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Chinese people are very disorderly

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I must be honest, it is maddening, if not sickening, to see local Chinese bring their bad habits with them here to the States. It is so disgusting to hear or see a Chinese hacking up something or picking their nose, while I am eating. I honestly will not eat at a local Asian restaurant for this reason. So annoying to have them elbow me out of the way, while I am at the mall shopping. These bad habits seem to be so engrained that it is just natural behavior. Now, of course, not all Chinese are like this, but it only takes a few to leave an indelible impression.

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
I must be honest, it is maddening, if not sickening, to see local Chinese bring their bad habits with them here to the States.  It is so disgusting to hear or see a Chinese hacking up something or picking their nose, while I am eating.  I honestly will not eat at a local Asian restaurant for this reason.


Felix? Is that you? Felix? The best part about being around someone with an annoying habit is that often the passage of time allows them to fade away. Now, there may be an unfortunate group that is in fact married to such a person.


With the shoe on the other foot I can tell you that I was equally ashamed on a previous visit to China. I was sitting in a breakfast buffet in a very nice hotel. I watched a white American family enter comprised of a Father / Husband / Wife, and two children under ten. Now, not that this matters, but it fits a typical American sterotype. All were overweight and seemed to be sweating from every pore. They were loud. The whole room was quiet and peaceful until they entered.


The father began immediately demanding to know how OLD everything was. Was it fresh. NO, he said, I do not want coffee or anything else right now. Go away. During this exchange his two children were playing tag in the restaurant.


I quickly left the buffet area because I could.....

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I must be honest, it is maddening, if not sickening, to see local Chinese bring their bad habits with them here to the States.?It is so disgusting to hear or see a Chinese hacking up something or picking their nose, while I am eating.?I honestly will not eat at a local Asian restaurant for this reason.


Felix? Is that you? Felix? The best part about being around someone with an annoying habit is that often the passage of time allows them to fade away. Now, there may be an unfortunate group that is in fact married to such a person.


With the shoe on the other foot I can tell you that I was equally ashamed on a previous visit to China. I was sitting in a breakfast buffet in a very nice hotel. I watched a white American family enter comprised of a Father / Husband / Wife, and two children under ten. Now, not that this matters, but it fits a typical American sterotype. All were overweight and seemed to be sweating from every pore. They were loud. The whole room was quiet and peaceful until they entered.


The father began immediately demanding to know how OLD everything was. Was it fresh. NO, he said, I do not want coffee or anything else right now. Go away. During this exchange his two children were playing tag in the restaurant.


I quickly left the buffet area because I could.....


Hey, isn't this post about CHINESE people are very disorderly?


You are: :D !


Seriously, fat, sweaty, obnoxious, white people are my second pet peave...

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew




Well, I guess if you're in a restroom with a sign labeld "ALL WHITES" I could agree. But, the pot calling the kettle black song is ringing in my ear. Much of modern media has evolved to the point realizing that if the listening audience is not liking what it's heariing, they will change the channel.....

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I must be honest, it is maddening, if not sickening, to see local Chinese bring their bad habits with them here to the States.?It is so disgusting to hear or see a Chinese hacking up something or picking their nose, while I am eating.?I honestly will not eat at a local Asian restaurant for this reason.


Felix? Is that you? Felix? The best part about being around someone with an annoying habit is that often the passage of time allows them to fade away. Now, there may be an unfortunate group that is in fact married to such a person.


With the shoe on the other foot I can tell you that I was equally ashamed on a previous visit to China. I was sitting in a breakfast buffet in a very nice hotel. I watched a white American family enter comprised of a Father / Husband / Wife, and two children under ten. Now, not that this matters, but it fits a typical American sterotype. All were overweight and seemed to be sweating from every pore. They were loud. The whole room was quiet and peaceful until they entered.


The father began immediately demanding to know how OLD everything was. Was it fresh. NO, he said, I do not want coffee or anything else right now. Go away. During this exchange his two children were playing tag in the restaurant.


I quickly left the buffet area because I could.....



Seriously, fat, sweaty, obnoxious, white people are my second pet peave...


EEEXCUUUSEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Waht do you have against us fat, sweaty, smelley, obnoxiuos white guys??

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Guest ShaQuaNew
EEEXCUUUSEE  MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Waht do you have against us fat, sweaty,  smelley, obnoxiuos white guys??




I met a nice sweaty, fat, white guy in an interstate restroom......He was wearing a t-shirt saying somethiing about "Mutton Matters" and "Sheep are People Too."

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Sometimes fashion can be used to change the culture.


