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Hi all,

I know that this has been addressed before, but as scatter brained as I have been getting ever since we found out that the SO will go for her interview in Sept, I am here in the states going nuts, trying to make all of the final plans for her.

She has a dog, a little bit bigger than a Jack Russel, (About 20kg) and is wanting to bring it to NC from Nanning. We know that she will have to get some sort of cage, but that is about it. I have tried to check everywhere I can think of to try & fid out all of the paticulars, but No Winner.

Would someone be so kind as to give us a Play by Play on How to accomplish this feet?

What type of Cage will she need?
Where to find it in Nanning?
How should she go about getting the Dog from Nanning Airport, past Guangzhou international, Into LAX & Onto Charlotte NC.

We want to make absolutely sure that her dog follows her Every Step of the Way. (Or I'll Never hear the end of it)

Any thoughts on how much it will cost|?

We know that the physical for the dog in Nanning will be about 400RMB.

Any Assistance in this matter would be greatly appriecated.


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Hi all,


I know that this has been addressed before, but as scatter brained as I have been getting ever since we found out that the SO will go for her interview in Sept, I am here in the states going nuts, trying to make all of the final plans for her.


She has a dog, a little bit bigger than a Jack Russel, (About 20kg) and is wanting to bring it to NC from Nanning. We know that she will have to get some sort of cage, but that is about it.  I have tried to check everywhere I can think of to try & fid out all of the paticulars, but No Winner.


Would someone be so kind as to give us a Play by Play on How to accomplish this feet?


What type of Cage will she need?

Where to find it in Nanning?

How should she go about getting the Dog from Nanning Airport, past Guangzhou international, Into LAX & Onto Charlotte NC.


We want to make absolutely sure that her dog follows her Every Step of the Way. (Or I'll Never hear the end of it)


Any thoughts on how much it will cost|?


We know that the physical for the dog in Nanning will be about 400RMB.


Any Assistance in this matter would be greatly appriecated.






I have had the same problem when I traveled with a doberman that I had. Try these hyperlinks:








Since your better half is bringing pet to US, I can only assume that she loves it very much and will want to do future travel with it. For this purpose try the following websites:




I would also suggest strong tranquilizers, issued from a US Vet. These are easily brouhgt into any foreign country. Insure that the label shows the perscription is issued to you. The tranquilizer will help ease the travel of the dog. INSURE, that you are able to describe the pet fully to the Vet. (e.g. Dog Breed, weight, size, metabolism, how long the flight is, etc.) The Vet needs this information to insure that dose size is correct.


Regard to pet container size. General rule of thumb is to insure container is of a size where the dog is able to stand in middle of container, and still be able to turn around easily. I would suggest, keeping a frozen metal bowl of water in a cooler w/dry ice. Prior to placing the pet into the hands of the airline, then place the bowl into the container. This way the pet is able to lick the ice, doesn't create a huge mess since it will melt slowlyy and keeps the pet from dehydrating.


I would advise that if your better half returns to China, leave the pet in the hands of friends. Entry in PRC or any other country in Far East is a SNAFU. They don't treat dogs well, and you do take your chances. I would suggest Maximum insurance of all pets, no matter which way they are going.


Suggest, a notarized copy of the medical file of the pet accompany you. Many times not necessary. However, if they ask for it you have it right there. Customs can make your life miserable if you don't have the file.


Final suggestion is don't feed dog 12 to 18 hours in advance of the flight. Timing factor is dependent upon metabolism and pet size. Place food in container at the airport only and only then. Reason for this is when you obtain the dog at end of flight, you will have a huge fecal mess to clean up, both in cage and "covering the pet. I did this trick once and only once. The stench from the container can kill a buzzard at 50 paces upwind.


There is one cheating way a friend of mine used between Cambodia and Japan. He purchased a blind assistance harness for his German Shepard. Approached the airlines with the dog in the harness. He told airline the dog was a requirement to him. He got away with it and the dog flew in the cabin with him. I never had the b _ lls to try this trick.

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Well, here is the ordeal:


She will be comming alone from Nanning to Charlotte NC. She is finding very hard to get the right information as to how to make sure that China southern will bring the dog on as Cargo, & then correctly transfer it over to the China southern / Delta flight to LAX. If we can get it to lax, i am hoping that I can meet her there to assist her the rest of the way.


Any Insights?

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The pet will get onto the Delta flight fine. I recently travelled through LAX when I went home for a visit and back through LAX to come back to China. She will have to get her bags in LAX, go through customs and immigration THERE, and then re-check her bags at the Delta counter. Before checking her bags at the Delta counter they she will get in a line with all the other passangers and they will put everything through a big x-ray machine (and I'm not sure what else. You can't see it, but it has a huge wall around it.) Then, an airport employee will take her bags to the Delta counter. She won't be allowed to touch them again after the x-ray thing.

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