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Everything posted by sysy

  1. GOP Thiart, District 4 in Wichita .... in KS .. His staff is a joke Hmm, perhaps your congressman copied from his congressman Back scratching at it's finest not to mention it takes a 4th grader to write a letter template.
  2. Finally a response with positive action and concreate results. But there are still holes in the way they process visa issuances. Only 432 visas were picked up out of 500 prepared. What happened to the 68 not picked up? I bet those people either missed their flights or did not get EMS at all. We all know the snail mail, or its turbo version (EMS), is not all that reliable. The consulate should have allowed anyone with valid ID to pickup visa without the EMS notice, if the visa is ready for pickup.
  3. I can't believe, as a president, he mentioned God in such a way. He probably still believes the earth has existed for only 2002 years, oh 2001, because the Christian calendar started at year 1 .
  4. Well, my Democrat senators don’t care either. At least Trent Lott could conveniently say, if you did not marry someone from China, “we wouldn’t have had all these problems, either.”
  5. Here is a piece from Market Place on NPR http://marketplace.org/shows/2002/12/20_mpp.html "..... Dimsdale: "Stuart Patt, a spokesman for the Consular Affairs Bureau at the State Department, acknowledges the visa reviews did originally create lengthy delays. But he says more reviewers are now on the job." Patt: "Most cases, overwhelmingly most, should be resolved in less than a month -- in fact, maybe even within a couple weeks." ...... " It of course refers to business visas. Perhaps K visas are either not "time sensitive", or belong to the underwhelming part. Couple of weeks! he must be kidding me!
  6. I will learn how to operate a VCR. "A husband that can also program a VCR. Ha"
  7. Great idea. Let democracy flourish in a less likely place. In fact, Chinese media is very good at exposing the dark side of the US government.
  8. From 001, the latest news is the girl, who was supposed to get the visa last Friday, was once again turned away by GUZ after more than one hour of waiting, along with some others with the visa pickup notice. They were not even sure tomorrow the visa would be ready. If it is true, this is truly outrageous, to say the least. If after 4 months of “preparation” this is all GUZ can do, what kind of people we are dealing with! They have absolutely no sense of fairness at all. Here is a call I posted on G7 board earlier: I wonder if there are courageous lawyers willing to take on DOS in a class action lawsuit, to recover some of the economic damages we suffered. We may never know what is behind the government’s door that delayed the security clearance. What we do know is, many of us are repeatedly lied to by the DOS. If Michael Jackson can be sued for no show, why can’t the government be subject to the same standard? And there is real money at stake: Most, if not all K1 and green card applicants will lose the tax exemption/deduction for the 2002 tax year. Assuming the lawyer gets $1000 tax refund from each family, and if there are 10,000 families from China and Russia affected, we are looking at $10 million! That’s no pocket change even for a high-powered attorney. If we cannot claim the money that’s rightfully ours, at least the lost money could make a splash in the news circle.
  9. OK, here is the real deal, in plan English, or so I hope. For most people, home networking only means file sharing, unless you want to play Doom on two computers across the room. Well, perhaps Eric and Yuhui will, in a few days If file sharing is not sufficient, I am afraid we have to speak Microsoftish, a.k.a. language by Monopolist. The way it goes, Microsopftish will be above the country in a few years.
  10. Eric, I make a living working on computers, but still can’t quite figure out how to do home networking with Microsoft stuff. They made the trivial tasks very untrivial, such as DOS:) Hmm, did I heard that somewhere else? If all you need is to share files, I suggest you simply buy a USB memory module (or the memory card from your digital camera, with a USB reader) , then use it to transfer files as you would with floppy disks. These memory cards are normally 64MB+, enough for almost any kind of file transfer.
  11. Haha, yeh, keep em coming. Here are my 2 cents. 6/ In two years, Can buy a DVD in New York with the price of a U.S First Class stamp!
  12. This is even funnier than the last one. You should host your own show -- The Night show with Eric and Yuhui -- on CSPN.
  13. The real test is, someone with a K visa pending and gets a B visa afterwards. I have not heard any, even from US friendly countries. The fact is, again, the VO has absolute power to deny a visa, and I suppose they do in such cases, even though it’s not written in the law.
  14. Hi, nice to see everyone here. And nice site. Robert, very nice letter, count me in. Victoria, "go-ahead" please. Not to delay the time by which the letter is sent, no revision should be considered. Perhaps we could also send a follow-up letter to offer help -- making coffee, or tea, buying glues in case they run out, policing the interview line, volunteering to answer the phones, or sending Christmas gifts for the staff members, so they can concentrate on doing their work. I know government does not take bribes, but some kind of fee to pay for overtime sounds reasonable to me.
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