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Why did you decide to marry outside your culture?

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OK, tell me.  All you intellectuals and just plain folk like me.  I want to know why you decided to go marry someone in a foreign country, who can hardly speak a lick of English and you can't speak any of their's.  Why in the hell can't you just find a good mate here in the USA and why in the hell do you have to go around the world to do this????  I just don't get it!


Words are not the only form of communication! If two people desire to communicate, Than language has no barriers.

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as she doesn't look Greek/Irish/American Indian


What???? I thought you were hillbilly :lol: :P


Southern Greece!


So You must be a Greek Hill Billy

aren't there some hills near Nashville ?


Yup, I'm a greasy hillbilly!


Believe it or not, Nashville even has the Parthenon and a giant statue of Athena. B) :blink: :huh:

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Guest pushbrk
yeah, unlike most people here, my SO speaks no English and I speak no Mandarin, but we're both willing to learn for each other so I guess that's really all that counts. The only difference between her and I communicating and an American girl and I communicating is... time.


Your are making incorrect assumptions. "Most" people here began their relationships by communication through translators or translation devices. Many, like myself are still doing so after marriage or even after their SO arrives in the USA.


My wife and I have added a little Manglish recently. I practice my Mandarin and she her English when we talk through Yahoo with voice and webcam.


Since you don't plan to even visit your SO until at least September, you have lots of time to develope communication methods that work for you.

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Fortunately, we have never had any problem with naysayyers but if it was a fat woman asking, I think the answer would be easy....

My wife and I have always been able to communicate in English but it is still fun to see her English get better day by day. My friends even comment on how much better it is since she has been meeting the public at work. If we could not communicate well, our relationship would not be as good as it is as we spend hours just talking.

I made a list of things I was looking for in a woman before I started on the quest. Knowledge of English, college degree, nice family and happy with her status where ever she lived. Just a guide line but I am glad I found just what I was looking for and more.

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as she doesn't look Greek/Irish/American Indian


What???? I thought you were hillbilly :angry: :P


Southern Greece!


don't you mean Southern Grease????


Vitamin 'G' as it is known below the Mason-Dixon...



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I have " I ONLY MARRY OUTSIDE MY CULTURE" tatooed on my forehead.



Made ya look, didn't it?


Anyway, Me?


1st wife, Hispanic , 10 yrs ( cheatin Beach )



I spent 3 yrs in pitty.


2nd wife, African American @ 2 yrs ( felt like she married too young and split )



I spent 4 yrs living single, not looking to ever marry again,




BAAAAAAAAM!!!!!! Like a traffic light in the desert.


The unexpected.


3rd times the charm. @ Yi bei zi. yong yuan. xin teng. Ai wo de lao po.


Stuff Happens.



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I could say, I've always preferred Asian women, but where I live, there simply aren't any. I could also say I like the more traditional view that Asian women have on marriage (no, not the barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen crap), in that marriages aren't disposable.


I could continue and say I fell in love with my wife because she is incredibly smart, stunningly beautiful, and she has a wicked sense of humour I adore.


But it really comes down to two reasons:




I look into those and I just know God and fate met and chose her for me.


Third time is the charm for me too. Our motto is "forever, hand in hand."

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My SO speaks excellent English and technically Im part chinese. My great grandmother is 100% chinese. Even so, alot of american girls dont appreciate what they have in the USA.. Foreign women appreciate America more..have better values, morals, respect, love, commitment to a relationship, etc than most american girls. :lol:


Marraige is about two people who love each other.Nationality is just a side issue.I believe.So ,I can understand why people marry outside their culture.


I am happy to hear so many positive stories about interracial marriages on this forum.


Keep posting people~

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Our motto is "forever, hand in hand."




Your words are often reminscent of sayings of myself and my SO...


Knowing you like to learn chinese, here is a line in a poem which she loves and is akin to your motto:





~{V4~}zhi2 ~{WS~}zi3 ~{V.~}zhi1 ~{JV~}shou3 ~{#,~}[~{Sk~}yu2;yu3;yu4] ~{WS~}zi3 ~{YI~}xie2 ~{@O~}lao3




For some reason, the chinese characters for the poem won't paste and display... so I only gave you one line of the poem.. I think this comes from what is called the "Reed poems"... I've got it in a word document if you want it...

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Our motto is "forever, hand in hand."




Your words are often reminscent of sayings of myself and my SO...


