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  1. Situation: We are petitioning for my step-son to finally come over. We have waited five years... and assuming politics doesn't go south on us, we hope he will be here by Christmas. On the I-864 (where my Chinese wife is the sole petitioner) and I-864A (which I have to file to up the income and because we filed joint taxes), our combined income is roughly $45,000 for 2019. Ironically, spite the economic closure, we might have a higher income this year (but mostly through independent contracting work). But for 2018, it was roughly $30,000, and for 2017, only about $7,000. (I was a full-time graduate student in 2017 through early 2019.) So, should we try to get by on just 2019's income alone, which is well above the 125% poverty rate, or should we do all three of the most recent tax years? Thanks
  2. I'm a bit confused here. What is the USCIS number? I have seen a LOT of numbers being used, such as the Social Security number, the A(lian) Number, and Receipt numbers. The space on the I-864 form has room for 12 digits (part 4, #13). Does every immigrant have such a number? Is it at all related to the A-Number? It does not seem available at https://egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/logon.do, nor in any documentation we have received. Thanks
  3. Hello everyone, I have a couple questions about the green card process with many more to come in the future, I’m sure. First, I’ll tell you a bit about our situation. My wife and I have been married for 4 and a half years. She is Chinese and has a 10 year – 180 day - B1/B2 US Visa. I am American, and we have a 10 month old American daughter who was born here in Shanghai. We’ve been living together in Shanghai for the last couple years but are getting ready to move to the US. We were originally going to DCF but I’m a bit concerned with the I-864 as I’m currently unemployed here in China and because my occupation when I'm in the US is an IBEW union electrician. If you know anything about union trade work, you know that there isn’t really such a thing as a work contract that is signed in advance, or that lasts for a certain amount of time, or that shows a yearly salary. I need to actually be there and start working to show all of that, which is what I'd like to do if possible I know a joint sponsor would be a solution but I’d rather not have to ask my dad to be one unless I absolutely have to. I also know that I could move back ahead of them and start working but splitting up our family is not an option. Questions: Is there a way to start the green card process for my wife while we’re still here in China, then we all move to the US and I start working to build up some pay-stubs and proof of income before filing the I-864? Or maybe even move to the States with my wife on her current B1/B2 visa and then start the whole process from there with an AOS after I’ve been working for a bit? Isn’t the I-864 normally one of the last things submitted? If that’s the case, couldn’t I make it to where there’s enough time between the start of the process and the filing of the I-864 for me to work most of next year, file taxes for next year, and then have a tax return to submit showing decent income while we all live there together? I was thinking you had a certain window (like 2 years) that you could wait to finish the whole process once it was started? Could that help me out with this situation? What are our options? Do we even have options? Thanks for your help in advance, Tom
  4. hello all, havnt been here in a long time.. My wife's son is coming up soon for interview in Guangzhou.. So my question is where and how do we get I-864 and other documents, tax returns, w-2, etc.. to where they need to be. Can I mail them to Guangzhou? Thanks for any help given.
