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Tourist visa denied

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Interesting article. It would seem that Boeing is begging will have the same fate as GM received here.


Other articles have mentioned scientific conferences that have been cancelled or moved out of the USA because key speakers (Chinese) could not get a visa to enter.


Now remind me... How many Chinese terrorists were part of the 9/11 attack?

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So Frank do you think this is like buying lottery tickets? Expensive tickets at $100.00 per attempt. It would be interesting to know if those who succeeded after multiple attempts added critical information each time until they had what the visa section wants or did it go unchanged and after you pay enough you get through.


No matter how it is done it is a very disheartening procedure for visiting family.

I agree with your questioning this deeper... I don't see multiple attempts as improving the cause.. just a timing issue, like what age your at, etc... I have known some who just don't get the tourist visa, but their older parents do...

I was thinking of NicolaNSam's experience. If I recall, his in-laws tried three times before they got their visas. I don't know whether it was persistence or additional documentation that did the trick. I have read of others who were intially denied only to get their visas after several more attempts. Again, I don't know if it was persistence or documentaion, or the color of the VO's socks that tipped the scales.

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Interesting article.  It would seem that Boeing is begging will have the same fate as GM received here.


Other articles have mentioned scientific conferences that have been cancelled or moved out of the USA because key speakers (Chinese) could not get a visa to enter.


Now remind me... How many Chinese terrorists were part of the 9/11 attack?

Well there was that scare in Boston last year about suspected Chinese terrorists. Remember their Coyote from Mexico reported that they were carrying bomb materials and headed for Boston when he apparently wasn't paid properly upon crossing the border :blink: They should have taken the Canada route, less problems.

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A lot of people don't realize how much these visa policies are messing with our economy. Before I came back to the US I was setting up a trading agency. There is a need for trading agents because there are so many trading company and factory owners that just can't get visas to the US to get to trade shows. I seen many trading companies go under and that just doesn't make sense. For Chinese business owners getting that visa is just like winning the lottery. I've known people to invest all their families money in a business making products for the US market and end up loosing everything from repeated visa denials.


I've heard horror stories with student visas too. I know of Chinese student who was in the middle of research and getting his PhD when he returned back to China to visit his family and couldn't get another visa. After that a good friend of mine didn't go back to China to visit his wife for 3 years because he was so afraid he couldn't come back to the US.

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It may be that Mom-in-law will not try again. Why spend $100 for nothing.

I have e-mailed Ms. Harty asking if a parent with only one child can ever get a visa.

Also e-mailed a senator and got an automatic response promising a personal response.



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It's a scam, and I wouldn't spend another cent on it. Given that my in laws already have a negative opinion of the USA, I can't even imagine how they would react to getting rejected not once but twice for a tourist visa. Just imagine if I went to China to live with my wife, and the chinese govt kept taking $100 from my parents only to tell them in a 120 second interview "sorry, you can't come here".


Contacting the higher-ups is the best route, in my opinion. Otherwise it's just a money pit. Why give out a visa when someone will keep coming back and paying $100 for an "interview"?

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It may be that Mom-in-law will not try again. Why spend $100 for nothing.

I have e-mailed Ms. Harty asking if a parent with only one child can ever get a visa.

Also e-mailed a senator and got an automatic response promising a personal response.



Maybe a child with a mother from any country but China could get a hardship visa the first try.

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I once met the retired consul general soon after he retired fromd Chengdu and returned to Portland. He came into our store to buy some woodworking supplies. He mentioned that he had just returned from China and at the time Bing was still in Nanning. I struck up a conversation with him about visas and mentioned a story I knew of where the Chinese wife was having a baby and wanted her mother to come help out with the birth. She was coming alone and leaving her husband and other children behind in China. The Consul told me "little old ladies are a big problem for visas. They come here and don't want to go back and end up costing the tax payers money in medicare and social programs." I wanted to argue with him but alas he was a customer so I couldn't. I didn't buy his excuse then and I don't buy it now. The US foreign policy on business visas is costing our country billions in lost business oportunites. Many corportations are complaining but it appears to fall on deaf ears. Maybe the US is "so rich they don't want China's money"

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Guest aosnow

"The US foreign policy on business visas is costing our country billions in lost business oportunites."




I would love to know where this figure came from. I am aware of no data to support this assertion, but I would be interested in being directed to it, if any exists.

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"The US foreign policy on business visas is costing our country billions in lost business oportunites."


I would love to know where this figure came from. I am aware of no data to support this assertion, but I would be interested in being directed to it, if any exists.

One has to be in tune with the business. There is no hard numbers because no deal was consumated and then broken. It's all based on knowing the business. In my opinion, 1 billion is at the low end of the range.

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"The US foreign policy on business visas is costing our country billions in lost business oportunites."




I would love to know where this figure came from. I am aware of no data to support this assertion, but I would be interested in being directed to it, if any exists.

Come on Joe I know you are smarter than that. One lost manufacturing deal could easily cost a billion dollars. I am talking world wide here. Many foreign companies are taking their business elsewhere because it is just getting too cumbersome to come to the USA. Google it if you don't believe me.

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