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Slight wrench in our plans..

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ARRGGHH, My So has informed me she has an opportunity to work for an Well Known American company located in Shanghai..We are waiting for our P4 now and only have a few months to go...She was wondering if she got her visa, came here, married me... could she go back and start this job and stay there for awhile till she could get a transfer to one of their locations here in the USA...I told her that she'd have to be here for her AOS interview(s) and thats she couldnt miss it! We are K-1. I also told her if we stop the process now, we would have to start all over and wait another year or longer...She is hoping that it would be a great chance to find a job here easily by working there for them now...I also told her that she would have to work for then at least one year before even mentioning to them that she would like to transfer to the USA company.. that first you have to get in good with them... I know its possible to leave on advance parole after your married on the K-1 but for how long? I doubt you can stay a year in another country.. wouldnt we have to start all over or go K3 and start all over when she was ready to quit this new job ( if she takes it).. She is hoping that if she takes this new job then she wouldnt have to worry about finding work here ... she has a masters degree in Chemistry now....on a personal note... im not thrilled at having to wait for her another 1-2 years if she decides this is a good idea....what do you think.... i think she can find a job here with not that much problem.. she speaks very good english now..

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Looks like your options are wide open. by your timeline it will be3-4 months to interview. after the interview you have 6 months for her to use the visa. Since she has a visa maybe by then she can get the transfer to the US.


good luck however you work it out.

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Steve. I understand your concern. You have hit on the details of AP and there is also EAD to consider. As I understand the AP can take a few months to get. There may be other restrictions on AP and k-1 ???


If I understood your post, the thought about better ability to get job in USA is based on transfer by this company. Not so much for just working for a US company in China for short time - unless you cancel/delay the K-1, so she could work for longer time.


If you stay the K-1 route and she took the job now she would have about 9 months before she would have to enter the USA - with a few months before should could possibly return to China for unkown amount of time.


Now the crapshoot starts - a few thoughts:


a. Would the company be willing or able to transfer her to a USA location ? Regardless of timefrime.


b. Is the company aware that she is K-1 ? If they are not and she left after a few months, they might not be the best reference.


c. Any "promise" a company makes a employee is always subject to change in the future.


If I was in your SO's situation, I would be upfront with company about the situation. She may not get job or it could be a excellent outcome.


Good Luck and Best Wishes

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She feels that this would be a good way to go for being able to get a job when she finally is here. I think she wont have that much trouble finding a good job once shes here with her background. She has a job now but her contract wont finish until December of this year and she'd like to finish it out before doing anything. She hasnt decided on what to do, look into this job offer or not, Her sister told her of the job opportunity so she hasnt spoken to them yet. I will pass on all options to her and of course we will have to decide whats best for us...

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I am wondering what is more important to your SO, being with you as soon as possible or landing this job. Maybe she is having second thoughts about her relationship and this is a way of buying more time. With her background she can get a very good job in the US without any problem. In my eyes it seems a little odd that she is having concern about a job at this point. Maybe you need to find out what she really is thinking. Good luck.


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I personally don't see her questioning the relationship and don't see any link between her decision and whether she wants to be with you or not. She is seeing the job is good for her. by default, this would make it good for you two (in her thinking). Chinese ladies are usually good survivalist and opportunist... And often separate out issues better than we do, but this can cause us to wonder why they don't see a stronger connection between the act of staying means we are apart.


If her current job will go till december, seems that leaves only a few months to do the other job before the K1 would expire for her travel to US... I think your right. She has the background to get a good job, she may not feel this confident about securing one in, among all the other transitional issues she knows she will face.


Good luck.

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Let's say she does a great job at the US company in China. Is the company in your state? Also think about the possibility of no slot openings in her line of work with the company here in the US. If that's the case then will they write her a reference letter after a few month's of work?

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The feeling in China may be that when a good job comes along, take it! These opportunities may be far more rare there than they are in the states.


Perhaps you could contact a headhunter here simply to find out what the possibilities may be for her once she gets here.


She could always accept that job, and then quit if they won't let her transfer when the visa arrives, but that approach may not sit very well with your SO if she is reluctant to quit.



I don't think that that attitude would be a reflection on either you or your relationship.

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Your all right when it comes to her thinking of the opportunity of getting a decent job for the future of both of us. Ive talked more in length with her over this and told her she needs more info from this company to make a rational decision that will effect both of us.

1) Will this company offer a transfer to said company in the states?

2) how long after you work for them would you be eligable for a transfer?

3) Where are the location(s) in the USA? im in Texas. If we moved then I would be looking for a new job and it might take sometime for myself to find work that pays the same or close.

4) what kind of money are we talking here? If its less than what I make and a move would mean id be looking for work, is it worth it? Especially if its in a more expensive cost of living area like California or New York.


Plus its a risk with no guarentee than once here, this company would keep you on or even transfer you after working with them...