  5. Hello, I am now filling out form I-864 for my step daughter and I am concerned as to whether my income qualifies. I am retired and receive SS plus I draw monthly from my IRA. This gross total is sufficient to exceed the poverty level but on my Tax Form the Adjusted Gross Income is well below the minimum. Will USCIS use the larger pre tax total income described above. Mike
  6. Hello everyone, First of all a big thanks to everyone who's posted helpful guides of the DCF process for those of us living here in China wanting to bring our Chinese spouses over to the US. Everything was going well and approved (thanks to the advice on this website) until today when my wife had her interview in Guangzhou. When it came time for the interview, the visa officer asked her a few questions about our relationship but was mostly interested in our plan for when we go back to the US. When she started describing what she would do, he cut her off and asked about me (the petitioner and US citizen) and what my plan was. She told him truthfully that I was going to go back to school part-time and work part-time. After hearing that he declared that a part-time job wasn't enough to support two people so my wife answered that we'd have to stay with my mom (who is her joint sponsor) until we could save some money. She also suggested that we would both be working when we got into the US. He still didn't like this so he asked if I currently had a job in the US to which she answered no, because I am still working in China. Lastly he asked if I owned any property in the US to which my wife again answered no. After that he didn't ask her any more questions and gave her a white checklist for various petitioner documents with the section for "evidence of the petitioner's intent to establish and/or current domicile in the US" checked off. She also got a three-page document "9 FAM 40.41 N7 Domicile and the Form I-864" that lists the various requirements for domicile. Initially I was very confused why she got a request for this information because I had made a nice packet with a written letter of intent to re-establish domicile in the US and included a copy of my passport, birth certificate, driver's license, acceptance letter to study part-time in Fall of 2018, investment account statement, auto loan statement, insurance statement, bank statements and credit card statements. However, I didn't stick these with my form I-864 and instead had them as a separate "packet" in the front of the application binder. The document intake person didn't specifically ask for these documents (only form I-864 from me and our joint sponsor) and my wife didn't know how important they were so she didn't hand them in. What I am confused about is if I must include proof that I have a job in the US due to how much the visa officer asked about whether or not I had one or if my bank account, investment, auto loan statements, etc. that I had originally prepared (and they didn't see) are enough? I did some research and found on travel.state.gov's I-864 section under the heading "If a petitioner does not have a domicile in the United States can a joint sponsor file form I-864?" it says:"No, the petitioner must meet all the requirements to be a sponsor (age, domicile and citizenship), except those related to income, before there can be a joint sponsor." When reading that it sounds like I just need to prove my domicile in the United States with things like bank statements, etc. but not necessarily have a job already lined up since we have a joint sponsor whose income is $64,000, is this correct? I want to make absolutely sure that I give them enough evidence to show my domicile in the US. Also, after I submit these documents through CITIC bank, is this a "one chance" deal where if the evidence still isn't enough, we have to start all over or is it a back-and-forth process until we meet their requirements? Secondly, will my wife need to interview again? She said that before leaving the visa officer said there was nothing wrong with her interview but that they needed more information. Aside from the two white pieces of paper mentioned earlier, we have not received any further information from the embassy.I have not seen anyone else mention that a job in the US is mandatory although I understand it can be a big help. Thanks for any advice/information others can provide.
  7. Alright guys, I have nearly acquired nearly EVERYTHING needed for the final interview in Guangzhou!! The co-sponsorship i-864 from my relative came in the mail last week (took a month!) along with the photocopies of the last year's most recent tax forms, etc.... The only thing I need to complete now is get my taxes in order. I need to back-file. I've been in China for 6 years and never made enough money to merit filing... I was a student here for 5 years, did some part time jobs (from teaching centers, which sent me pay stubs, and deducted tax) but also I never made more than 50K RMB per year. Anyway, which forms are relevant to my filing needs? I need some very generic advice here, and possibly some additional pointers if you are familiar with those forms and feel like there's possible points of confusion I'd run into... For those past years I'd need to file single, and for this past year I'd need to do a married but separate file (since we're married but my wife has a job in China, not america, doesn't even have an SSN?)
  8. 2 Questions- 1- I just got a family member to cosponsor my spouse on the i-864 form, but my family member filed taxes jointly for the previous year. Does that mean that my family member's spouse also needs to fill out an i-864 since the taxes were filed jointly? 2 - I didn't have a paying job for the previous 6 years in China since I was on a student visa (for a Master's, then a PHD). What kind of proof is useful for proving I made below taxable income, which I would have to file if I checked that box on the i-864? Thanks everybody!
