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I-134 Affidavite of support

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On the I-134 intstruction page it says they need a statement from the officer of my bank that contains, current balance, Date account was open and , the total amount of deposits over the last 1 year.....hoowever my bank says there computer doesnt show just every deposit made in a year and they need to go back read every statement which the lady was angry about doing and it costs 20 dollars an hour for research work. Did anyone else have these trouble if you did or didnt just tell me about how you prepared for your I-134. tHANKS

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On the I-134 intstruction page it says they need a statement from the officer of my bank that contains, current balance, Date account was open and , the total amount of deposits over the last 1 year.....hoowever my bank says there computer doesnt show just every deposit made in a year and they need to go back read every statement which the lady was angry about doing and it costs 20 dollars an hour for research work. Did anyone else have these trouble if you did or didnt just tell me about how you prepared for your I-134. tHANKS


My bank had been bought out by another so they could not search back. So I just brought in my statements, the manager added up the total deposits for the year and printed out a couple of copies. If one branch won't do it go to another. The bank has been very helpful with notarizing things and and this. Just need to be nice and search out helpful people.

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Have them draft and noterize a letter like this.


Us Consul

HK China


Mr XXX has on deposit with XXX Bank the following:


Account xxxxxxxxx Balance xxxxxxxxx Date Opened xx/xx/xxxxx


Account xxxxxxxxx Balance xxxxxxxxx Date Opened xx/xx/xxxxx


Account xxxxxxxxx Balance xxxxxxxxx Date Opened xx/xx/xxxxx





xxxx xxxxxxx


Officer Number


I have one at home and can be more specific but

that is the general format.


Mine is with Citi Bank and they tell me that they worked

with the government to develope this format.

Edited by pkfops (see edit history)
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When I inquired into a bank letter.. they said that I could bring in all my statements and someone would review them all with me to draft a summary of deposits for the last 12 months, etc... I decided to drop that whole issue since income alone was sufficient...




You only need the bank statement of you are claiming assets on the I-134... since the bank letter is your 'proof' , just as the taxes & employment letter are your 'proof' for income.


If you qualify easily on income alone, no need to put in the assets.. and can bypass the bank letter.

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If you have on-line banking - can't you print out copies of your statements.


Not sure I would go all the way to interview without Bank Statement

the I-134 Instructions list:

A- Statement from Bank

B-letter of employment

C - if self-employed - income tax return


instructions say to bring "any or all" documents pertinant to your situation. So I guess I would err on the side of safety and take kitchen sink approach, even if you don't need.

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BP is right.... better to have and not need, than to need and not have... :D

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When I filed my I-134, I inquired about needing my banking information. They told that if my annual salary was over the 125% minimum (which it is), banking information was not necessary, It is only necessary if you made under it and needed additional proof of financial solvancy.

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So they're looking at income in the past (from your returns), savings in the present (assests), and the next few checks coming to you (statement from employer). Is having one of these enough, or do you have to get two out of three to qualify?




You make over the 125% minimum but, in addition to not claiming substantial assets (over a couple thousand bucks), have no tax returns to show because 2005 will be the first year you've ever made enough to be legally required to file.


Is it like relationship evidence (one type isn't ever enough) or can you bet everything on the letter from your employer?



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So they're looking at income in the past (from your returns), savings in the present (assests), and the next few checks coming to you (statement from employer).  Is having one of these enough, or do you have to get two out of three to qualify?




You make over the 125% minimum but, in addition to not claiming substantial assets (over a couple thousand bucks), have no tax returns to show because 2005 will be the first year you've ever made enough to be legally required to file. 


Is it like relationship evidence (one type isn't ever enough) or can you bet everything on the letter from your employer?




More than likely they won't even look at it. And in theory you should be fine if you can show you have a stable history of employment at over 125%. But there is a lot of discretion in the VO's decision as to what is acceptable. Just like relationship evidence, why go on the cheap with the bare minimum when you are rolling the dice. Relationships with Chinese are costly in time, money and stress. I would not want to face my SO coming out of the interview with a rejection because the VO wanted something I could have easily provided.

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