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I had the great fortune to talk with Carl (warpedboard) on the telephone earlier today. Carl and I have traded philosophy, laughed, cried and told lies back and forth on Candle for over a year now but this was the first time I was able to put a voice to the words. I have to say that the Warpedboard (Carl) is a class act all the way. Hell of a genuine guy and a damned site brighter than most.


If there is any way possible for me to get to Portland to meet up with him and others in June, I won't miss it. Nothin' like meeting people to see what they are "really" like.


Carl, it was a real pleasure talking with you.


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Gee guys I can hardly get my head out of the door. Trigg I also enjoyed talking with you yesterday. You sound more the gentleman on the phone. As far as deleting anything so far I am powerless. I am honored though that Don has the confidence in me to ask me to take on the job. I will do my best. I have had the priveledge of knowing Don now for a little over 2 years. I am grateful to him for his calm and steady leadership over this site. We couldn't ask for a better administrator if we were paying him.

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Congrats Carl


I will just add that I do business all over the world. First contacts are usually email or phone. Sometimes we work together for longtime before meeting in person. It is just striking how your perception of a person can change when you meet in person. I think the same applies as you notch up a relationship - email to phone, phone to person.

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