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Posts posted by skibum

  1. The first time it occured to my then fiancee to ask for money was when she was in GZ getting her visa. All the women we sitting around telling how much their fiancees were giving them. Then she relized that I did not send any because she had a good job and was supporting herself very well.

    So I think some of it may be the woman gets together with others and compare notes, lie to eacho ther and try to show that their man is best.

    Me, I wanted to marry for love and I have.

  2. Shaq,


    What really changed my wife's thoughts was working her and seeing how actual businesses operate. Much different than in China. At the CPA's office, she is learning about taxes and how we pay them. In China, her income taxes were paid by the company. For sales tax, some party member came around and guessed how much she had sold in her store. Maybe, someday, they will get cash registers!




    The demostrations in '89 were not just in BJ but in all the large cities in the country. X'ian was a hot spot also.

  3. Jie,


    Senator Salazar is our big problem in Colorado. The best law HR4437 has already passed thru the House and has been in the Senate since Dec. with no action being taken.


    Senator Allard opposes amnesty.


    You can read the content of Bills at the Thomas website:http://thomas.loc.gov


    The really bad part of all of the Senate bills is the fact that no one there has done any research on the effects of the Bills they propose. I am sure that if an amnest Bill passes, many of us would rather be living in China where they have a good immigration policy.


    Thanks for writing and taking part in the democratic process.



  4. The Senate thinks it is good enough if they pay $2000 and back taxes. You guys are right, the do not pay taxes and it will be very expensive to track down how much they have been paid. It would be much easier to have them pay their Dr. and Hospital bills.

    Not that I am support amnesty.

    The Senators are the people to write now as the ball is in their court.

  5. Coon, you are so right!


    Ty, when I was in High School (eons ago) many kids would go work in the fields harvesting onions which was the main crop in our area. It is good training for our kids. Let them learn to work and they will appreciate why they need a good education.

    I don't think that the farms need 10 million or more workers. I have done many of the jobs that "Americans won't do." Shoveled snow, mowed lawns, fixed toilets etc. For pay. I guess I come from another world.

    What ever did we do without them???? I have faith in America and the American worker. We can do the jobs.

    Remeber a few years ago when many black youths rioted in Benton Harbor, Mich because they could not find jobs?


    Anyway, why not pass HR4437 and give it a try before we commit to an amnesty program?

  6. Fellow Colorado residents. Sen Allard is good, Salazar is bad. Please write Salazar as I have and explain that the plan he supports is amnesty. My letter:


    Dear Senator Salazar,


    I am glad that you do not support amnesty for illegal aliens. However, I think you should look up the definition if you think this is not amnesty:


    In exchange for coming forward, these individuals will be given a temporary and conditional visa. After six years, if they meet numerous requirements, including proving they are integrating into our country by learning English, U.S. history and government, pay back taxes, commit no crimes, and pay more fines, they can get to the back of the line behind those who are currently waiting to become U.S. citizens.


    This is amnesty! You cannot change an apple by calling it an orange.


    Since the first amnesty law in 1986, there have been 4 other such laws. A new amnesty bill will not change a thing. You say it would be expensive to deport 10 million people? How much will it cost to process them to stay? Much more I would guess. Do you think illegals should get physical exams like legal immigrants? Have name checks like legal immigrants? Good luck with that as it took my wife 16 months to get her K-1 visa and the final name check took 6 months after her visa was approved.


    As far as I have seen, the only bill in the Senate that will address,really address, the problem is HR4437. What has happened to this bill since it passed the House?


    I am afraid that the same old Senators, Kennedy, McCain, Spector and others also voted for the previous amnesty plans. I had hoped that you would breathe new life into the Senate but you are just following the lead of those who have proven records for failure when addressing the problem of illegal aliens.


    Why should you follow the will of President Fox and the demostrators to vote against the wishes of the American people? Do you really think the Mexicans wish to integrate into our country or do you realize that they want to take territory that they claim is theirs. Why, if they have to learn English, do we have ballots containing Spanish?


    And finally, how large a population do you want for the USA?





    His whole statement is on his website.

  7. If it does not work the first time, try and try again!


    The Immigration Reform and Control Act ('Simpson-Mazzoli Act, IRCA, Pub. L. 99-603, Nov. 6, 1986, 100 Stat. 3359) is an American law that was created in order to stop illegal immigration from Mexico, which was seen as a threat to the economy.


    There were a great deal of immigrants in the United States at the time who were either illlegal or unemployed. The law criminalized the act of knowingly hiring an undocumented worker and established financial and other penalties for those employing illegal aliens, because it was thought that not as many people would be attracted to enter the U.S. illegally if the prospects for employment were low. A one-year amnesty program for illegal aliens who had already worked and lived in the U.S. since January 1982 was established. Those eligible could apply for regularization of status and eventually full citizenship. The law also mandated the intensification of Border Patrol activities including the auditing of employer I-9 forms.

  8. I can see not using a dryer in China as electricity is so expensive. My in-laws do not have a washer because her father did not want to spend the money on one and he agreed to do all the wash!

    Sweetie does not like me to stand in front of the microwave when it is running.

    In our condo in Nanjing we had a washer and hung the clothes on those neat chrome racks just outside the window. By the time they were dry, they smelled like coal. And when we dropped something, we had to walk down 4 flight of stairs to retreive it.

  9. Philb, If you get to Nanjing (Nanking), there is a museum located in one of the burial grounds that will really wake you up.


    I have always thought that reading "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck should be required reading also. It give a good idea of rural life in China after the start of the 20th century. She won the Pulitzer prize for it I believe.


    The Mao book looks interesting.

  10. The bill in question is in the Senate and is HR4437. This is the one the demostraters are protesting so it must be good!! I am afraid the Senate will move this one aside so that one of their own amnesty bills can be considered. Please use this bill number in your letters.


    I have writen both Senators and the hispanic one twice.


    I think it helped the cause by having some of the demostrators waving the Mexican flag.


    Lee, I liked your points about not allowing citizenship.


    Sen. Spector's bill is an amnesty bill but it seems like Sen. Frist is coming around and does not want amnesty. It may be a good idea to write him also as he is the majority leader in the Senate and wants to run for Pres.


    Everyone - - -please write. You can find an e-mail form on their home page.

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