  9. F2A. P3. Do i need to fill out I 864 twice? one for my wife, one for my 12years old son? Thanks.
  10. My wife had her interview this morning in GUZ, we had everything prepared very well. My wife is a CCP member but they didn't seem to care at all. They were mostly looking at my income, and asking if we could get a cosponsor. I have a job offer in the US for well above the requirements they need above poverty level. But it's just that, only a job offer, and I have not formally accepted it yet pending salary and benefit negotiation. They didn't think this is enough. My situation is as follows, originally I was going to have my father sponsor me, he is retired and is receiving his pension, social security, and my late mothers pension as well. He has a very sizable savings,would they generally be able to accept a retired person as a cosponsor? He is single and has no dependents. My wife got a green slip and no blue slip, they basically insinuated to my wife that as soon as she had cosponsorship that she would be able to get her visa. Attached is the green slip https://ibb.co/bJHOkQ
  11. Hi everyone, I'm petitioning my husband for a spousal greencard and I was wondering if I could include my husband in my household income on form i864, and whether he would have to file form i864 a if I did that. My income alone isn't above the poverty threshold but our combined incomes are. I am planning to use a joint sponsor as well but thought it would make sense to include my husband's income since he is officially part of my household. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Allie
  12. So we've got the interview coming up in just over a week and I probably shouldn't have put this off as long, but wanted the bank statement to seem as representational as possible. I'm the sole sponsor for my wife, using a combination of continuing income and assets. Together, it's a couple of thousand over so should be ok, but nearly all of those assets are in a Chinese bank account, for which I have about 40 pages of bank statements in Chinese going back 12 months (i just went and grabbed them today). Needless to say, it's a lot to translate and there's a lot of ridiculously long numbers for transaction numbers and references. Now I've seen a lot of conflicting information floating around about proving assets in a bank account and I'm just wondering if we need the 12 months of statements, or if we can get a letter from the Bank here in China saying how much we have, etc, and just translate that. I believe that the bank will freeze the assets until an agreed upon date and they write that in the letter, so it's not all going to be fluttered away before we head to the US (at least that's how it worked when we applied for a UK Visa). Anyone else have any experience with this? Searched the forums and nothing came up. Thanks in advance!
  13. I'm choosing I-864 form to help my daughter in law. My son got his visa two years ago, he hasn't worked in U.S yet. I am the only one financial sponsor. My income meets the requirement. I wonder which form should I fill out. Please help, thanks !
  14. Quick question - My parents will be signing as joint sponsors, and I also planned on having a couple letters from friends and family supporting that our relationship is real. As I'm living in China with my husband, do they need to mail these documents to me so I can have the original copies? Do letters of support need to be notarized in the US and then sent here? I noticed on the USCIS website it said they will accept copies but that originals may be requested at any time. Is it better to just have everything mailed here just in case? What was your experience when you filed? Thanks!
  15. I-864 question Current annual income My wife and I will be going to Guangzhou in July for her interview. I will be turning in my I-864 form. I have been in China since August 2016. I have been unemployed since August 2016. Would just put down what my W2 and tax transcript says for 2016? I think I would? Thank you
  16. My wife has her interview scheduled for next week and we have a question on the US tax situation. As an expat we get an automatic extension until June 15th to finish our taxes. Though as we were filling out the documents it said that we need to have the three most recent years taxes. I am in the process of working on the current years taxes that are due on June 15th. The reason why it is taking so long for us to file is because I am trying to file as married filing jointly and get an ITIN for my wife. As many of you know this process is manual and you need to send in information for it which would not make it possible for us to file before her interview. The other option I have is to file married filing separately and submit my taxes immediately. The taxes go up several thousand dollars so it is not an ideal situation if we can avoid it. The argument that my CPA made was that it takes 4-8 weeks for the IRS to process the returns and even if I submit MFS today it will still be in process. She suggested that I could provide the copy of the married filing jointly to them that we have complete along with the proof of the extension. She offered to write a letter that the return was fully completed and we were working on the ITIN. Lastly, she suggested also providing 2013 return which would meet the 3 year filed returns requirement. As a side note I have also included my US bank accounts which are well above the poverty line. Question is how strict are they on this IRS requirement and do they follow the rules of the IRS or is it a hard line where they say it must be filed no matter what? Any suggestions?