Knowing you like to learn chinese, here is a line in a poem which she loves and is akin to your motto:





~{V4~}zhi2 ~{WS~}zi3 ~{V.~}zhi1 ~{JV~}shou3 ~{#,~}[~{Sk~}yu2;yu3;yu4] ~{WS~}zi3 ~{YI~}xie2 ~{@O~}lao3




For some reason, the chinese characters for the poem won't paste and display... so I only gave you one line of the poem.. I think this comes from what is called the "Reed poems"... I've got it in a word document if you want it...




~{V4~}(hold) ~{WS~} (your) ~{V.~}(' = possessive form )~{JV~}(hands), ~{Sk~}(with) ~{WS~} (you) ~{YI@O~} (together getting old)


My wife said this to me years ago...

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Our motto is "forever, hand in hand."




Your words are often reminscent of sayings of myself and my SO...


Knowing you like to learn chinese, here is a line in a poem which she loves and is akin to your motto:





~{V4~}zhi2 ~{WS~}zi3 ~{V.~}zhi1 ~{JV~}shou3 ~{#,~}[~{Sk~}yu2;yu3;yu4] ~{WS~}zi3 ~{YI~}xie2 ~{@O~}lao3




For some reason, the chinese characters for the poem won't paste and display... so I only gave you one line of the poem.. I think this comes from what is called the "Reed poems"... I've got it in a word document if you want it...




~{V4~}(hold) ~{WS~} (your) ~{V.~}(' = possessive form )~{JV~}(hands), ~{Sk~}(with) ~{WS~} (you) ~{YI@O~} (together getting old)


My wife said this to me years ago...


I guess I was hoping he would be forced to go off and study this poem line himself :P :P


Have you read the poem ?

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Our motto is "forever, hand in hand."




Your words are often reminscent of sayings of myself and my SO...


Knowing you like to learn chinese, here is a line in a poem which she loves and is akin to your motto:





~{V4~}zhi2 ~{WS~}zi3 ~{V.~}zhi1 ~{JV~}shou3 ~{#,~}[~{Sk~}yu2;yu3;yu4] ~{WS~}zi3 ~{YI~}xie2 ~{@O~}lao3




For some reason, the chinese characters for the poem won't paste and display... so I only gave you one line of the poem.. I think this comes from what is called the "Reed poems"... I've got it in a word document if you want it...




~{V4~}(hold) ~{WS~} (your) ~{V.~}(' = possessive form )~{JV~}(hands), ~{Sk~}(with) ~{WS~} (you) ~{YI@O~} (together getting old)


My wife said this to me years ago...


I guess I was hoping he would be forced to go off and study this poem line himself :P :P


Have you read the poem ?


No, I have not read the poem. But that sentence is so well know in the Chinese community that if you say that to a Chinese lady, she will be moved...

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After dating here for a while (after my first wife's death) I decided that I needed to place some priorities on my life going forward.


#1 - My children are NOT negotiable. Anybody I spend the rest of my life with will accept my children as they ARE and help me help us to make the whole family better.


#2 - MY bald head is NOT negotiable. If a woman I was dating 'suggested' that I 'do something' about my 'biggest problem' then I decided that SHE was my biggest problem, and did something. Most of the bitter divorced American Women I knew were very shallow.


I did not want to risk my career or associations at my job so 'fishing from the company pier' was out. I don't attend church regularly and I am not a 'bar' kinda guy. All the lady guitarbuilders would only want my CNC inlay jobs and not me anyways, so my other professional associations would not work either.


Ok, that leaves Internet Dating. I chatted with a number of women, stopping as soon as money 'to buy more chat time' came up. They were chatting before they met me, so why?????


Ok, so I want a lady that is mature, but still has energy and looks younger than she is. She should have kids (at least one) close to my kids age so she will not want / need more children since I am NOT going to start over after my two teenagers melted down with my wifes death.


So, after painting myself into this corner, along comes Loving Candle, who is all I can ever want or need, and on top of this is a VERY attractive, loving Chinese woman. I personally think Asian women are the most beautiful there are, Chinese are the most beautiful Asians, and Loving Candle the MOST beautiful Chinese woman for me.


Why did I decide to marry outside my culture? What is my culture? Am I an Okie, or a Rock Musician currently not gigging? An Engineer or an Artist? A Widower? A Woodworker or Designer?




All the roles of my lifetime converge here, and lead me back to my love again. I hope she can join me this year and we can be the family we both need for the rest of our lives.



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