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The disappearing act

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Where is everybody? All the CFLers who brought their fiancees over to the US in the last few months. Many have just disappeared, including myself.

I know there is not as much time for fun and games now, but any updates would be welcomed reading Has the reality met the expectations or surpassed them?.

Since my fiancee has been here, it has been the most interesting and challenging four months of my life, but enjoying the experience to the max.

As all of us will admit that there are many mountains to climb and that we all are in FOREIGN territory.

Best wishes to all who have finally connected with their SO and those who are anxiously waiting the blessed day.



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I must admit that I, too, will likely disappear from this place for awhile as of July 22.


Luckily, with her having a job waiting for her, we won't be joned at the hip 24/7, but we'll have plenty of living to do the time we're able to spend together.


I may be able to kick-in a few early a.m. updates, since she likes to sleep-in, though.

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Still here but non-stop busy.....Buying cars, computer and job searching and still waiting for that dammed EAD card.....


Sometimes I find myself thinking how much free time we had on our hands when I lived in China with her. I must have read a book every few weeks. Now I am struggling to keep renewing my ONE novel at the local library.


I think I know where I am going to retire someday...

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A good topic for me to post this in...


I have been wondering this, but has anybody heard from 'Patrick & Li'?


The last I've heard was that they were to have a CIS appointment in Atlanta; something about the I-130.

That was back in February when they were to have this appointment and have'nt heard from him since.

All I can say is that I hope all turned out well for them! Maybe Patrick will chime in one day.


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Still here, although we were K3


Part of the reason you don't see them may be due to less computer time. That's my problem. The wife has control of the home computer now, and I must wait till I get to the office to read and post.

Before Weiping arrived I had lots of time to spend on the internet at home. Now I have more important things to do, and little reason to jump on the computer once I'm home.

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I still browse here also, although not on a daily basis as when watching P-4's being handed out and waiting for our process to snail along.


Yunling and her daughter arrived in Feb and it has been pretty much non-stop since they got here. we married in March and started all the paperwork and finally have it alllllllllll in. Had the 485 returned as we didn't have a copy of the 693 vac supplement with it.


I know there has been much debate as to include it or not for AOS...my only advice is to remove any question and send it along. I had an appointment with a civil surgeon all set up, Yunling said she read we didn't need it, I argued for a while that it didn't hurt to send it along, nevertheless...I lost...and now it my chance to say 'I told you so'!!!!!! But we got that done last week and back in the mail.


Have SS card for Yunling but waiting on EAD for her daughter, being 8 years old, do not think she'll be working this year, and figure only need it by the end of the year to be able to do income taxes without too much of a hassle. have savings account opened in her and my name...as well as her on my checking and savings account, she now designated benificary on all my insurances as well.


Been learning to drive....lol...GOD....what a scary experince THAT is, she had a drivers license in China, but living in GZ, never drove, so it like learning from scratch. She pulls out into traffic so slowlyyyyyyyy...and I will be telling her....go..go..go..GO>>>GO>>>GOOOOOO as cars are doing 70 and she doing 25. But she is getting better. She is hoping to take drivers test this week.


She has also made friends with another Chinese girl who has arrived as K1 in a nearby town...so she doesn't feel so 'far away from home', although she did start to cry the other day saying she missed her parents....what can one say...


Her daughter Leyan entered school a week after they arrived and entered 3rd grade. Had MANY concerns about her being able to do it or not, knowing VERY little English. But last week she made it to 4th grade and her teachers were VERY pleased with her, and her English has improved more that Yunlings!!!!


Starting to get a Medical history going here for both of them as well as visits to the dentist. So it is usually once a week trip to either heart doctor, liver doctor, blood doctor...or one kind of a doctor or another. Both are in good health although Yunling needs some dental work on an uncompleted crown.


lol....Though we haven't had time to do much traveling around, Yunling has moved all sorts of flowers around, and both has seen more wildlife in the 'wild' than they have ever seen before and take great joy in the discovery of new things, Canadian gees and ducks with little ones that they feed, until they get onto the lawn and start leaving 'things' behind...Yunling now says..."eat them!!!!!' She has taken pictures of anything and everything around to send home......Took them both out the other night...showed them the fireflys flying around lighting up the night.


lol....sheesh...guess this is long enough...although sitting here at work (pretty much the 'only' place I get some peace and quiet to browse) I could go on...and on...and on......

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I use my work PC during the day and Yaya uses our home PC ata night. :greenblob: Aside from the usual translation issues/misunderstandings that I am sure everyone has now and then...things are goin great here. Been married 6 months now. I use the home PC occasionally on the weekends...but dont have so much use for it now that she is here.


She took some English classes at the community college earlier this year and wants to take more (although I think she does quite well).


Still waiting for AOS interview (probably stuck at FBI again...but at least she is here now).


She is working at a small local Chinese restaraunt and trying to translate/study the Iowa drivers test manual. She is also still debating (she is nervous about the English part) going to Chicago to take a few tests to see if she can get her nursing license (was RN in China) here in the states or if she will need a few (hopefully few) more classes first.


We planted a small garden (twice...got bit by the late frost). This is my first time ever doing so...and it seems to be coming along good. Now, if only we can get the stupid timed sprinkler thingy to work properly before we leave for July 4 vac... :greenblob:

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Hearing from the CFLers who have been through the visa process and now moved on to the next phase gives good perspective to those who are still waiting. It is important to see all aspects of the journey.

Hopefully everyone is doing well in their individual situations. We all know there are great challenges within the relationship that are not always easily met early on.

Looking forward to hearing from more of the past members.

Blessings to all.



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Guest fhtb

She got here June 1st, we got married June 3rd. We have applied for AOS and she has passed her written driving test (in English!). I've taken her lots of places but only scratched the surface. She's met almost all of my friends and much of my family and seems to like them (they all love her :-). We are trying to get a tourist VISA for her parents, and are planning on trying to get pregnant in about six weeks, assuming all else goes well. She is taking two night classes that she seems to enjoy at the local University. My mom gave her a bike but we haven't even had time to inflate the tires. We are re-painting one bathroom with plans to attack another. I am going to try to get my second car running this weekend. She has basically taken over the house and made it her own. Now she is beginning to turn her eye toward the exterior of the house. She's an unbelievably good cook, and she likes me bringing home friends and co-workers. We found a good Asian supermarket that she really likes. During the day she goes for long walks in the neighborhood, including to the store and down to the beach and back. Teaching her to drive can sometimes be "interesting" but she seems to be rapidly improving. We're hoping in July she'll get her driver's license and EAD. She is eager to start working and help pay the mortgage down. She still finds American prices to be very high but is no longer astonished by them...


I would imagine the reason most newlyweds don't check in more often is because we are all extremely busy! More than anything else, I feel like I need 30-hr days and 8-day weeks. But other than that, I have no complaints and I would have to describe myself as very happily married.



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I still poke my head in also. Like a couple of you already said, the wife owns the computer at home now. It's pretty funny, she uses bittorrent to D/L Chinese tv shows. If she's not watching something on the PC, we are usually doing something together. Most of my free time on the net is at the office now.


I think there are always going to be people who drift away from the community after the visa process is over. My wife did that with 001. She was a junkie with it before the interview. Hasn't been on since she came and asks me why I still read CFL. I think it's a healthy sign that most couples are out enjoying their lives together.


We are having our wedding celebration with family and friends here in the states next weekend. It kinda feels like the last episode of a trilogy. :blink:

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