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Should I tell her?

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Tomorrow will be the services in Fresno and I'll be able to share Jennifer's wishes with the rest of the family as well as those expressed from here as well. Before I even met her in person she had mentioned to me in an e-mail the passing of her maternal grandmother and when I had responded expressing my sadness over her loss, she wrote back worried about my feelings. She is such a treasure as I am sure we all feel about our SOs. She continues to amaze me as I can see how much she truly wants to take care of me. :greenblob:

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That is certainly true Dan,

It's hard not to feel selfish in that As we memorialize my Uncle Jonny tomorrow, I'll be also thinking about what still needs to be done and when I'll be ready. I know he would be the first to tell me not to worry about it and just take care of business.

As for Jen, she would be just the opposite. She doesn't know how much I have been doing to get this place in shape and she would be the first to say, "you work too hard! we clean together. you stay at rest after work."

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My condolonces on your loss.  Walk the line between the two-  listen to what you know your Uncle would say and listen to her then you won't go wrong.  She's right- get some rest.


It certainly has been quite a week. I will be hitting the hay here very soon so I can get an early start tomorrow. As for the remander of the week, I'll keep pushing and cn finally rest on the plane Friday morning. :ph34r: Of couse, my work asked, "since you will be down there, can you pick something up that needs to be in Hayward on Monday?" :o Guess part of the day will be work related and I can put down a couple of hours on the clock. :unsure:

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Now that the services are done, I can get to the work at hand. It was touching to see so many people there. It truly showed how much of an impact he made. At one point I over heard my mother talking to the pastor about my little project, sooo, I wound up going though our story once again.


To my Uncle Jonny,

I know you will be with me on that plane and I ask if you can watch over Jennifer for me until I can join her in a few days. I also know you will be next to her as she faces the interview and will make sure she is OK. Say hello to Grandma and Grandpa for me as well as Aunt Marge. I know you all will be smiling and saying,"thats the way to do it!" as I can finally bring her home. We all will carry on here and I'm sure you know that you will never be far in our thoughts and in our hearts. God bless you and thank you for being my Uncle.

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As most of you know I recently went through a loss of a loved one. The only difference is the loss was in China instead of here. Ying could have chosen not to tell me, but she thought it important that I know. This is not one of the times where ignorance is bliss. Even though we are seperated the love and support we gave each other is helping the both of us to get through it and become stronger

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thanks guys,

I know this will pass and Jen has been such a support for me in this as well. I know the first chance I get next Saturday, I'm just going to latch on to her and hold her for a while. I'm going to want to make up for all of the lonely nights and for all of the times I wished she was there for me. Knowing we will be together very soon now has kept me together this past week and I know my uncle would be the first to kick me in the shorts and tell me to get over it and go take care of your girl.

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