Metal buttons on dress jacket sleeves started with military uniforms. They are decorative not used to close anything. The problem was that men's sleeves would become sodden with snot from wiping noses. It was the custom but was not nice on military dress uniforms. A row of buttons made it uncomfortable to say the least. It then became fashionable on all dress jackets to keep that unsodden look at parties.


Myself, I have not been able to master the graceful technique of placing one finger to the nose and expelling the bugger adroitly to the street or floor. But this custom may pass into history. After all, if the French could teach the English to use a fork (about 1200) and the Chinese introduce toilet paper to the west (1820's) and Japan introduce facial kleenex to America (1846) Chinese customs can change too. Although an American missionary Bernard Bettleheim reported the custom of tissues to blow the nose, he reported what a filthy habit it was compared to using the handkerchief. It took about 40 years to actually introduce the idea which did not come into popularity until the 1940's. I remember almost all older men in the 50's using handkerchiefs.


By the way isn't it interesting that westerners learned the toilet paper thing from the Chinese yet in China I had to bring my own. Humans are very amusing people.

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Spitting is still common in baseball even though most of them don't chew tobacco anymore. Is this culture as well? Is it habit? Is it the norm? Even Rosanne a few years ago imitated this with her spitting and crotch grabbing. Little kids play pretend with these gestures.


My apologies to the baseball fans, I won't comment on our national past time anymore. The players were just watering the grass.


I actually get more annoyed with people whom you hold the door for them or something similar. Then they don't thank you or even acknowledge that your're there. They walk right pass you without looking at you.

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I saw a guy spitting on the floor at Guangzhou new airport check-in lobby, and he stepped on it. Why couldn't he spit on a tissue and wrap it and dump it into the trash can?


I saw a woman throw up from a taxi, everything was stuck on the taxi door and then dropped on the road. I understand she might be sick or not feel good while taking any transportation, but why couldn't she prepare a plastic bag before going out, she should know her own situation.


These disgusted me alot.


Another issue, do you know why most restrooms in China do not have toilet paper? Because Chinese people would take it home.


Same to the napkins, ketchup, pepper, salt and refill coke in McDonald and KFC.


Demand is much greater than supply.


At where I'm living, the management office decorated for mid-autumn festival with lanterns couple days ago. Last night, I found the lanterns were gone. I was wondering what happened to those lanterns, the mid-autumn festival was not even here yet, why the office took them back. Guess what? The kids took the lanterns home with their parents' assistance. Today, I saw the management people put some lanterns on again. Tonight, when I went walking my dog, the lanterns were gone again. What the... :P


These "cultures", as I said before, are due to poor education.

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I saw a guy spitting on the floor at Guangzhou new airport check-in lobby, and he stepped on it.  Why couldn't he spit on a tissue and wrap it and dump it into the trash can? 


I saw a woman throw up from a taxi, everything was stuck on the taxi door and then dropped on the road.  I understand she might be sick or not feel good while taking any transportation, but why couldn't she prepare a plastic bag before going out, she should know her own situation.


These disgusted me alot.


Another issue, do you know why most restrooms in China do not have toilet paper?  Because Chinese people would take it home.


Same to the napkins, ketchup, pepper, salt and refill coke in McDonald and KFC.


Demand is much greater than supply.


At where I'm living, the management office decorated for mid-autumn festival with lanterns couple days ago.  Last night, I found the lanterns were gone.  I was wondering what happened to those lanterns, the mid-autumn festival was not even here yet, why the office took them back.  Guess what?  The kids took the lanterns home with their parents' assistance.  Today, I saw the management people put some lanterns on again.  Tonight, when I went walking my dog, the lanterns were gone again.  What the...  :ph34r: 


These "cultures", as I said before, are due to poor education.


Chinese are frugal. :huh:

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.  Chinese are trying to be better with their behavior, but some guys here said they would follow Chinese to cut lines and even went further.  I'm astonished with what they said.  I think protecting yourself is one issue, following others to do bad things is another issue.

You're right. Cutting, pushing, shoving, etc. isn't a cultural issue in any freakin' country. If you think pushing back, throwing elbows or whatever is the answer, you have as big a problem with social behavior as they do and should check into anger management.

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Interested in representing CFL Trigg?


30 years ago there were many books in Japan warning travelers going to the west not to publicly urinate and not to walk outside their hotel room in the evening in their underwear.


The coverage like this shows that many are aware of needs to change to meet international standards and gain respect abroad. As China becaomes more and more of an international player things will change. These things will also change first among the educated and those dealing outside China then syphon down the socio-economic ladder.

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