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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. BuuuuYAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa!!! Cool Phil!!!! looking forward to seeing you there dude!!!! Wahoooooooooooooooooo!!! Who's next???? C'mon, you know you wana be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. If my wife thought it was messy when I showed it to her, she should have seen it when the cleanin' lady had a week off!!!!
  3. We did pretty much the same as Frank. Yahoo messenger and the webcam thing. Often way into the wee hours of the mornings. it now seems funny o me. she spoke very little English and probobly half our webcam communicationwas done using the emoticon smiley things. She would often make me move the webcam around so she could see the house and how much of a "messy man" I am. The only thing tht has changed is now I don't have to point the camera for her to say "messy man"--Oh, and we don'tuse emoticans too much now B)
  4. The last time I was in Zhanjiang the Amaerican navy was givin shore leave-a first in China I think. We were sitting in a restaraunt eating-Myself, wife , her mother and a friend who spoke fair English. About 20 sailors of all colors came in and we started a conversation. They wanted to know about the night spots so my friend started talking. He was nervous and Umm, you know you know-or the Chinese version which sounds excactly like the ethnic slur for blacks. I hadn't heard this before and thought for sure that he was going to start an international incident. One of the sailors asked me if all Chinese were predjudiced. I asked my friend what was up and he explained it was the Umm thing and often said. The sailor got a good laugh--damned good thing he was a huge man!
  5. No two women are the same and each adjusts in there own way. Having said all that I think I can safely say that most have gone though hard times in the adjustment phase. Seems like the first months or so is good with some sadness due to homesickness. Many have reported that then there seems to be a downhill slide after that that reverses itself in time, maybe 6 months or longer. Welcome to our world friend. as far as hounding you for the green card--YUP! It appears to be an ego thing or something. i know several of the wives who hounded their hubby to get the elusive green card-my wife was no exception. My knee jerk thought was that maybe they get it and run off. Well, my darlin is still here and so are the others. We talk endlessly about how good it is--and it is that. we rarely say much about how much dedication it takes-but it does my friend. Hang tough-it has the potential to get VERY VERY good-most times it does just that.
  6. Oh, how sweet it is!!!! i'm jelous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  7. Sounds like they need the passports so they can put the visa stamp in them. They wouldn't ask to see her if nothing has changed. Sounds like someone is gonna get a visa to me!!!!!!
  8. Ken, I think everyone who has had their SO with them in the US will agree that the first year is more than just a little difficult. My wife is one of the strongest humans I have ever met (she has to be, she puts up with me) and she, like so many others, has had her tough times. Like Frank said, her and his wife talk regularly to compare notes and maybe even complain about their hubbies bad habits. This has been a more than cathartic for my wife, it's been a saving grace. It's more than simple homesickness, it is more like world sickness as they have given up an entirely different world to come here. It sounds like you have covered all the bases in getting her assimilated into her new life but like every major life's change you can look at between 1-3 years for it to resolve. I liken it to the grieving process as our SOs certainly have a sense of loss that is akin to loosing a loved one. A comment you made on another post when you discussed purchasing some aid in learning English had me concerned a bit then so this post doesn't take me by surprise. When you said your wife was learning English, and then lost all interest, the words major depression immediately came to mind. Maybe it's just the old shrink blood coming out in me but hell man such a change surely could lead into a chronic depression. If you want to explore that aspect a little deeper PM me and we'll take it from there. Trigg
  9. Been a lot of this going around lately--my wahoer is getting tired but me thinks I have one left. So here goes!! WAAAAAaaaaahhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
  10. I'll certainly agree that the Ill informed public would see it this way. Actually it kinda makes sense. If Joe average, who has no reason to put much thought into the matter, thinks that an illegal alien may take his job or be a burden on his taxes what would make him believe that a legal alien would not do the same thing?
  11. Ooohhhhhhh, me thinks I hear the fat lady singing. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Now get her home and get to the Oregon thing!! I'll help you teach her proper English grammer!!
  12. Some how I am finding a hard time getting your point. are you saying that those who are pro immigration, legal or otherwise, are harming our cause and those against immigration are helping our cause?? Talk about spin!! It is likely the other way. Those who are firmly against the illegal aliens would be more likely to demand the same things that cause us long delays and beaurocratic nightmares thus holding up thousands of legal minded people in order to keep out the few law breakers who they catch attempting to use the system for illegal means. Once again I restate that which I have stated many time-- WHERE YOU STAND DEPENDS LARGLEY ON WHERE YOU SIT!!!
  13. OK OK OK, I will deal with my wife screaming "Too expensive husband". She recently had a terrible case of buyers remorse after we went out for a nice steak dinner and she saw the bill. BUT, does Jakes have a dress code?? I have already put away the long pants for the remainder of the summer. I am willing to break out the sneakers and maybe even a pair of clean socks for the occasion but a man can only compromise himself so much!
  14. I'm gonna buy a dictionary and figure out what you just said. If you do let us all know we have been trying to figure it out for weeks.
  15. It'll be fun me thinks and i am giving free spelling lessons to all who apply!!
  16. Yuppers, I'll email her and let her know. Of course that depends on if she can do the Chinese typing. My darlin' isn't good enough at the pin yin thing to do it that way.
  17. She was on the Candle about 15 minutes ago. She emailed me around two weeks ago and said she is getting another job and that she is doing great.
  18. How are things going??? Haven't heard form you in a long time. How's Cindy??
  19. Let us know how well it works Ken. i may be interested in such a thing.
  20. Phil, you need to get your big hiney on that skooter and get up to the Portland thing the 26th. I can guarentee that no one will go home unchanged!!!!!!!!!
  21. Remember this always. Most of us feel the same way. The great benifit you will get when you try to make them happy is them giving you the same respect--Works kinda nice that way.
  22. Tony, the AOS thing is probably the easiest thing in the whole process. Well at least she is here anyway. It is also the most rewarding. When you get the Green Card in the mail it is an amazing feeling. We shrink types like to call t closure but what it really is is a halt to the insanity. Soon you will look back on the entire experience and think " It wasn't really that bad". Then do a quick reallity check and tell yourself "hell yes it was that bad. Those damned m@$%$%%@%rs!!!"
  23. Yea, what dan said and more. When meeting my wife the best possible thing to say is. "Ah, Trigg's wife, your husband has said so many nice things about you" The wrong thing to say is, "Ah, Trigg's old lady, How much did Trigg spend to come to Oregon? Is it true what Trigg says, that he is the lord of his house and you better listen to him?"
  24. After getting my mouth watering for that 1800's seafood place as a BBQ appetizer you mean it isn't definite? As I undeerstand it we are going to a place named jakes for seafood saturday night. Right??? Anyone know??? Anyone care?? Don, i think most are trying to stay at the Days in City Center Saturday night. I know we are. C'mon in and I'll force myself to let you by a beer.
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