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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. hahaha! Yes most of Chinese women did think so . I would like to wash my clothes with my hands , and I would like to eat fresh food ( I hate frozen food ) . Here we can buy all kinds of fresh stuf like chicken , duck .... and I do think there is much germs in the refrigerator . not sperms _ I made a mistake when I talked to my husband Mark . hahaha !!! Dannie I for one am relieved to hear that my frig isn't full of sperms. That is the only place i forgot to clean before ashe got here. Hmmmm, impregnated by a piece of cold chicken. SSURRRRRrrrrrrre
  2. Actually, we should both institute a new rule. When Fang Ling and Jingwen talk, they can only use English. Yea, that's the ticket - bound to save on the phone bill to boot. NOT. WE institute a new rule???? WE??? WE???? I'm pretty sure that WE won't be making any new rules soon!! WE-hahahahahahah
  3. Nope Rick, heed don for he is wise. Your 'two days of rest' will need to wait until she has everything clean to her liking. from your description this shouldn't take more than a few weeks---keep some cheetos on hand.
  4. Frankster, ya gotta trust me on this one. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT teach her english. Before Fang ling learned English life was quiet, few questions, few comments, a near silent wife-ahhh life was good. But now, she has learned to speak Englsih and I can't get her to shutup!! "Husband, what this??? Husband, how you say..... Husband Husband Husband!!!!!!!!!!!" Hell ,the only break I get is when she is on the phone to Jingwen. HMmmmmmmmmm, gives me an idea-maybe I'll have Fang Ling teach English to Jingwen. Yuppers, that's what I'll do. No thanks neccessary, always glad to help. Trigg
  5. OK Rick here is the real deal. You might as well give up--leave it all alone. This is the truth. Nothing you do will help. She will still think it is dirty-no matter how much you clean and no matter how much you remodel etc--she will change it anyway. Before my lovely mild mannered wife (ok maybe not so mild mannered) got here i told the houskeeper to come every day for a week-she did. I then flew off to san francisco to meet my wife. I told the houskeepeer she had two days to get in there and do it better. She brought in two other people. When I got home with my SO and walked in the door I was almost busting with pride. Was this shining thing really my home. Never seen anything that clean in my life. "Husband, you lucky man have me cleaning this messy house" --first thing Fang Ling said to me. Two day later I gave her time to start cleaning.
  6. Ahh yes, the ole "You no mumbah nothing" thing. Carl, you have CRS syndrom??? (can't remember shit)
  7. Ordinal what??? Cardinal what? Adjective who??? When I was in college an English teacher told me I had dangled my participle--No problem, I immediatly zipped up and walked away. Me thinks she liked it-i got an A. Anyone else think the wife doesn't know their name. aAl my wife ever calls me is "HUSBAND"!!
  8. Rat droppings??? WRONGO, thems 'pizza raisins'
  9. You said you still have a few months--better leave that pizza and chicken for your bachelor party-both have an indefinate shelf life--me thinks.
  10. Congrats man--ain't it wonderful when a plan comes together??? Sharing in their joy??? Maybe, but me thinks you are being ganged up on---no problem though, justt say Yes'm and enjoy the ride. Trigg
  11. Nope, I don't remember--but then I've slept since then.
  12. Damn, so when I filled for AOS I sent an AOS statement with my AOS application???
  13. Actually posting it for the purpose of them copying and using it may be more difficult as it may not format but the URL I posted is a place one can download. Posting for the purpose of CFL members being able to see it and know what it is would be a piece of cake.
  14. I never sleep-waste of time. 3-4 pages would be easy to post--Just start a thread called NVC I-184 forms then post it and ask Don to pin it.
  15. How big is the packet??? I'm sure if you have a scanner the powers to be can find a place to post it. I have a scanner but i don't have a packet.
  16. Ok, that's a bit confusing--apples and oranges all on the same tree. I knew something was messed up. Ooops, it's the government we are dealing with, of course it is messed up.
  17. Are we talking about the same thing here?? http://uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/index.htm This clearly says cost=none
  18. This is from ucis website. http://uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/index.htm Please review this page before downloading this form. It may contain important changes to the instructions for completing and filing the form. The form contained here is the latest printed version. Form changes cannot be made as quickly on the printed forms as they can on this website. Therefore, we are providing notices of changes through this page to assist you with the latest information. You may use the form provided here, but be sure to follow any special instructions listed on this page. Failure to follow these instructions may result in your application or petition being delayed or denied. You may also wish to read our General Instructions on forms. You will need Acrobat Reader to view or print these forms in Portable Document Format (PDF). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: I-864, Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the Act Instructions: Purpose of Form: To show that an intending immigrant has adequate means of financial support and is not likely to become a public charge. Number of Pages: 10 Edition Date: 11/05/01. 9/26/00, 1/21/98 also acceptable Where to File: Give the completed affidavit of support with all required documentation to the sponsored immigrant for submission to either a Consular Officer with Form OF-230, Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration, or an Immigration Officer with Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. This form must be signed before a notary public or a Consular or Immigration Officer. Filing Fee: None Special Instructions: All sponsors must submit the following documentation with their I-864: Proof of current employment or self employment Your individual Federal income tax returns for the most recent 3 tax years, or an explanation if fewer than 3 are submitted. Your W-2s or 1099 forms may also be required, see the I-864 instructions for details. If you are using the income of persons in your household or dependents to qualify as a sponsor, you must also submit a separate Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member, for each person whose income you will use. Download: I-864 (PDF, 160 KB) Other Information: 2002 Poverty Guidelines How Do I File an Affidavit of Support for a Relative? State Department Information on the Affidavit of Support Last Modified 08/18/2003
  19. While driving down the road last summer the wife spots a garage sale-she makes me stop and promptly buys a 1 quart coffe cup for 25 cents. she sees another down the road and asks "what they call this" I said 'Garbage sale" Now, early every saturday morning, weather permiting, she tells her stupid husband " Old man, you take me buy garbageee today!" Soooooooo, i have a house full of 25-50 cent GARBAGEEEEE
  20. Hell, i'm still trying to explain h him Vs.she her. Sometimes my wife talks to her friends about me and says "my husband, she good man".. did I have an operation i didn't know about??? Her new word for the day 'obese' Being a few pounds North of slim i gotta tell you--her learning such things in english is not all that funny. Ahhhh for the good ole days when the only english she knew was "husband handsome man" ( I taught her that)
  21. could be???? I dunno-i only did I-184 in conection to AOS form I-465
  22. World peace IS very relative to immigration and therefore CFL
  23. I-184 has no fee. for me it was part of AOS proof of income but no fee associated with it above AOS fee.
  24. 2 months at NVC is normal. You can call them. When they sent mine to GZ they didn't let me know for another 3 weeks.
  25. Uh OH!!!!! Her we go again!!! Watch what ya wish for!!!
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