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Posts posted by skibum

  1. Let me put my previous post in a different way. You need to be familiar with the divorce laws of your state. Why even bring it up if it will not affect you?

    As I said before, in Tx and Co a prenup wouild not have made a bit of difference. If I lived in Ca, I would probably want one if I was not positive about my relationship.

  2. NewDay - Remember China is where people get their legs lenghtened by breaking their legs and putting streaching braces on them. We go half way around the world to find beautiful women and they are unhappy with the way they look!

    Fortunately, all Sweety thinks about is her hair do.

  3. Bill,


    I have never worried about a prenup as I make it a habit to always live in a state with fair divorce laws. I have been divorced twice - once in Tx and once in Co. In both cases the assets that we aquired while married were divided up evenly which I think is the fairest way. As a matter of fact, in both cases we both used the same lawyer!

    After my present wife and I were married, I put everything as joint owner with her. This will not affect anything in case of divorce but will assure us both that she will be able to survive if I should die.

    She has told me of her assets in China and her father has said he would give their condo to me! Means nothing except that he likes me - it is in her parents name and her name. They kind of over see her money there and raise he-- when she wants to buy more stock. But everyone is happy and that is what counts in the long run.

    I do think that you should discuss it with her before she commits to come here if you decide you want one. Good luck.


    P.S. You will never catch me living in Ca.

  4. Newday, as you can see, things differ all over the country. Does it cost $190 to get a translated copy as someone said? Seems expensive. It would not hurt to bring a copy along just in case she needs it.

    My wife said again this morning that no one ever asked for a High or GED diploma for the jr. college. CU did not either.

    Probably best to find out where she might go to school and see what the requirements are. I don't have any experience with a trade school so don't know what they require.

  5. I wrote Lou Dobbs a couple of times about the way he always refers to China as "Communist China". I explained that the only thing Communist about China was the name of the curent dynasty and that there are probably more capitalist there then in the US.

    No reply. I also asked the last time he was in China - I don't think he ever was there. Someone else also wrote him aboout it and he then had 2 experts come on who said that the Chinese govt still follows Marxist/Leninest practices but they did not see fit to say what they were.

    The way I see it, there has never been a pure Communist govt as Marx beleived that it did not need a govt! Mao thought that China was just entering Socialism and had not acheived Communism.

    Papa, BJ is about the hottest place I have ever been. Enjoy your summer. Here it got up to 62 yesterday............

    On another subject, do us all a favor and organize a peanut butter distribution center there so we can all get it. I always carry Ritz crackers and PB and find it is a great ice breaker on a train or bus. I start eating some and offer to the person next to me.

  6. I don't think that the DDS cleans teeth in China with the scraping tools but just buff them up and don't worry about what is between the teeth. She had a good cleaning done in two visits when she first got here and on her last trip to China, she had three wisdom teeth pulled. Would have been $750 here - was about $12 there. Almost paid for her trip.

    She was always careful that the DDS used new instruments on her when in China. Family members knew the two DDS she visited there. One in SH and one in NJ.

  7. You did not miss much of a race! Seven cars out in the first turn including both McLarens. It appears to have been started by JPM when he ran into the back of Kimi. There were two more out in the first turn on the restart. Nine cars finished so in two years, 15 cars have finished. I think this may finish Indy as a GP site.


    Ron is probably wondering why he let DC go.

  8. My wife brought back some of the pocket sheets (there is a French name for them) as that is what her family used and I got to like them when I was there. It is a lot easier to make the bed in the AM. Cannot dry them in the dryer as they are all cotton. It is not a question of quality but of the cotton.

    And I really messed up - my father in law sent me some underwear and and I put some in the dryer. But it shows how good a friend he is.

  9. My wife went back for the first time in the 3 years she has been here. It was the only time she had between classes. Next year I should be able ot travel with her and we will try to get to Cambosia and Tibet before going to Nanjing.

    I don't see anything unusual in someone going back for a couple of months though. Don't we all miss China?

  10. Back to the original post- I feel that humans have a need to feel better than others. No matter how simular they are, they will find some reason to discriminate.

    As for skin color, I remember in China, my now wife would walk from shady spot to shady spot on the sidewalk. Now when she is outside, she covers up and even wears a mask so she will not get dark. I look at this as the same as Americans laying in the sun to get dark only it is alot more healthy to cover up.

  11. I have traveled in China from Shanghai to Kunming, Beijing to Nanjing and the only place I have slept on a board mattress was in Zhouzhuang near Suzhou. That was a Mom and Pop affair over looking one of the canals. I slept ok.

    My wife slept on a board at home but her parents had a regular mattress. She seems to like the one we have at home here.

    In looking at the old furniture people used to use, I always wondered why the beds had no mattresses figuring that maybe they kept them in a closet like in Japan. On the the Long March, Mao and the other officers would would take the doors off of buildings where they stayed and sleep on them.

  12. Many problems arise over money in marriages. This is one of the things you should find out before, not after marriage. He should not hold it against you for asking as it is not like you are asking for money, just information for your interview.

    Other things that should be discussed is if you want kids, where do you want to live and will you both work. I am sure there are many more but the thing is you need to be open with eachother and not afraid of the other partner.

  13. I elected to start taking SS at 62 as I retired at 54 and was not too worried about money. I almost did not make it to 65 so the decision looked real good and still does. A bird in the hand etc.....

    I was not married when I made the decision but as she will try to get her 10 years of SS credits in and expects to have a good job, no problem there.

    With no bills to pay, I can live on my SS alone, but I am not alone!!!

    I have skied about 40-50 days a year, hiked many trails, and about killed myself on my Mt bike. I recommend early retirement and don't worry about missing your job as I loved mine but moved on without regret.

    Perhaps everyone should get a good check up before making the choice.

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