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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Hey Lee!!!! We did the interview a couple weekds ago. Fortunatley Syl asnd her husband Hengli came to our rescue and provided us with a translator. The interview was very straight forward but I dounbt we could have done it without the use of Syls hubby. My wife anwsered many of the questions in English but i could not have gotten her to understand things like "have you ever tried to over throw the US governement" If you have a long drive to the UCIS interview I would strongly suggest you find a translator (maybe the local chinese commmunity or local college). This is one of the few things that you simply can't mail in and may cause you to need to come back. Our drive was 500 miles round trip so taking the chance was out of the question. Good luck man, I can't tell you how good it feels once the green card is issued--It's a closure thing!!
  2. Say it ain't so frank, say it ain't so!! C'mon Frankster. You can do this thing. Repeat after me "I think I can, I think I can I think I can"
  3. Hey Dude, great info. We will have to try it. do you know the name of the place. I'm not sure where Bell Rd intersects old Murfreesboro Rd. Is that south of the city like near 100 oaks mall??
  4. Yea guys, C'mon, dig into that wallet and get your tickets. Frank, Oh Frank, I know for a fact that Jingwen wants to go to Portland!!! No more excuses man!!! Buy those tickets and join the southern contingent in straightening out these left coasters. I spoke with Carl on the phone yesterday and he insures me that Portland has a good sheep population-we can change that!!
  5. Well alright then cosmo dude but i hope you washed it real gooooood!!!!
  6. We didn't have any hand written mail and had no problems. Chances are they will never look anyway but hand written is not a requirement.
  7. trust me on this one. SSN is NOT guaranteed. My wife came on a K1. It was very important that she have a SSN in that her insurance is through the VA as is a stipend I get based on dependents. One small mistake by one of the SSA workers and 11 months later we finnaly had a SSN. Every story I read about the SSA proves that even GZ has people around with less competence than them. good luck!
  8. Nicley put-all three of you. Nothing needs be added.
  9. When you apply for an SSN using the married name, you effectily have changed her name. This is less confusing as you will no longer get into the first name/last name vs. surrname/given name nightmare. I did it this way and had no problems with the I-485 and AOS. Actually I applied for AOS before we had the SSN but I used her married name (my last name) and everything went smoothly
  10. Fresh goat milk isn't new to me. I once had a milk goat-ugliest thing I ever owned (except my second ex wife). Soooo, to get to your room I simply follow the goat droppings??? Alrighty Ya'll, the south and the left coast is partially represented. What happenned to the 30 or more who said they are coming??? I spent my china vacation money to come to this thing so I could straighten you all out on the big sheep/goat debate and debut the new Triggctionary (on sale soon) . aAso, speeling lessons will be available at the hotel lobby lounge. SOoooooooooooooooooooooo, who's got the nerve to come and play show and tell with us??? C'mom Ya'll, this is a real live national get together!!!! Participants will go home as changed individuals--I GUARANTEE IT!!
  11. Wahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First time I have ever heard the words 'dress warmer' in conjuntion with GZ. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Actually Dan, the AOS interview we went through was more like a real open ended question type of thing that would stand a better chance of getting to the depth of a relationship. It would possibly help deter more visa fraud if something similar was conducted in GZ instead of the standard five question formality.
  13. HUH???? When I made my rservations they promised me that no goats or anyone affiliated with said same would be allowed. Last time i spring for an $18 dollar room!!!!!!!
  14. Can do Sarge! I'm a tough ole ranger but dayum (sniffle sniffle) they are makin fun of me(sniffle whine sniffle) cuzz they say I'm (blubbering out loud) OLD (sniffle). male 'em stop Sarge-make em stop (Waaaaa Waaaaa)
  15. It should be noted that OSU's Sheep Research Center contributed greatly to finding one of the new uses for sheep......... ......................................................Wool As did I!!
  16. Days inn city center??? that's were I booked. I heard that others were staying there too---and it's cheap.
  17. I'll be there on the 22cnd. At great risk to life and limb I bought the tickets today. Wifey said " You use too much money" but I don't think she will mop slap me on my 35th birthday. so, now that I have spent 1/2 the national debt to come to Portland, I excpect everyone to be there!!! were is everyone staying???
  18. Arrrrrrrrrrggggggggg!! this elderly imposter Trigg is giving me a bad name (like I needed help). Anyone that old should be napping about now. Ummmmmmmm, I'm getting sleepy. thanks guy-I think!?!?!?
  19. Nope, she only cooks Chinese with the exception of microwaved corn dogs. she loves em.
  20. Yes Squeakster, your a trail blazin' son of a gun you are!!!
  21. Ya best make me and Fang Ling a maybe on the list. Are you saying you withdraw from the Sheep/Goat debate to be decided at the CRG at 2:00 (a bit past high noon). Did Wyatt find something else to do the day of the OK corral shoot out? Wyatt will be there and he'll be packin'!!!
  22. Thanks Carl. Thanks Robert. Thanks Danny Boy. I think you are mistaken though. The Trigg with the birthday is a different Trigg, an older Trigg who occasionally misrepresents himself as the real and younger Trigg-me. I hate when they do that.
  23. Yea, it's to work before she gets the green card and in some cases to get a SSN.
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