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ok got a K-1 k-3 question

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As some of you know we had a wedding but no official license, due to a corrupt official, well she recieve word that the paperwork may go ahead be process and we get our license, but was told it could be next week or next January. I'm doing the K-1 but if the license come through I'm going to have to re file as a K-3? and what do I do if they make it official a month before interview?????? I swear someone up there is laughing themself silly. I don'twant to have to file all over again. I have 2 wonderful people in my life and do not want to be apart from her, I read that a single status is good for 6 months? my thinking is having her file one every month until license issue and not say anything but then is they find out!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


life not easy is it.



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NEVER EVER EVER SCREW WITH THE USCIS BY LIEING TO THEM. If the license comes through and you are legally married in Vietnam you must start from scratch and file the I-130 for her and the child. This is not optional Robert. It is too important of a matter to risk a long delay or deportation later on because you didn't follow the rules.

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NEVER EVER EVER SCREW WITH THE USCIS BY LIEING TO THEM. If the license comes through and you are legally married in Vietnam you must start from scratch and file the I-130 for her and the child.  This is not optional Robert.  It is too important of a matter to risk a long delay or deportation later on because you didn't follow the rules.


Carl, I hope your not impling that I would tell anyone to lie to the .gov.

I'm just saying that it sounds. probably that he isn't married.


I couldn't finish what I wanted to say earlier.

He shouldn't raise any red flags for him self if it isn't nessecary.

My wife isn't here yet either, I know better than that.

Why would you put me in a position that I need to defend myself now?

Thanks. I think that only one "ever" in lower case would have been enough to make your point.

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Seems that Thoa should be able to find out if it can really be issued without either party having applied for it. what proof is there in writing from the participants that they sought out a legal document showing they were married.


My meaning, is that there is no proof, if they did not apply for one (unless the country handles it differently).


If I was given it, I would go to the official office and ask how was it issued, we're not married and didn't apply for one. Show your K1 status paperwork and state that you would not do such a legal step at this point.


Try to get it revoked if it really gets issued...


But until you see anything, it means nothing.. and your not married...

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Robert, I don't know what the marriage laws are like in Vietnam, but you might want to make sure that what's coming down the pike (marriage license in your words) is the official recognition of a marriage or simply a document that states that the parties have met all the requirement to be married - Big difference.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Robert, I don't know what the marriage laws are like in Vietnam, but you might want to make sure that what's coming down the pike (marriage license in your words) is the official recognition of a marriage or simply a document that states that the parties have met all the requirement to be married - Big difference.




surely you have some sort of evidence that your wedding happened, whether documents, photos, or other. Additionally, you have the word of those in attendance. Using that evidence, I would proceed with the USCIS as a married man while continuing to clear up the evidentiary issues in Vietnam.


J & L

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Robert, I don't know what the marriage laws are like in Vietnam, but you might want to make sure that what's coming down the pike (marriage license in your words) is the official recognition of a marriage or simply a document that states that the parties have met all the requirement to be married - Big difference.




surely you have some sort of evidence that your wedding happened, whether documents, photos, or other. Additionally, you have the word of those in attendance. Using that evidence, I would proceed with the USCIS as a married man while continuing to clear up the evidentiary issues in Vietnam.


J & L


I'm not sure if this is getting turned around..


I thought that Robert does NOT want to be considered married and wants to finish his K1...

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Robert, it looks like the official still wants in Thoa's britches and if he doesn't get his, he's gonna give you hell to pay.


You can flap in the wind or move forward. Can you provide a marriage certificate to file an I-130? If not, file an I-129F, Fiancee petition and let the cards fall where they may.


Is there any alternative?


She going in next week and find out what going on, she taking 2 friends along so she not be hassle. at the moment her mother in the hospital with stress problems due to grandmother passing away.

Thoa has enough stress as is, with caring for a family, (3grandparents, her son and baby sitting her sister son )working and then taking mother to hospital and on top of that visiting her grandmother grave everyday because her mother can't. so not trying to pile anything else on her until her mother get home and calm down some.


still not sure on the marriage part. we did have a wedding we did have all the paper sign just needed government approval. Thoa been talking to a lady in the office and we might get it change over or dicarded until after she here on a K-1 and we go back and have one there after we marry here, for her family and friends.




why do a snag throw off all the work you plan ahead for. for some odd reason I seem to be completely out of balance on the K-1 process after having my mind focus on the K-3 for so long.

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NEVER EVER EVER SCREW WITH THE USCIS BY LIEING TO THEM. If the license comes through and you are legally married in Vietnam you must start from scratch and file the I-130 for her and the child.  This is not optional Robert.  It is too important of a matter to risk a long delay or deportation later on because you didn't follow the rules.


Carl, I hope your not impling that I would tell anyone to lie to the .gov.

I'm just saying that it sounds. probably that he isn't married.


I couldn't finish what I wanted to say earlier.

He shouldn't raise any red flags for him self if it isn't nessecary.

My wife isn't here yet either, I know better than that.

Why would you put me in a position that I need to defend myself now?

Thanks. I think that only one "ever" in lower case would have been enough to make your point.


No I wasn't refering to you. I was just cautioning him that if he is legally married now he could cause himself serious problems by skipping the I-130

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Guest blsqueaky
if I get the license we go the k-3 evenwith the wait, even if it take longer, going to go ahead with the K-1 just to be safe. either way we win, she be here as a K-1 or a K-3 just one will take longer than the other. She worth the wait.




Robert, I would seriously not receoomend this course of action. To file the I-130, you need a certified copy of the license, at least in China. If you do the K-1 route, and when they get to a name check, and find out that you are married, then you could be royally screwed, and you could end up with a longer wait than you planned. For now, from one of your last posts, I would just let Thoa handle from her end.


Just a thought. Best of Luck



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if I get the license we go the k-3 evenwith the wait, even if it take longer, going to go ahead with the K-1 just to be safe. either way we win, she be here as a K-1 or a K-3 just one will take longer than the other. She worth the wait.




Robert, I would seriously not receoomend this course of action. To file the I-130, you need a certified copy of the license, at least in China. If you do the K-1 route, and when they get to a name check, and find out that you are married, then you could be royally screwed, and you could end up with a longer wait than you planned. For now, from one of your last posts, I would just let Thoa handle from her end.


Just a thought. Best of Luck




What everyone is not understanding is, our wedding is NOT OFFICIAL until the government official sign the document and I do not see that likely happening anytime soon. So I'm going to go ahead with a K-1 since we have no papers saying we married. IF the official do sign it and make official I'm going to go ahead and file a K-3 if and when that happen. At the moment I doubt very much we will get a marriage license from the person.

If they did a single status on her itwill show she is single so K-1 is what I'm doing. She does know someone that willlet us know if that change.


if Vietnam not going to give us a marriage license, We have one here in the States when she get her.


just to remind everyone There is no Marriage License ISSUED! *sign* at least as far as we know because if there was one issue I be doing the K-3.





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