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Why did you decide to marry outside your culture?

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OK, tell me. All you intellectuals and just plain folk like me. I want to know why you decided to go marry someone in a foreign country, who can hardly speak a lick of English and you can't speak any of their's. Why in the hell can't you just find a good mate here in the USA and why in the hell do you have to go around the world to do this???? I just don't get it!

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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My fiance speaks excellent English. And besides that, Asian guys are hot. I've always thought so.


:blink: :huh:


(This question again? Sorry Dennis, but this has already been asked and answered at least 10 times on CFL....)


I think most people will tell you that they don't love their SO because they are Chinese.. just happened to fall in love with a person who happened to be Chinese.

Edited by amberzhu (see edit history)
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My fiance speaks excellent English. And besides that, Asian guys are hot. I've always thought so.


:huh:  :huh:


My fiancee speaks excellent Mandarin. And besides that Nanning women are hot!!! I can not comment on the men though. I will take your word for that :D

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My fiancee speaks great english and I have been learning Chinese for several years now, so language has not been an issue.


My family background is more European than US, and during my lifetime I have lived in many other parts of the world, learning several other languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, a little Greek and Latin). So culture and language are not a big thing with me, in fact i sometimes feel foreign with US culture.


I also agree with the previous post, "fate", and i gladly and willfully accept our meeting. It has been the best thing in my life, and hers as well.

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OK, tell me.  All you intellectuals and just plain folk like me.  I want to know why you decided to go marry someone in a foreign country, who can hardly speak a lick of English and you can't speak any of their's.  Why in the hell can't you just find a good mate hear in the USA and why in the hell do you have to go around the world to do this????  I just don't understand it!


We are fated to marry.I speak very good English ,my husband didn't speak Chinese at all and now he is learning Chinese to communicate with my family.He can speak a little now.Communication is the most important for me in a relationship.I don't understand why people could get married without understanding each other.If you don't understand each other,how could you get to know each other in the beginning?Because I would never marry someone who can't communicate with me.It seems that you are going to marry someone who doesn't speak English at all. And you don't know why you want to marry her?What do you mean you dont understand it?You don't understand why people get married without speaking the same language,but aren't you one of those brave men?That sounds weird to me,I have been wondering why people could get married without knowing the same language,maybe you could explain to me?I am just curious.

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I talk to my husband in English all the time ,and we communicate well.Language is not a problem for us.He is taking class in USA now to learn Chinese and I also teach him sometimes.He says I am the best teacher.(I am happy to hear this. :D )As a matter of fact,everyday I speak English much more than I speak Chinese even I am still in China.Because I spend most of my time talking to my husband everyday. :lol:

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Guest ShaQuaNew
I want to know why you decided to go marry someone in a foreign country, who can hardly speak a lick of English and you can't speak any of their's.


Why in the hell can't you just find a good mate hear in the USA and why in the hell do you have to go around the world to do this????  I just don't understand it!


Who are these YOU people? This description certainly does not apply to my partner and I. Does it apply to you?

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OK, tell me.  All you intellectuals and just plain folk like me.  I want to know why you decided to go marry someone in a foreign country, who can hardly speak a lick of English and you can't speak any of their's.  Why in the hell can't you just find a good mate hear in the USA and why in the hell do you have to go around the world to do this????  I just don't understand it!


Are you an American Indian? No? Then why the hell did you leave your home and invade America? I just don;t understand why you and your family are living your entire life in a foreign country.


What I mean is some people like to explore, sometimes they find love and marry. If I found a great American woman I would have married her. Unfortunately the American women I dated and I have very different values. I traveled for biz and accidently met the woman of my dreams, good luck for us. By the way who said she can't speak English and who said I can not speak Chinese?

Edited by natrigon (see edit history)
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