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Who is the boss/leader in your marriage?

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Guest ShaQuaNew
My husband is the boss/leader in our marriage,I don't have a problem with this,sometimes I think it is good to be led,that means my husband is strong.But even on very little thing like where to eat,what to eat he loves to lead.I know he feels good and feel important when he leads.I would feel important and loved too if I could lead sometimes.Do all men love to lead?Is it man's ego?I am curious. Does man's ego have to be satisfied?


The rules are very simple.....




It could get really boring, unfun, and mundane if one person did the leading and choosing all the time. Sometimes we might want to eat what she likes, go where she wants.....


Truth is, you just can't do everything together, and not wise to try.....Everyone is a little different. The word Ego, is not really a good word....


Ego--Noun: an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others


A healthy self concept is a much better thing. It rather spawns the sort of thinking that I'm okay regardless whether I get my way or not. Some people, regardless of gender have a real problem when the world does not revolve around them. Sharing company with that sort is akin to making a trip to the proctologist's office.


I think allowing your mate to make some choices is just fine, but set some limits. Be fair to yourself. B)

Edited by fitnlivly (see edit history)
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I think in any relationship one partner will be more dominant than the other.  It is human nature.  It may only be 49% 51% but it is inevitable.  I suppose I am the more dominant in my family although my wife's opinions are always given and respected.  Sometimes she even lets me say so.


I must agree, if one partner does not step up and take the dominant role, than some decisions will never get made. It is the best interest of the marriage that someone take the lead. This does not mean that the lead should ignore input from the other. My idea of the ideal marriage is 49% and 51%. Someone makes the final decision, but it is based on knowing what the other wants as well.


I always consult my wife on her view. Sometimes she tells me, "You have idea. I don't have idea." This is usually on little issues. It comes from not being here long enough. As she knows this area better, she will slowly become stronger. We talk over all big issues. On a few of these, I have told her to make the decision. She is not use to this, but gladly made the decision based on my input and her feelings. If your marriage is well balanced, taking the lead does not always mean making the decision.

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My husband is the boss/leader in our marriage,I don't have a problem with this,sometimes I think it is good to be led,that means my husband is strong.But even on very little thing like where to eat,what to eat he loves to lead.I know he feels good and feel important when he leads.I would feel important and loved too if I could lead sometimes.Do all men love to lead?Is it man's ego?I am curious. Does man's ego have to be satisfied?


I am the leader in our marriage here in the US. My wife often is the leader when we go to China. BUT we are both considerate to the others feelings. When I lead I usually lead with her in my mind. We have not yet had any problems. I also like Chinese food very much, so often we cook and go out to eat Chinese food. No problem there either.


I think men and women have one thing in common... Everybody is different.

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