  17. My father got his tax transcripts for 2016, 2015, and 2014. On page 5 Part 6. item number 2. My current individual annual income is. My father and mother jointly file taxes together. Would my father put down where it says income Wages, Salaries, Tips, Etc? It goes on to say total income. Then it says adjusted gross income. I think this is what he should put down. This would be for 2016. Also does this mean my father needs to fill out an I-864a Form between my mother and his self? On page 6 Part 6. Item 19.a. 19.b. 19.c. I think he should just put down the amounts the tax transcripts show as adjusted gross income? Thank you
  18. I know many questions have been asked about the domicile issue, but I don't recall seeing anything that specifically stated what everyone put in the box Part 4 #5 "Country of Domicile". I have been living and working in China coming up on 7 years now and am not sure what to put in this box. The directions say "Indicate the country where you maintain your principle residence and where you plan to reside in the foreseeable future". I reside in China, but I plan to move back to the USA so this is not an "and" statement for me. Meaning that its not one way or the other but a combination of US and China. We are heading to Guangzhou next week for the interview and I want to make sure that we have the right information in that box. The supporting evidence that we are planning on moving back is not a problem, but I am not sure what to put in the box. What did everyone else put? China or USA? Also, I am a little concerned about putting USA as I don't want there to be a misunderstanding with the IRS or state tax agencies that we had the intention of coming back to that particular state because I gave up my residency in the state I moved from so that I can move to China. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  19. I have a question about I-864 to get some suggestions on: I'm quitting my job in China for a job in China (so doing CR-1 for my spouse). My last day of work in China is May 17 The Guangzhou interview is May 18 I already have a signed job offer in the US and start June 19 What do I write for I-864 Part 6. Sponsor's Employment and Income If I fill out the form before May 17, then I could write my job in China, but that would seem misleading on the interview date since I no longer work there If I fill out the form for May 18, then I could write not employed, but that seem misleading since I already have a signed job offer I could write the future job, but I haven't started yet so I don't yet have income from that jobThe salary from either is more than sufficient to show ability to support our family. I'm thinking option #1 and including an explanation letter. Any thoughts?
  20. I-864 page 2 part 3 Item 1 Do I need to type my wife's name as a family member? I'm my wife's sponsor. I would type spouse for my wife. My father is also my wife's sponsor. My father would type daughter in law? The wording is not very clear. We just don't want to have any trouble with our forms. Don't have any other people to immigrate. Thank you
  21. Heads up for Mac users: I just discovered (through trial and error) that you can't fill out the I-864 form on a Mac using Preview. The barcode at the bottom of the page won't appear and some of the fields won't fill in correctly. You must you fill it out using Acrobat Reader.
  22. Thank you for the help Have I filled out the I-864 form correctly? My wife is Chinese. My father will our joint sponsor. Will this be the same for his I-864 form also? Thank you for the help
  23. Thank you for your help My father is going to be my joint sponsor for my wife. My wife is Chinese. My wife brought up a good question about I-864a. She thinks the form is a contract between myself and my father. So the sponsor would be myself and the household member would be my father? Would the roles be reversed when we fill out our I-864a forms? On my I-864a form I'm the household member and my father is the sponsor. On my father's I-864a form I am the sponsor and my father is the household member. Am I thinking correctly? Thank you for your help.
  24. Thank you I-864 Help needed My wife and I have started filling out our I-864. I have a few questions. My wife is Chinese and I'm from Tennessee. First question is my father is our sponsor. On page one of the I-864 Part 1 section 1.d. I think is what my father should check? Second question is Page 4 Part 5. Sponsor's Household Size my wife and I will be living with my parents until we can get settled, it will be my wife and I, and my parents what should I do on line 7. Is it better to include my father's income with my income? I have not worked since August 2016 since I have been in China. My income for last year is below the poverty line. Third question is Page 5 Part 6. 2. I think I should put down what my W-2 has down for last year 2016? Thank you
  25. Hi, I am semi-retired, did not file any 1040 for the last 3 years, but I have more than 200K in my US bank account, can I simply use the bank statements to meet the I-134 requirement? Or do I have to find a co-sponsor? Thanks!
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