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After our two year, one month and two week wait MM was finally issued her visa.


She had been interviewed in March and received a white slip, only to be given the blue slip the following working day. Yes, it crushed our hearts.


I emailed GZ the same day they gave her the blue slip and they replied that they were conducting a "name-check" and she would be invited back to GZ. This surprised us, as the slips she was given with the blue slip noted that our case was being returned to the U.S.


But sometimes miracles do happen and two weeks later she received a letter from GZ asking her to bring her passport back to GZ.


When she arrived at GZ the lady at the window was confused as the request letter only instructed her to bring her passport and no additional supporting documents. The lady called someone on the phone and finally accepted her passport and asked her to return the next day.


When she returned the next day she was instructed to return the next day for a second interview and they gave her passport back to her.


On her fourth trip that week to GZ she was interviewed by the same officer who first interviewed her. I thank our lucky stars as he seems to be a caring individual and had actually not sent our case back to U.S. but took the time to research our case.


He spoke with her concerning our case. There has always been some error in our case since it first started processing in the U.S. At one point I was requested to send divorce papers….for two people we had never heard of!!!!


I believe some clerk along the way in some office crossed up a couple numbers or something in data entry and resulted in our extremely long wait.


The last three times I have returned to the U.S. I have been pulled out by immigration and interrogated. I am sure that my name somehow, due to these errors made in processing landed me on their hit parade watch list!!! I even went to my local congress office and asked about me being pulled out by immigration, and obviously being placed on the watch list. They would smile and roll their eyes B) …the moral being if you get stuck on a watch list you are screwed and they cannot assist you.


THE GOOD NEWS…laopuo arrived home Sunday before last and we are very happy to finally be home together.

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Thanks for all the good words. Yes it is wonderful that our long wait is over and what a wonderful feeling coming home to home cooking :lol:


Many of you were correct...the house could not be clean enough. My home is always tidy and I spent the last nerve wrecking days waiting for her to actually arrive cleaning house...of course she started cleaning the first day I returned to work :P


Our wait was well the effort as we always knew in our hearts.....


May no one else have to wait so long and travel through the nonsense we were subjected to the last couple of years....

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