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Some questions about my fiance upcoming interview

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Hi ,


I finally made into GZ a couple days ago, and its nice here and having lots of fun, but way too hot and humid. Anyway, my finace inteview is coming on Friday, and I had few last minute questions. Thanks for any help!


1) I went to the US Consulate American Citizens Unit to register with them.


Is there a real advantage to paying the 30 dollars and getting my passport "certified" by US Consulate? Or can I just give SO my current passport with visa stamps and my airline boarding passes to show as proof that I am here in GZ to the VO?


2) My bank didn't send the "Bank Letter" until yesterday, and I was already in GZ, so my family in US had to fax the letter to me in the hotel. On the letter, it shows what the I-134 requests from the "Bank Letter" including the "YTD Avg Balance".


Are orginal documents a requirement my SO's interview?


I have a decent balance in there now, but my "YDT Avg Balance" is low. Will that be critical in the eyes of the VO? Currently, I make way above the minimum income requirements, and I the letter from my company with me.


3) My SO studied in another country and the other coutry finally mailed her the police certicate only this week. Her friend faxed it to her at the hotel also.


Will this be ok with the VO? Her friend is express mailing the Certiciate to the hotel.

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Sounds like you have it covered. I wouldn't worry about the bank letter too much as long as you have transcripts of your 2004 tax returns. I doubt there is any advantage to having your passport certified. The fact that they registered you are there is sufficient. Give it to your SO to take in with her .

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I also think you will be O.K. They didn't even look at our I134 form and many other people were not asked for theirs.

I can't see any advantage to having your passport certified. The fact that you went to the consulate and registered says a lot!

Good Luck!

Tell your lady to be confident and to dress like a business woman.

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I'd say just relax, but I'm right with you. Just put on a strong face for your SO and let things go as is. I'm right with you as Jen's interview is in an hour and though I don't let her know, I think I'm more nervous now than ever. :unsure: Just keep telling yourself it's going to work out, and PM me later and maybe we can get together on Saturday to celebrate both of our successes. B)

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Hi ,


I finally made into GZ a couple days ago, and its nice here and having lots of fun, but way too hot and humid. Anyway, my finace inteview is coming on Friday, and I had few last minute questions.  Thanks for any help!


1) I went to the US Consulate American Citizens Unit to register with them.


    Is there a real advantage to paying the 30 dollars and getting my passport "certified" by US Consulate?  Or can I just give SO my current passport with visa stamps and my airline boarding passes to show as proof that I am here in GZ to the VO?


2) My bank didn't send the "Bank Letter" until yesterday, and I was already in GZ, so my family in US had to fax the letter to me in the hotel.  On the letter, it shows what the I-134 requests from the "Bank Letter" including the "YTD Avg Balance".


Are orginal documents a requirement my SO's interview? 


I have a decent balance in there now, but my "YDT Avg Balance" is low.  Will that be critical in the eyes of the VO?  Currently, I make way above the minimum income requirements, and I the letter from my company with me.


3) My SO studied in another country and the other coutry finally mailed her the police certicate only this week.  Her friend faxed it to her at the hotel also. 


Will this be ok with the VO?  Her friend is express mailing the Certiciate to the hotel.

1. If you don't have it certified by now, I wouldn't worry about it.. give the passport (with stamps) to your SO. When she is asked for hers, she could give both of them.. at the outset, the VO will know you are there...


2. I think you don't worry about this... it is not often asked for... and you have something to show, rather than nothing. I think that is important. Give them what you have if they ask.


3. You didn't mention how long she was in the other country if it is required... but if it is mentioned in any forms (what other countries have you been to), then she should be prepared for questions on this (where did you study, what did you study, how long were you there)... this type of thing sometimes draws a 'cross-examine' type question just to see that the SO can answer it.


I think your in good shape.. I agree with the comments here.. be positive, confident and have her dress like she is going to a job interview...


good luck and keep us informed !

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Thanks for the responses! I feel that I really can't improve on anything else at this point. We'll just go in with what we have now and hope for the best.


Hey Feathers,


I pm'ed you. Best of luck to the both of you... Hopefully we can celebrate together on Sat.

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I hope it works out for you tomorrow. It's a wonrerful feeling. <_< My best advise is just be there for her. Jennifer wouldn't let on until today, but she was terrified and kept telling me she was frightend but I could really see it in her eyes this afternoon. As it turned out she said it was really easy. From what I saw and talked with others about. Those with problems really were not prepared. As for today though, just a lot of happy faces. :wub:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just let her know you are with her, and be confident you will have a positive outcome.... YOU WILL!!!! good luck in maintaining these next few hours.......... :unsure:

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Just let her know you are with her, and be confident you will have a positive outcome.... YOU WILL!!!!  good luck in maintaining these next few hours.......... :D


The interview is now a month old :P


ahh, you used that old trick on us........ so much for looking to help our fellow family members............ :lol:

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Just let her know you are with her, and be confident you will have a positive outcome.... YOU WILL!!!!  good luck in maintaining these next few hours.......... :P


The interview is now a month old :P


ahh, you used that old trick on us........ so much for looking to help our fellow family members............ :D


ah.. no trick... just read the original post and date !! :lol:

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