my state of residence, etc... I thought it was strange for her to tell me she needed to know my parents names but we practice anyway.


So, let's say somehow a red flag was raised. Can you understand why GZ would want more information about the e-mails, telephone records, and travel? Without a red flag, none of your posts and none of what most of us post here would take on any added significance. But, once a red flag is raised, everything we all post could be interpreted as corroborative.


If GZ suspected that someone else was writing the emails, say an ex-spouse, knowing where the ex was would be important. Consider this quote:

My SO calls me Laogong all the time, she says it means husband. I call her Laopo because she tells me it means wife
If GZ has already become suspicious, seeing a bunch of e-mails between "husband" and "wife" might just add fuel to the fire.


Again, if a red flag has already been raised, GZ might want to know who was making all the travel plans:

Lucy has a friend who is connected to a international travel agency in Nanning
If GZ thought that all the travel arrangements were being made in China, they want want some more information related to this.


So, here you are, having done everything that you could, and GZ still wants more. No use in arguing with them. Give it to them in spades. Prove to them that gossip or some jealous person cannot and will not stop you and Lucy from being together.


I think that there has been some evil goings on by outsiders , the 001 site is something I am Not Telling My SO about.

That way maybe no one will contact the GUZ on us - we haven't done anything wrong and it sounds to me like you haven't either.

Just Provide the @### with all the paperwork and they will have to approve your visa

sometimes bad things happen to good people- but it will all work out in the end

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I do agree that talk should be kept to a minimum and somewhat anonymous until the visa is in hand. More so for the Chinese citizen for the obvious reasons.


Good people such as Alex and Eric and their loved ones, and others, who have become tangled in a web of dispair and confusion should realize that it is not the end. I'm sure they do realize,and know, without question. I guess what I am trying to say is,,hang in there and fight the good fight. And what better place than here where you know that there's an ear to be lent, words to be given, and a shoulder to lean on. We are all here for you, whenever you need us.

God Speed, you guys!.............and hang tough! :lol:

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I have good news...


Now that the verdict has sunk in, I talked to Lucy and saw her on Yahoo for the first time since her interview. She was very depressed and tearful as I was expecting. You might wonder why I was calling this good news?


Because it is showing me the reason she wants to come to the USA.




The line has been drawn... Lucy and I are on the same page but a lot wiser.


We are crossing that line upcoming and this time we will get that WAHOO!

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Eric & Lucy:


Time to start the assault!

I have had the priviledge of seeing the denial document and will give my take on your situation; hoping that you can dig in and overcome this situation and secondly, give future applicants a little insight into the "what can go wrong" scenario.


First, there is a running discussion here on if the decision is preemptive or decided on the spot as the beneficiary is interviewed.  Only Lucy can confirm what went down.  Did she get nervous and revert to chinese after months of english school and practicing the responses?  My take is that a couple of red flags were raised and Lucy's interview was predestined.  Why?  On the front page was a hand written comment; not just a prefunctory box checked.  The statement was in english and Chinese..."who wrote the emails which are supposedly from the petitioner?"  I know (but they do not) that you were trying to facilitate communication by equipping your computer with a translating program and sending these emails in chinese.  I think this lit up the first flag.  As Frank has pointed out; scams do exist and this just might indicate that you are being prompted to initiate a fraudulent immigration.  Secondly, being freshly divorced and expressing the amiable situation with your ex-wife only lights up another flag.  They do not take into effect that you have children with her and therefore, taking the high road is not a sign of trying to pull off a financial gain with your ex-wives complicity.  The third light comes on if there is a question of getting the airline tickets.  I am certain that Lucy was assisting you to get the best deal...let's face it, these gals are sharp, frugal and only trying to help you; not buy you an airline ticket to initiate the interface which will start the K-1 process (meeting in person).


Secondly, you indicated problems with Lucy's ex-husband, just out-and-out trying to extort money from the "rich American" when Lucy let it be known that she was taking the children to America.  I would ask Lucy if she was displaying the blue slip in view as she exited the consulate.  To be accosted immediately by a tout trying also to extort money could be a situation similar to Alex's where 3rd party intervention has screwed up the entire situation.


OK...enough what went wrongs (possibly), and on to how to fix it:


1) I have already passed on to Lucy and children to become (severely) tight-lipped.  She should return to NanNing and await help and direction from you only.  Do not discuss with "friends" , teachers...etc.

2) Respond point by point in as much detail that you can dig up:

  #8-Provide all records of telephone contact made...hopefully a service like Onesuite.com was used and you can print out all records.  You might need Lucy to provide evidence that the telephone # you called belongs to her.

  #9 - Provide a detailed statement about the entire relationship's evolution.  This one is easy and should allow you a forum to overwhelmingly present a bona fide relationship.

  #11 - Provide history of trips to Nanning.  Again, this should be easy to document.  The most important part is to show how Eric planned and paid for these trips.  Charge card payments, airline tickets and details of your travels...maybe including pictures will give you an opportunity to show that you were actually courting her; not just meeting her for some scam.  Be sure to include statements about Lucy's children accompanying trips.

  #13 - Provide notorized copy of Eric's passport.  While this specifically calls out to be notorized; it probably wouldn't hurt to get all documents notorized.

  #14 - Provide evidence of WHO purchased petitioner's plane ticket.  HAVE THEY RUNG A BELL HERE?  Eric must provide a complete money trail from bank statements paying credit card to credit card charges to ticket issuance.  This looks like a real hot button.

  #15 - Provide residency history of petioner's ex-spouse and beneficiary's ex-spouse.  This one is a little tougher on Lucy's end.  Eric should be able to come up with sufficient evidence from his ex.  Lucy may have to offer a "cooperation fee" to her ex to get sufficient documentation of his residency.  Here is where King may come in as an invaluable aide.  If Lucy has been divorced for a sufficient period of time and her husband has resided outside of her domicile of NanNing (I think he is in GuangZhou); maybe the divorce decree will suffice.  If all of the preceding documentation is extremely strong then this issue may fade away.

While Lucy received the denial; it was clearly left open to consideration upon presentation of the above materials.  Load up the dump truck; heed that you may have to call and make an appointment to return to GuangZhou and plug away at getting over this blockade.  At least you clearly understand what they are requiring; what their impression is of the application and YOU WILL PREVAIL.


It will come to pass...




This is a very good and well organized plan. If I were in Eric's shoes (and I have been) I would implement it.

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