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Divide and Conquer

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Since the US government screwed up so many things, a full list of request items we are demanding would be very long. What is the best approach, flooding the government with all demands we can think of, or focusing our effort on one or two core demands to build a strong case?


I believe that there is one dominating request, if granted, that can solve many problems, enlarge our team, clearly see our progress, and yet have the most reasonable grounding to achieve. We demand that the name check be done in the sequential queue in the order of the consular interview date.


The most effective way to expand our team. We have been divided and the team strength was minimized by the non-order. If the process is going to be done in order, then if the government delays the process by one day, every body will experience the same one-day delay. In that case, the December and January group will join our force to actively fight for our rights. Otherwise, the most active fighting force would always be the August-September group, even after a few months later.


We would not be in darkness and would not be easily cheated over and over if the process were in order. If in order, only one member of our group need to call DOS to get the interview date that the name check process has reached, and post it in this board. Day 1, August 5 applicants had been processed. Day 2 August 10… Just like we see a computer progress bar. If we know that in the whole week, they stick on August 5 applicants, then we do not need 4 weeks to realize that they are cheating on us.


No chaotic name resubmission. The “duplication name resubmission” consumed the government resources, and further delayed the process. If in order, when GZ receive a clearance list with August 20 interviewees, GZ only need to resubmit the name of applicants whose interview date is early than August 20, and the number would be minimum.


There is no reason to refuse this request, and more easily to obtain understandings from government personnel and general public. “Delay of extra 6 months” would not move people very much. Long process time in INS is a norm, and the security and fighting for illegal immigration have higher priorities. Many of government personnel may be unmarried women; unspoken words in their mind are “ Now I know why I can not find a right one. Their eyes are on Chinese girls. They made their choices”. But No body can provide a sound reason to refuse the request for a fair in-order process.

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Aloha from Hawaii.

The delays are not screwups.  They are on purpose.  The visa delays began about the

same time the FBI visited Guangzhou.  This looks like a conspiracy in the Federal

Government against us.

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

They why is the AUG group beeing passed up...I belive total screw up!!


This whole situation cannot just be simply described by "screw up", or "mess up" or "mis-communication" or "mis-management", etc.


There was a thread on public media targets, that's really a good idea to get the things out to the public.


In the meantime, I don't think there is any need to ask DOS/GZ to sort things out, like we've been asking for over 6 months...


Let's put somethings more clear in action, like we can ask GZ to put case number and waiting days (or interview date) on their website, something like the Indian Embassy has been doing for a while.

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In the meantime, I don't think there is any need to ask DOS/GZ to sort things out, like we've been asking for over 6 months...


Let's put somethings more clear in action, like we can ask GZ to put case number and waiting days (or interview date) on their website, something like the Indian Embassy has been doing for a while.


First all, “ask DOS/GZ to put case number and waiting days” is one kind of “ask DOS/GZ to sort things out”, and it would not be granted automatically, and it is not necessarily easier to achieve. Secondly, the case number and waiting days alone would not give us much information if the process is done randomly; we are getting some of those information in this forum. You would not know when your case would be cleared from those data.


Once we make sure that the process is in order, and then the daily clearance number and waiting days make much sense to us. In this case, even GZ do not want to post those data, we will still be able to estimate the over-all progress and an individual’s clearance date on the basis of partial data which may be posted by applicants on the forum.

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I will don my devil's advocate hat to generate some discussion.


1. Putting visa issuance on a strict interview date will slow everyone except the first person at its inception, and perhaps even them. If we say as of Monday, only the oldest interview date can receive their visa. Let's also say, the first one hasn't cleared but GZ has 50 clearances ready to go with later interview dates. This would cause those 50, and any received from then on, to wait until the first one is processed. Is this what you are suggesting?


2. It appears that staff shortage is a key problem in getting the clearances entered so the visa can be issued. Posting cleared case numbers would be done by whom? The same person who could be entering clearances?


3. Either of these options would require a new step in the procedure. I seriously question the wisdom of adding anything new to an already unstable process. A very recent example is the resubmission debacle which only caused additional problems and delays.


I will be interested in seeing what other folks think.


-Don H

The only thought I can muster at this point seriously.. This Lotto is fixed ! :D

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I will don my devil's advocate hat to generate some discussion.


1. Putting visa issuance on a strict interview date will slow everyone except the first person at its inception, and perhaps even them. If we say as of Monday, only the oldest interview date can receive their visa. Let's also say, the first one hasn't cleared but GZ has 50 clearances ready to go with later interview dates. This would cause those 50, and any received from then on, to wait until the first one is processed. Is this what you are suggesting?


2. It appears that staff shortage is a key problem in getting the clearances entered so the visa can be issued. Posting cleared case numbers would be done by whom? The same person who could be entering clearances?


3. Either of these options would require a new step in the procedure. I seriously question the wisdom of adding anything new to an already unstable process. A very recent example is the resubmission debacle which only caused additional problems and delays.


I will be interested in seeing what other folks think.


-Don H

The only thought I can muster at this point seriously.. This Lotto is fixed ! :D

I sure hope that is true. If the DOS news is genuine, we should be hearing good things soon - like next week. Hope your is first, Eric. If Yuhui doesn't get here soon I'm really worried about you and Mick. ;) :D :huh:

Hey, how did I get drug into this? :D

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Hey, how did I get drug into this?  :huh:

I'm sure Mick meant "dragged" into this.. :D

No worries. He's on valium...

I intentionally wanted to avoid any word that contained the concept of "drag". Looks like there are enough rumors about us anyway. ;) :D :D

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Hey, how did I get drug into this?  :D

I'm sure Mick meant "dragged" into this.. ;)

No worries. He's on valium...

I intentionally wanted to avoid any word that contained the concept of "drag". Looks like there are enough rumors about us anyway. :D :D :D

yeah, riiiiight.. 5 years in China and he forgot how to spell already....

;) :huh:

Don't feel bad.. My folks in France gets a kick when I write "marriage" (US) instead of "Mariage" ( French ) ;)

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Hope every ones happy tonight, always remember our stupid govt goofed things up, remember when you vote, get them out ,Id----  place them in a retirement home in sunny Florida so they can finnish baking the gray matter

Unfortunately, we DO have to elect a gov't... Regardless...

Which one of the evils do you prefer?

GOP and DEMS screw up in turn...

So it's a dead end....

Personally, I'll vote RPR in the next election :)

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Hey, how did I get drug into this?  :o

I'm sure Mick meant "dragged" into this.. ;)

No worries. He's on valium...

I intentionally wanted to avoid any word that contained the concept of "drag". Looks like there are enough rumors about us anyway. :lol: :D :)

Did you file a I-129F for Mick, Eric? :lol:

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Hey, how did I get drug into this?  ;)

I'm sure Mick meant "dragged" into this.. ;)

No worries. He's on valium...

I intentionally wanted to avoid any word that contained the concept of "drag". Looks like there are enough rumors about us anyway. :o :D :)

Did you file a I-129F for Mick, Eric? :D

yeah, but he was rejected by the INS.. :lol: :lol:

Too weird they said.

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