I know as of yesterday she was dieing to be with me and couldnt be patient any longer.. She wants me to call the DOS each week...I explained to her how american companies work..based on profit and no loyalty to their employees... no guarentees to anything...Ive seen 8 layoffs at my company in the past 16 years and ive been fortunate to have made it through each one but still realize everyones expendable. I tried to make her understand that if she decides this is really what she thinks is best, then we'd be starting all over on the paperwork and could possibly be waiting another 1 1/2 for nothing.Jobs in America are mostly not contract driven. so theres no set length that a company will keep you around..26 years ago, my father was transfered to Texas. A month later he was let go from Northern Telecom. She feels that since its a Big corporation you have more job security. Not necessarily so. I know she loves me deeply and this has nothing to do with second guessing our relationship..its about security and the feeling of being uncertain of ones abilities in a new country...I dont want to burst her bubble, just let her know is a risk with no guarentees of a future position even if this manager in Shanghai says so.. Companies can and do change their minds all the time... Different i think if your a longtime worker as opposed to a new hire.....well at least theres time to "think" about this....im not even sure how one would start all over if one wanted to.. Do you just cancel your paperwork? Write the embassy? Im sure there have been cases of long delays coming up in the process.... I have showed her Monster.com for jobs and maybe she needs to look their more.....broaden the search to more than Texas....Keep any thoughts/ideas coming and thank you to those that have commented so far.

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what is most important here? your relationship or the unknown future of a job with a company in shanghai? I suggest that you and your SO really discuss this and decide with clear heads knowing the potenital for every decision.... try doing a matrix of options and outcomes...... it's your (and her) future you are talking about here!!!!

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...told her she needs more info from this company to make a rational decision that will effect both of us.


....Where are the location(s) in the USA? im in Texas. If we moved then I would be looking for a new job and it might take sometime for myself to find work that pays the same or close.


...I explained to her how american companies work..based on profit and no loyalty to their employees... no guarentees to anything...Ive seen 8 layoffs at my company in the past 16 years and ive been fortunate to have made it through each one but still realize everyones expendable.


... more job security. Not necessarily so.


.. Companies can and do change their minds all the time... Different i think if your a longtime worker as opposed to a new hire.....well at least theres time to "think" about this....


.. Do you just cancel your paperwork? Write the embassy? Im sure there have been cases of long delays coming up in the process....


Good to read you are looking at all options. Job security is just as bad in China than it is in US.


Once she has work authorization, she can find job with State of Texas government. I am not sure if the State of Texas employment office recognizes degrees from a university in China or not. They have to protect their state university graduates.


Plenty of jobs in US for smart aggressive people. From your avatar, your laopo's face seems to show a pretty bright, smart, and outgoing personality who should easily find a job with many companies where you live. Plenty of laboratories around.


And if she is ambitious enough, she can work part-time and go back to school where you live and get a US degree for a stepping stone to medical school. Medicine is the only profession with lifetime job security in the US. If she graduated from one of the Universities near and around Beijing, you know that's top dog school equivalent to Stanford and Berkeley.

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If she comes here, get married, and go back there by herself on AP to work, then you may have problem during the AOS interview.  The VO may reject her for relationship evidence.


I agree with Tony on this... It's one thing if she pursues what she can between now and the expiration of the visa.. quite another for her to go back to China after getting the visa. I know you said she wants to finish out her existing contract.. so that leave little time prior.


Sounds like she has spent much of her life dedicated to higher education and now is looking at the natural next step of a job/career.. so I think that her ambition is not unusual. I'm sure it's hard to explain all the corp issues in the US, and the lack of security that can occur.


I think she's got two paths going on: Her career and her new life with you... and I know it's difficult to make them both work in the way she is possibly thinking (working in china). I'd learn towards a new life here and leave behind the china job offer. I just don't see that materializing based on the constraints you have... but in the mean time, no harm to see what info you can get... and decide when more informed.


You guys sound like your talking alot, that's key. At some point, she might be simply looking to you for an answer or final decision, but you'll know her best and how she wants to arrive at the decision.


Best to both of you !



edited/correction: Sorry... Missed spelled a word and result was the opposite of my meaning..

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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Thank you all for your advice.. we talk everyday and usually twice a day by phone....I mentioned my concerns over this again..Suggesting that going back on a fiancee visa for a job to get a job in america wouldnt look well in the VO eyes when it came time for the AOS interview.. They are trying to weed out false relationships based on those only wanting to come here for work...the visa isnt a work visa we are applying for.. its a relationship based visa and not being here once married doesnt show a strong relationship foundation for a new marriage. I think had she had this opportunity at the beginning of this process, when we first filed or even right out of college, the risk might be worth taking.. but now when we are almost finished, I really dont want anything to come along that could jepordize (excuse spelling) everything weve accomplished so far. not to mention being permanatly banned from the USA if your AOS interview is denied because of this..She told me that if I dont want her to do this then she wont pursue it... I told her everything youve all said and have mentioned that everyone I know doesnt think a smart, ambitious, hard working, master degreed, bilingual, young woman will have any trouble finding a decent job here in the States...but it wouldnt hurt to find out what this manager has to say....I just dont see a company hiring someone for 3 months and transfering them and the thought of having to wait for her for another 2 years only depresses me. I really dont think it will come down to that though. :blink:

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