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Anyone in GZ now?

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Is anyone in GZ at the internet cafe waiting for thier loved one?


I called my wife this morning to wake her up, and she was in tears. Apparently she twisted her ankle and hurt her leg getting up out of bed. I asked her if she needed to go to the hospital but she said no. So my next response was...


Be strong.. this is it.


I hope she is safely inside the embassy... wow.. only a few hours to go. Now I can pace and get nervous.. while I am waiting for time to pass...



Anyone reading this from GZ? Seen a limping chinese lady go inside? Just wondering...



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. Apparently she twisted her ankle and hurt her leg getting up out of bed.

Oh my God Michael - is this woman made for you or what? :blink:

Yeah, wait till she gets here and I give her the pry bar to move a rock..


my pry bar slaps are better then Trigg's mop slaps...



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Just one week ago, things were different. I hope you will be running to the China Post just around the corner there to pay your fee real soon. :lol:

Good luck to you both

Yeah, you were just there. I am not though... :blink: never should have listened to her, and went there anyway.


hehehehehe... just kidding, but I cannot stand not being able to talk to her now, ask about her leg, and how things are going... aaaarrrgggghhhhhh!!!!




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. Apparently she twisted her ankle and hurt her leg getting up out of bed.

Oh my God Michael - is this woman made for you or what? :blink:

Yeah, wait till she gets here and I give her the pry bar to move a rock..


my pry bar slaps are better then Trigg's mop slaps...



I'm getting an insurance policy on you two.

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. Apparently she twisted her ankle and hurt her leg getting up out of bed.

Oh my God Michael - is this woman made for you or what? :P

Yeah, wait till she gets here and I give her the pry bar to move a rock..


my pry bar slaps are better then Trigg's mop slaps...



I'm getting an insurance policy on you two.

Hey, maybe we should start a pool here at CFL



Winner gets a lucky dinner with me and my wife.. if you have accident insurance that is.. hehehehhehe



Actually she is so careful, I was shocked to hear what happened... in my case, I play with fire, so I get burned.. but not her..


I choose to view it as a good omen.




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